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français vers anglais: Manuel de référence - modules Perl/ooDoc General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Ordinateurs : logiciels
Texte source - français Ici, nous avons deux objets Documents $c et $s, le premier nous permettant de traiter le corps du document et le second les styles et la mise en page (les valeurs "content" st "styles" données en paramètre "member" sont reconnues). En réalité, l'objet $c peut aussi gérer des styles, car la plupart des styles automatiques sont dans l'espace office:document-content. Et l'objet $s peut, d'une certaine manière, gérer aussi du contenu, puisque les entêtes et pieds de pages peuvent contenir du texte et des images. Mais tous deux sont de classe OpenOffice::OODoc::Document, et chacun dispose donc des mêmes méthodes que l'autre, définies dans les classes Text, Image, Styles et dans la classe Document elle-même.
Il serait en revanche totalement absurde (voire dangereux) de créer deux objets XPath associés au même membre de la même archive. En plus d'un gaspillage de mémoire sans aucun avantage fonctionnel, cela entraînerait des collisions et des incohérences en cas de mise à jour.
Traduction - anglais Here we have two Document objects $c and $s, the first of which allows us to handle the body of the document and the second the styles and page layout (the parameters "content" and "styles" are known values). In reality, the $c object can also handle styles as most of the automatic styles are in the office:document-content space. The $s object can also handle some content since headers and footers contain text and images. Still, both are OpenOffice::OODoc::Document classes and are able to use the same methods as each other, as defined in the Text, Image, Styles and Document classes themselves.
On the other hand, it would be totally absurd, even dangerous, to create two XPath objects associated with the same element of the same archive. Not only would it be a waste of memory without any functional advantage but would lead to collisions and inconsistencies when they both try to update.
italien vers anglais: Tutti i segreti dello IOR General field: Sciences sociales Detailed field: Sciences sociales, sociologie, éthique, etc.
Texte source - italien Da vent'anni, quando si chiuse il processo per lo scandalo del Banco Ambrosiano, lo Ior è un buco nero in cui nessuno osa guardare. Per uscire dal crac che aveva rovinato decine di migliaia di famiglie, la banca vaticana versò 406 milioni di dollari ai liquidatori. Meno di un quarto rispetto ai 1.159 milioni di dollari dovuti secondo l'allora ministro del Tesoro, Beniamino Andreatta. Lo scandalo fu accompagnato da infinite leggende e da una scia di cadaveri eccellenti. Michele Sindona avvelenato nel carcere di Voghera, Roberto Calvi impiccato sotto il ponte dei Frati Neri a Londra, il giudice istruttore Emilio Alessandrini ucciso dai colpi di Prima Linea, l'avvocato Giorgio Ambrosoli freddato da un killer della mafia venuto dall'America al portone di casa.
Traduction - anglais The court case following the Banco Ambrosiano scandal closed twenty years ago now, and since then the IOR has been a black hole into which no one dare look. To extricate itself from the bank’s collapse which had ruined tens of thousands of families, the Vatican Bank paid out US$406 million to the receivers. According to the then Treasury Minister Beniamino Andreatta, this was less than a quarter of the US$1159 million owing. The scandal gave rise to innumerable legends and has left many noble corpses in its wake. Michele Sindona was found poisoned in Voghera prison, Roberto Calvi hanging under Blackfriars Bridge, investigating magistrate Emilio Alessandrini killed by left-wing terrorist group Prima Linea, lawyer Giorgio Ambrosoli silenced by an American mafia killer on his doorstep.
Études de traduction
Master's degree - Chartered Institute of Linguists
Années d'expérience en traduction : 24. Inscrit à : Feb 2009. Devenu membre en : Sep 2015.
français vers anglais (City University London) français vers anglais (Birkbeck College (Univ. of London)) italien vers anglais (University of Birmingham) français vers anglais (Chartered Institute of Linguists)
Mes spécialisations sont l'informatique, production, pharma, automotive. Langues sources: français, italien, polonais. Je traduis vers l'anglais.
Le mie specializzazioni sono l'informatica, produzione, farma, automotivo. Lingue di partenza: francese, italiano, polacco. Traduco verso l'inglese.
I specialise in Information Technology, manufacturing, pharma, automotive. My source languages are French, Italian, Polish. I translate into English.
I have spent 20 years working in Information Technology, specifically in pharmaceutical laboratory and robotics, and later Packaging for large corporate software distribution systems (SCCM). I have lived and worked in Sydney, London, Paris and Brussels. I am originally from Sydney, Australia.
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