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Langues de travail :
italien vers roumain
français vers roumain
roumain (monolingue)

Monica Tuduce
technical economics financial legal CAT

Heure locale : 17:15 CET (GMT+1)

Langue maternelle : roumain 
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Message de l'utilisateur
Value every word
Type de compte Traducteur et/ou interprète indépendant, Identity Verified Utilisateur confirmé du site
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Transcription
Spécialisé en :
Entreprise / commerceOrdinateurs : logiciels
Cosmétiques / produits de beautéÉconomie
Ingénierie (général)Ingénierie : industriel
Mécanique / génie mécaniquePapier / fabrication
Org / dév. / coop internationaleTourisme et voyages


Activité KudoZ (PRO) Points PRO : 2424, Réponses aux questions : 792, Questions posées : 36
Historique des projets 13 projets indiqués

Portefeuille Échantillons de traduction proposés: 5
Glossaires FR-RO Constructions, FR-RO Financial , FR-RO Legal, FR-RO Medical-Chemical, FR<RO Mechanical, IT,FR-RO technical-engineering, IT-RO Auto, IT-RO Finanza, IT<RO Construction, IT<RO Legale

Études de traduction Bachelor's degree - "Babes-Bolyai" University, School of Letters
Expérience Années d'expérience en traduction : 27. Inscrit à ProZ.com : Apr 2005.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Références italien vers roumain (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
français vers roumain (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
roumain (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
italien vers roumain (Romania: Filologie - UBB, verified)
français vers roumain (Romania: Filologie - UBB, verified)

Affiliations ATR
Logiciels Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ApSIC Tools - Xbench, IZAarc, Subtitle Workshop, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Messages forum 230 forum posts
CV/Resume Please write to me an e-mail and I will send you my CV right away.
Events and training
Pratiques professionnelles Monica Tuduce respecte les pratiques professionnelles ProZ.com's - Liste des pratiques (v1.1).
Value every word

My tagline – Value every word – has multiple meanings:

From the translator’s point of view – that is myself –, it illustrates the passion for meanings: each word has its value and it has to be reflected in the target message, although without sticking literally to the original text. The message has to flow in the target language, so that the reader won’t even notice that it’s a translation.
From the client’s point of view – that would be you, the seeker of a translation service –, he has to know that a good translation is the result of an accurate and precise work, doubled by a native talent and a true passion – hence, it has an incontestable value, which needs to be reflected in the final cost.

Therefore, when you send me a request for an estimate, I am kindly inviting you to indicate all relevant information pertaining to your project, such as:
- the document which has to be translated
- the target public
- your desired deadline
- a stylistic guide and/or a glossary (if needed) – Please, do not expect me to guess your inner thoughts and your most specific requirements.

My quotation will take into account all these aspects.

Communication is the engine of evolution: of civilization, culture, economy, politics and human relationships.
Being able to communicate with your partners
– life partner, business partner or political partner –
is extremely important.
To achieve this, you don't need to learn everybody's language.

The translator is the one who makes your communication possible.

Specializing in certain fields is a continuous work, which doesn't include only learning meaningless separate words.
The word must have its own life, shape, image; it must be validated by a specialist.
Educational background
Since June 1998
BA - Major in the Italian language and literature and Minor in the French language and literature, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Since June 2009
MA - Specialization: “Droit privé comparé” (Comparative private law). Joint degree accreditation from Université “Jean Monnet” from Saint-Etienne, France and the Faculty of Law, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Additional qualifications/courses
Advanced Italian language training course, - “Università per Stranieri”, Perugia, Italy (1997).
Sworn translator for Italian and French – licensed by the Romanian Ministry of Justice (2000)

Professional experience
My 7 years activity as an in-house translator in various manufacturing companies was essential for my work.
I decided then to dedicate my entire activity to translations, as a full-time freelance translator.
I have specialized in fields such as:
** Technical
- mechanical
- engineering
- tools
- mechanical industry
- paper industry
- textile industry
- clothing, fashion
- woodworking and furniture industry
- programming
- varnishing and painting products
- automotive
- hot air generators
- software and hardware documentation
- snow chains for tyres catalogues
- users manuals for all industries above: knitting machines, folding and gluing machines, saws, grinding machines, lathes, CNC, milling machines, drying machines, mobile elevator working and load-lifting platform, UV plants, safety data sheet, etc.
** Business, commerce, economics
- commercial contracts
- invoices
- statements
- statements of objections
** Software, website localization
** Legal
- various types of contracts
- power of attorney
- courts' decisions
**Cosmetics, beauty products
- specifications for beauty products
** Alimentary products
- product information sheet
** Sworn translations
- various types of certificates
- diplomas
- transcripts

Services provided Translation
Transcription of audio files, with another value-added service - the possibility of improving the sound quality in case of bad recordings
Recent projects
From Italian into Romanian
Job type – Translation – Users manuals + software manuals for tools and machinery for mechanical industry
Volume: 600,000 words
Continuous project, May 1998-2005

From Italian into Romanian
Job type – Translation –Users manuals for automotive
Volume: 30,000 words
Completed: June 2006

From Italian into Romanian
Job type – Translation – Users manuals + software manuals for tools and machinery for wood and similar materials industry
Volume: 300,000 words
Continuous project, started in June 2005

From French into Romanian
Job type – Translation – Economics and commerce, financial for petroleum and electricity industry
Volume: 20,000 words
Continuous project, started in October 2006.

From French into Romanian
Job type – Translation – Consolidated accounts – financial, human resources.
Volume: 13,000 words
April 2007.

From Italian into Romanian
Job type – Translation – Manual for hot air generator
Volume: 11,000 words.
January 2008.

From Italian into Romanian
Job type – Translation – Manual for Mobile elevator working and load-lifting platform
Volume: 10,000 words.
April 2008.

Daily output 2.100 – 3.000 words/ day.

Feel free to contact me for any translation related to my fields of expertise.
I guarantee maximum professionalism.

Skype Me™! CounterData.com

gold coast
gold coast Counter


Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.

Total des points gagnés: 2492
Points de niveau PRO: 2424

Principales langues (PRO)
italien vers roumain1238
français vers roumain536
roumain vers italien364
roumain vers français234
Points dans une paire de plus >
Principaux domaines généraux (PRO)
Technique / Génie810
Droit / Brevets626
Affaires / Finance427
Art / Littérature60
Points dans 4 domaines de plus >
Principaux domaines spécifiques (PRO)
Droit (général)445
Mécanique / génie mécanique258
Construction / génie civil216
Droit : contrat(s)193
Finance (général)168
Ingénierie (général)115
Points dans 55 domaines de plus >

Afficher tous les points gagnés >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects13
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Software localization1
Website localization1
Language pairs
italien vers roumain8
français vers roumain5
Specialty fields
TI (technologie de l'information)2
Industrie automobile / voitures et camions2
Entreprise / commerce2
Finance (général)2
Droit : contrat(s)1
Org / dév. / coop internationale1
Ordinateurs : logiciels1
Sciences sociales, sociologie, éthique, etc.1
Environnement et écologie1
Construction / génie civil1
Enseignement / pédagogie1
Ressources humaines1
Cosmétiques / produits de beauté1
Other fields
Chimie / génie chim.2
Foresterie / bois / bois d'œuvre1
Génie et sciences pétrolières1
Mots clés : romanian, romeno, roumain, italian, italiano, italien, french, francese, français, translation. See more.romanian, romeno, roumain, italian, italiano, italien, french, francese, français, translation, traduzioni, traductions, art, arte, art, business, affari, affaires, commerce, computers, computer, ordinateurs, cosmetics, cosmetici, cosmétique, beauty, prodotti bellezza, produits de beauté, education, educazione, éducation, economics, economia, économie, engineering, ingegneria, ingénierie, environement, ambiente, environnement, history, storia, histoire, industrial, industria, industrie, legal, legale, légal, linguistics, linguistica, linguistique, legal translations, marketing, mechanics, meccanica, mécanique, user-manuals, manuali d'uso, manuels d'utilisation, machines-tools, macchine-utensili, machine-outils, paper, carta, papier, paper manufacturing, produttori carta e cartone, certificates, certificati, certificates, diplomas, diplomi, diplômes, licenses, licenze, tourism, turismo, tourisme, traductions juridiques, traduceri juridice, traduzioni legali, traduzioni giuridiche, traduzioni tecniche, traductions techniques, traduceri tehnice, transportation, trasporti, transports, textiles, tessile, textile.. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Jul 28, 2023

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