Translation glossary: Film techniques

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A animação stop motion é uma técnica comparável; um assunto que não se move, como uma marioneta, pode ser repetidamente movido manualmente por uma pequena distância e fotografado.Stop motion animation is a comparable technique; a subject that does not actually move, such as a puppet, can repeatedly be moved manually by a small distance and photographed. 
portugais vers anglais
A fotografia por lapso de tempo é uma técnica em que a frequência em que os quadros de filme são capturados é muito inferior à frequência usada para ver a sequência.Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
portugais vers anglais
A stop motion animáció hasonló technika; Egy olyan témát, amely valójában nem mozog, például egy bábot, kis távolságból manuálisan is mozgathat és fényképezhet.Stop motion animation is a comparable technique; a subject that does not actually move, such as a puppet, can repeatedly be moved manually by a small distance and photographed. 
hongrois vers anglais
A técnica tem sido usada para fotografar multidões, tráfego e até mesmo televisão.The technique has been used to photograph crowds, traffic, and even television. 
portugais vers anglais
A téma fényképezésének hatása, amely észrevétlenül lassan változik, sima mozgásérzetet kelt.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
hongrois vers anglais
A technikát tömegek, forgalom és még televízió fényképezésére is használták.The technique has been used to photograph crowds, traffic, and even television. 
hongrois vers anglais
Ad esempio, un\'immagine di una scena può essere acquisita a 1 fotogramma al secondo, ma quindi riprodotta a 30 fotogrammi al secondo; Il risultato è un apparente aumento di velocità di 30 volte.For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
italien vers anglais
Az időzített fényképezés olyan technika, amelyben a filmkockák rögzítésének gyakorisága sokkal alacsonyabb, mint a szekvencia megtekintéséhez használt frekvencia.Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
hongrois vers anglais
टाइम-लैप्स फोटोग्राफी एक ऐसी तकनीक है जिसमें जिस आवृत्ति पर फिल्म फ्रेम कैप्चर किए जाते हैं, वह अनुक्रम को देखने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली आवृत्ति से बहुत कम है।Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
hindi vers anglais
तकनीक का उपयोग भीड़, यातायात और यहां तक कि टेलीविजन को चित्रित करने के लिए किया गया है।The technique has been used to photograph crowds, traffic, and even television. 
hindi vers anglais
जब सामान्य गति से खेला जाता है, तो समय तेजी से आगे बढ़ता प्रतीत होता है और इस प्रकार समाप्त हो जाता है।When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. 
hindi vers anglais
उदाहरण के लिए, एक दृश्य की छवि को 1 फ्रेम प्रति सेकंड पर कैप्चर किया जा सकता है, लेकिन फिर 30 फ्रेम प्रति सेकंड पर वापस खेला जाता है; परिणाम एक स्पष्ट 30 गुना गति वृद्धि है।For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
hindi vers anglais
საგანი, რომელიც სწრაფად იცვლება, გარდაიქმნება საქმიანობის შეტევად.A subject that changes quickly is transformed into an onslaught of activity. 
géorgien vers anglais
საგნის გადაღების ეფექტი, რომელიც ნელ-ნელა იცვლება, ქმნის მოძრაობის გლუვ შთაბეჭდილებას.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
géorgien vers anglais
ტექნიკა გამოყენებულია ხალხმრავლობის, ტრაფიკისა და ტელევიზიის გადასაღებად.The technique has been used to photograph crowds, traffic, and even television. 
géorgien vers anglais
ნორმალური სიჩქარით დაკვრისას, დრო, როგორც ჩანს, უფრო სწრაფად მოძრაობს და ამით იწურება.When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. 
géorgien vers anglais
დროის გასვლის ფოტოგრაფია არის ტექნიკა, რომლის დროსაც ხდება ფილმის ჩარჩოების გადაღება, გაცილებით დაბალია, ვიდრე სიხშირე, რომელიც გამოიყენება თანმიმდევრობის სანახავად.Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
géorgien vers anglais
მაგალითად, სცენის სურათი შეიძლება დაიჭიროს წამში 1 ჩარჩოზე, მაგრამ შემდეგ ითამაშა წამში 30 ჩარჩოზე; შედეგი არის აშკარა 30-ჯერ სიჩქარის ზრდა.For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
géorgien vers anglais
Örneğin, bir sahnenin görüntüsü saniyede 1 kare hızında yakalanabilir, ancak daha sonra saniyede 30 kare hızında oynatılabilir; Sonuç, belirgin bir 30 kat hız artışıdır.For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
turc vers anglais
Beispielsweise kann ein Bild einer Szene mit 1 Bild pro Sekunde aufgenommen, dann aber mit 30 Bildern pro Sekunde wiedergegeben werden. Das Ergebnis ist eine scheinbare 30-fache Geschwindigkeitssteigerung.For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
allemand vers anglais
Belli belirsiz derecede yavaş değişen bir nesnenin fotoğrafını çekmenin etkisi, yumuşak bir hareket izlenimi yaratır.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
turc vers anglais
Bu teknik kalabalıkları, trafiği ve hatta televizyonu fotoğraflamak için kullanılmıştır.The technique has been used to photograph crowds, traffic, and even television. 
turc vers anglais
Cuando se juega a velocidad normal, el tiempo parece moverse más rápido y, por lo tanto, lapsa.When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. 
espagnol vers anglais
De techniek is gebruikt om drukte, verkeer en zelfs televisie te fotograferen.The technique has been used to photograph crowds, traffic, and even television. 
néerlandais vers anglais
Der Effekt des Fotografierens eines Motivs, das sich unmerklich langsam ändert, erzeugt einen geschmeidigen Eindruck von Bewegung.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
allemand vers anglais
Die Technik wurde verwendet, um Menschenmengen, Verkehr und sogar Fernsehen zu fotografieren.The technique has been used to photograph crowds, traffic, and even television. 
allemand vers anglais
Een afbeelding van een scène kan bijvoorbeeld worden vastgelegd met 1 frame per seconde, maar vervolgens worden afgespeeld met 30 frames per seconde; het resultaat is een schijnbare snelheidsverhoging van 30 keer.For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
néerlandais vers anglais
Een onderwerp dat snel verandert, wordt omgezet in een aanval van activiteit.A subject that changes quickly is transformed into an onslaught of activity. 
néerlandais vers anglais
Effekten af at fotografere et motiv, der ændrer sig umærkeligt langsomt, skaber et jævnt indtryk af bevægelse.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
danois vers anglais
Effekten av att fotografera ett motiv som förändras omärkligt långsamt skapar ett smidigt intryck av rörelse.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
suédois vers anglais
Effekten av å fotografere et motiv som endrer seg umerkelig sakte, skaper et jevnt inntrykk av bevegelse.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
Norvégien (Bokmål) vers anglais
Ein Thema, das sich schnell ändert, verwandelt sich in einen Ansturm von Aktivitäten.A subject that changes quickly is transformed into an onslaught of activity. 
allemand vers anglais
El efecto de fotografiar un sujeto que cambia imperceptiblemente lentamente, crea una impresión suave de movimiento.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
espagnol vers anglais
Et emne, der ændrer sig hurtigt, omdannes til et angreb af aktivitet.A subject that changes quickly is transformed into an onslaught of activity. 
danois vers anglais
For eksempel kan et bilde av en scene bli tatt med 1 bilde per sekund, men deretter spilt av med 30 bilder per sekund; Resultatet er en tilsynelatende 30 ganger hastighetsøkning.For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
Norvégien (Bokmål) vers anglais
For eksempel kan et billede af en scene optages med 1 billede i sekundet, men derefter afspilles med 30 billeder i sekundet; Resultatet er en tilsyneladende 30 gange hastighedsforøgelse.For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
danois vers anglais
Hızla değişen bir konu, bir faaliyet saldırısına dönüşür.A subject that changes quickly is transformed into an onslaught of activity. 
turc vers anglais
Hızlandırılmış fotoğrafçılık, film karelerinin yakalanma sıklığının, diziyi görüntülemek için kullanılan frekanstan çok daha düşük olduğu bir tekniktir.Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
turc vers anglais
Het effect van het fotograferen van een onderwerp dat onmerkbaar langzaam verandert, creëert een vloeiende indruk van beweging.The effect of photographing a subject that changes imperceptibly slowly, creates a smooth impression of motion. 
néerlandais vers anglais
hyperlapsefilmare accelerată 
anglais vers roumain
Όταν παίζεται με κανονική ταχύτητα, ο χρόνος φαίνεται να κινείται πιο γρήγορα και έτσι να χάνεται.When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. 
grec vers anglais
Ένα θέμα που αλλάζει γρήγορα μετατρέπεται σε επίθεση δραστηριότητας.A subject that changes quickly is transformed into an onslaught of activity. 
grec vers anglais
Η κινούμενη εικόνα stop motion είναι μια συγκρίσιμη τεχνική. ένα θέμα που δεν κινείται πραγματικά, όπως μια μαριονέτα, μπορεί επανειλημμένα να μετακινηθεί χειροκίνητα από μια μικρή απόσταση και να φωτογραφηθεί.Stop motion animation is a comparable technique; a subject that does not actually move, such as a puppet, can repeatedly be moved manually by a small distance and photographed. 
grec vers anglais
Η τεχνική έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί για τη φωτογράφιση πλήθους, κυκλοφορίας, ακόμη και τηλεόρασης.The technique has been used to photograph crowds, traffic, and even television. 
grec vers anglais
Η φωτογραφία time-lapse είναι μια τεχνική στην οποία η συχνότητα με την οποία συλλαμβάνονται τα καρέ φιλμ είναι πολύ χαμηλότερη από τη συχνότητα που χρησιμοποιείται για την προβολή της ακολουθίας.Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
grec vers anglais
Για παράδειγμα, μια εικόνα μιας σκηνής μπορεί να ληφθεί με 1 καρέ ανά δευτερόλεπτο, αλλά στη συνέχεια να αναπαραχθεί στα 30 καρέ ανά δευτερόλεπτο. το αποτέλεσμα είναι μια προφανής αύξηση ταχύτητας 30 φορές.For example, an image of a scene may be captured at 1 frame per second but then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. 
grec vers anglais
La animación stop motion es una técnica comparable; Un sujeto que en realidad no se mueve, como una marioneta, puede ser movido manualmente repetidamente por una pequeña distancia y fotografiado.Stop motion animation is a comparable technique; a subject that does not actually move, such as a puppet, can repeatedly be moved manually by a small distance and photographed. 
espagnol vers anglais
La fotografía de lapso de tiempo es una técnica en la que la frecuencia a la que se capturan los fotogramas de la película es mucho menor que la frecuencia utilizada para ver la secuencia.Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
espagnol vers anglais
La fotografia time-lapse è una tecnica in cui la frequenza con cui vengono catturati i fotogrammi della pellicola è molto inferiore alla frequenza utilizzata per visualizzare la sequenza.Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
italien vers anglais
La photographie accélérée est une technique dans laquelle la fréquence à laquelle les images de film sont capturées est beaucoup plus faible que la fréquence utilisée pour visualiser la séquence.Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. 
français vers anglais
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