Translation glossary: Cosmetics

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a daily skin care regimeno rutină zilnică de îngrijire a pielii 
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Ad ogni modo, è possibile descrivere ed analizzare alcune sensazioni e sintomi comuni riportati da molti pazienti che accusano una certa sensibilità cutanea.However, it is possible to describe and analyze some common sensations and symptoms reported by many patients who experience a certain skin sensitivity. 
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Ad ogni modo, sembra che la pelle sensibile sia una caratteristica stabilita geneticamente: in altri termini, l\'ipersensibilità cutanea può essere considerata un carattere ereditario, trasmesso direttamente dai genitori ai figli.In any case, it seems that sensitive skin is a genetically established characteristic: in other words, skin hypersensitivity can be considered a hereditary character, transmitted directly from parents to children. 
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Aknenarben verblassenfade acne scars 
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Alternativ kann auch Kokosöl verwendet werden.Alternatively, coconut oil can also be used. 
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Backpulver-Nagelpeeling für zu HauseAt-home baking soda nail scrub 
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Come analizzato, la pelle sensibile è una condizione complessa, caratterizzata da sintomi puramente soggettivi e non ancora standardizzati.As analyzed, sensitive skin is a complex condition, characterized by purely subjective and not yet standardized symptoms. 
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das Camelia Ölcamellia oil 
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Das entfernt schonend alle Stylingrückstände und raut die Haarstruktur leicht auf.This gently removes all styling residues and roughens the hair structure slightly. 
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das Fingernagelstudionail studio 
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Das folgende Rezept sorgt für ein frisches, gesundes Aussehen der NägelThe following recipe ensures a fresh, healthy appearance of the nails 
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das Haargummihair tie 
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das Lockenspraycurl refreshening spray 
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das Nagelpeelingnail exfoliation 
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das Trockenshampoodry shampoo 
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der Augenaufschlageyelash 
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Der Granatapfel wird im kosmetischen Bereich schon lange geschätzt und beispielsweise in Lippenpflege und Mineral-Puder zugesetzt.The pomegranate has long been appreciated in the cosmetic field and is added, for example, in lip care and mineral powder. 
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der Lippenstiftlipstick 
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der Nagellacknail polish 
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der Peelinghandschuhexfoliating glove 
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der Seife- Desinfektionsmittelspender Automatsoap- disinfectant dispenser automat 
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die Augenbrauenfarbeeyebrow dye 
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die Bade- und Massageölenbathing and massage oils 
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die dünne Haarethin hair 
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die Eigenschaften des Granatapfels wirken sich positiv austhe properties of pomegranate have a positive effect 
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die Entwirrbürstedetangling brush 
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die Feuchtigkeitscrememoisturizer 
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die Frisurinspirationhairstyle inspiration 
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die Fußcremefoot cream 
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die Gesichtsmaskeface mask 
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die Haarvitaminehair vitamins 
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die hochwertige Naturkosmetiktop-quality nature cosmetics 
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die Hyaluronsäurehyaluronic acid 
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die Mischhautmixed complexion 
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die Nagelbürstenailbrush 
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die Nagelhautcuticle 
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die Naturkosmetiknatural cosmetics 
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die Pflegeproduktecare products 
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die Schminke mit pflegenden Inhaltsstoffenmake-up with nourishing ingredients 
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die Wimperntuschemascara 
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Dieses sollten Sie nach dem Einwirken wieder gründlich ausspülen.You should rinse this thoroughly after exposure. 
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Difatti, per prima cosa, si dovrebbe riconoscere il principale agente eziologico, nonché la causa scatenante (eventualità non sempre possibile).In fact, first of all, one should recognize the main causative agent, as well as the triggering cause (eventuality not always possible). 
italien vers anglais
Diversamente da quanto si possa credere, la pelle sensibile NON è sempre sinonimo di allergia: difatti, non è raro che queste due condizioni vengano confuse e mal interpretate.Contrary to what you may believe, sensitive skin is NOT always synonymous with allergy: in fact, it is not uncommon for these two conditions to be confused and misinterpreted. 
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ein Haaröl versorgt das Haar zusätzlich mit Proteinena hair oil additionally provides the hair with proteins 
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es verstärkt die Wirkung des Anti-Schuppen Shampoosit enhances the effect of anti-dandruff shampoos 
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facial rejuvenationrejuvenare facială 
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für alle Haartypenfor all hair types 
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Haareigenschaften wie Pflege und Volumenhair properties like conditioning and hair volume 
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Hyaluronsäure ist einer der wichtigsten Bestandteile des Bindegewebes und verleiht der Haut ein strafferes, jugendlicheres Aussehen.Hyaluronic acid is one of the most important components of connective tissue and gives the skin a firmer, more youthful appearance. 
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I prodotti cosmetici di scarsa qualità, specie se formulati con ingredienti irritanti, costituiscono probabilmente una delle principali cause che predispongono all\'insorgenza dell\'iper-reattività cutanea.Poor quality cosmetic products, especially if formulated with irritating ingredients, are probably one of the main causes that predispose to the onset of skin hyper-reactivity. 
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