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Échantillons de traduction proposés: 1
espagnol vers anglais: Parestesias con diferentes técnicas de anestesia subaracnoidea en la cesárea
Texte source - espagnol Resumen:
Objetivo: Determinar el porcentaje de parestesias usando diferentes técnicas de punción subaracnoidea con una aguja Whitacre 27-G.
Material y Método: Se realizaron diferentes técnicas de punción subaracnoidea en 224 cesáreas electivas. Estudio simple ciego, prospectivo y alcatorizado distribuido en 4 grupos de 56 pacientes cada uno. Grupo 1-punción epidural-subaracnoidea combinada, usando aguja espinal con fiador; grupo 2: punción epidural-subaracnoidea combinada, usando aguja espinal sin fiador; Grupo 3: punción subaracnoidea sin fiador; grupo 4: punción subaracnoidea con fiador hasta milímetros antes de llegar al saco dural, en que s retira el fiador.
Resultados: Los pacientes que presentaron parestesias fueron 23,11,16 y 5 en los grupos 1,2,3 y 4 respectivemente. Las parestesias afectaron a diferentes raíces nerviosas. en 2, 11, 29 y 13 casos afectaron a raíces nerviosas cuarta y quinta lumbar, primera y segunda sacra respectivamente. El riesgo de parestesias fue 7; 2,5 y 4 veces mayor en los grupos 1, 2 y 3 con respecto al grupo 4.
Conclusiones: La punció epidural-subaracnoidea combinada presenta mayor número de parestesias que la punción subaracnoidea simple, posiblemente porque la punción lumbar se realiza sobre un saco dural, previamente deformado por el "efecto tienda" que orginia previamente la aguja epidural. La punción subaracnoidea lenta y ininterrumpida, retirando el fiador milímetros antes de llegar al saco dural origina un menor número de parestesias.
Traduction - anglais Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group Translation Sheet
1. Publication details
F. Palacio Abizanda, M. A. Reiina, I. Fornet Ruiz, A. López Garcia, M. A. López López, P. Morillas Sendín
Title (in English):
Paresthesia in various spinal anesthesia techniques for caesarean section
Spanish Anaesthesiology and Reanimation Journal, year 2007; volume 54; p529-p536
2. Materials and Methods
Is there any information on how the randomisation sequence was generated?
The only information given is that the sequence was done on those women who required a caesarean section. There were no significant differences between age or the Body Mass Index.
Is the allocation to the treatment group(s) described?
The women were split into 4 equal groups (56 in each one)
What was the intervention/treatment?
The subarachnoid puncture was always administered when the patient was sitting, in the inter-vertebral space which was on, or immediately above the imaginary line which runs between the upper edges of both iliac crests.
On Group 1 a normal combined epidural-subarachnoid technique was performed, where, after locating the epidural space, the puncture of the dural sac was done, advancing the needle approximately 2-3 mm, with the stylet inserted and the lumen of the needle covered.
On Group 2 the same technique was administered, however the puncture of the sac was done with the stylet of the needle taken out and with the lumen of the needle uncovered.
In both the above groups, the epidural space was found using the “loss of resistance” technique using a low resistance syringe full of air.
On group 3, a normal subarachnoid anaesthesia technique was performed. Through a 20 gauge bevelled introducing needle, a 27 gauge Whitacre needle was administered with the stylet inserted and the lumen of the needle covered.
Under the conditions, a traditional lumber puncture was carried out with a step by step insertion of the needle, extracting the stylet when it was considered necessary to insure the flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid.
On Group 4, the same technique was used but with slight modifications. 27 gauge needle, with the stylet in place, in a 20-gauge introducer inserted until it deep in the interspinal ligaments. Millimetres before touching the dural sac, the stylet was retracted and the lumen was left in place. The needle was inserted slowly and without coming into contact with any obstacle until making sure that the Cerebrospinal Fluid was in the transparent tube of the needle. At this moment, the further insertion of the needle was halted, and the local anaesthetic was administered.
Number of patients involved?
At what stage of pregnancy are they?
This information is not given in the study
Age groups if given (please give SMDs ( /- values if reported)
Average age – 32 years old
Where were the patients recruited from?
This information is not given in the study
Was the treatment blinded?
Are the allocation concealment methods described? If so, what are they?
The allocation concealment methods as such are not described, however it is mentioned that the 4 anaesthetists who administered the subarachnoid punctures had no knowledge of the objective of the study.
What was treatment/intervention compared with (placebo or conventional therapies)?
There is no comparison made in the paper.
Where did the study take place (city, multi-centre, hospital, community)?
This information is not given
How long did the trial last for?
Between January 2005 – November 2006 (22 Months)
Was there a follow-up period? If yes, how long did it last for?
This information is not given
What were the inclusion/exclusion criteria?
The inclusion criteria were any women who were obstetric patients and who were scheduled to have a caesarean section.
Exclusion criteria were any women who; were specifically advised against having a subarachnoid anaesthesia administered, any previous neurological history, or systemic illnesses related with neuropathy.
What was the dosage involved (if the treatment was pharmacological)?
The dosage of the anaesthetic is not given, however we are told about the needles used. In group 1 and 2 a combined epidural-subarachnoid anaesthetic, Espocan, tray is used, with a 27 gauge Pencan “pencil point” needle and an 18 gauge Tuohy Perican needle.
In Group 3 and 4 a 27 gauge Whitacre “pencil point” needle was used.
What were the dosages for the control/placebo group?
There was no control group.
3. Results
How were the baseline measurements recorded?
In the comparison of the qualitative data between 2 groups, the “t” Student test was used, for independent data, as parametric proof, and the U test of Mann Whitney as non parametric proof, depending on the distribution of the data.
In the comparison of data between more than 2 groups, the analysis of the variance of a factor was used as proof. The logistical regression model was used in order to evaluate the risks of paresthesia associated with each group, as much univariate (not adjusted) as multivariate, adjusting to other factors associated with paresthesia (number of attempts, distance between the skin and the epidural).
All statistical tests were considered bilateral with the data being analysed with the statistical program SPSS 9.0. The qualitative data was compared by the Chi-squared test or the Fisher’s exact test.
What were the outcome measures?
Paresthesia developed in 23, 11, 16 and 5 patients in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Various nerve roots were affected. In 2 and 11 cases the fourth and fifth lumbar nerve roots were affected in groups 1 and 2 respectively; in 29 and 13 cases, the first and second sacral nerve roots were affected in groups 3 and 4 respectively. In comparison with group 4, the risk of paresthesia was 7, 2.5 and 4 times greater in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Over what period were values recorded for outcome measures?
This information is not given
Were there any drop outs or withdrawals reported? If so, how many in each group?
There were no drop outs or withdrawals reported.
All data is in the graphs within the paper. The only data not within these graphs I have placed in the table below.
Comparing the results found by other authors using the classic technique, similar to that used in groups 1
Années d'expérience en traduction : 16. Inscrit à : May 2009.
I have recently graduated from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh where I was awarded a 2:1 in an MA in Interpreting (Conference, Liaison and Simultaneous) and Translating in French and Spanish.
Throughout the degree I gained a vast amount of knowledge in international current affairs as well as economic and environmental matters. My interpretation experience covers all these areas plus others such as judicial matters, agricultural matters and varied topics connected with the business sector.
I also translated a wide variety of texts which again take in the areas of international current affairs (political, peace treaties, NGO development work, etc.), economic (IMF/WB texts, Economist magazine texts, Oxfam reports, etc.) and environmental matters (Qulaity newspaper articles, NGO reports, etc.). Furthermore, through my voluntary participation in I gained experience in tranlsating several 5000 word medical texts for the University of Liverpool and also a 1500 word philosophical text for the City Montesorri School.
I have a fantastic passion for languages and that is consistently reflected in my high standard of work. I am very adaptable to any subject area and will ensure to be up to date in all events concerning the field of the translatable or interpretable material.
I am also very reliable and strive to provide the best quality of service for clients, always ensuring punctuality in completion of translations, asking for confirmation if ever unsure of a piece of spoken or written material and politeness when dealing with clients.
I very much look forward to working with you very soon.
Mots clés : spanish, french, political, economic, medical, environmental, engineering