Translation glossary: Telecommunication

Showing entries 1-46 of 46
A telefon a hangot, jellemzően és leghatékonyabban az emberi hangot elektronikus jelekké alakítja át, amelyeket kábeleken és más kommunikációs csatornákon keresztül továbbítanak egy másik telefonra, amely reprodukálja a hangot a fogadó felhasználó számára.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
hongrois vers anglais
A telefon olyan távközlési eszköz, amely lehetővé teszi két vagy több felhasználó számára, hogy beszélgetést folytassanak, amikor túl messze vannak egymástól ahhoz, hogy közvetlenül meghallgassák őket.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
hongrois vers anglais
bandwidth communicationscomunicații de bandă largă 
anglais vers roumain
cable traydie Kabelpritsche 
anglais vers allemand
Campus Area Network (CAN)rețea academică 
anglais vers roumain
circuit switchingcomutație de circuite 
anglais vers roumain
das Suchergebnisrezultat al căutării 
allemand vers roumain
device driverder Gerätetreiber 
anglais vers allemand
die Kanalbündelunglink aggregation 
allemand vers anglais
Een telefoon is een telecommunicatieapparaat waarmee twee of meer gebruikers een gesprek kunnen voeren wanneer ze te ver uit elkaar liggen om rechtstreeks te worden gehoord.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
néerlandais vers anglais
Een telefoon zet geluid, typisch en het meest efficiënt de menselijke stem, om in elektronische signalen die via kabels en andere communicatiekanalen worden verzonden naar een andere telefoon die het geluid reproduceert naar de ontvangende gebruiker.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
néerlandais vers anglais
Ein Telefon ist ein Telekommunikationsgerät, das es zwei oder mehr Benutzern ermöglicht, ein Gespräch zu führen, wenn sie zu weit voneinander entfernt sind, um direkt gehört zu werden.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
allemand vers anglais
Ein telefon skiftir ljóða, eyðkendur og mest væl dámda rødd, til at seta signalar, sum eru settar og aðrar samskifti, sum eru settar til eina aðra telefon, sum reproduces ljóðið til at fáa fatur á tí, sum eru settar.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
féringien vers anglais
Ein Telefon wandelt Schall, typischerweise und am effizientesten die menschliche Stimme, in elektronische Signale um, die über Kabel und andere Kommunikationskanäle an ein anderes Telefon übertragen werden, das den Ton an den empfangenden Benutzer wiedergibt.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
allemand vers anglais
En telefon är en telekommunikationsenhet som tillåter två eller flera användare att föra en konversation när de är för långt ifrån varandra för att höras direkt.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
suédois vers anglais
En telefon er en telekommunikasjonsenhet som tillater to eller flere brukere å føre en samtale når de er for langt fra hverandre til å bli hørt direkte.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
Norvégien (Bokmål) vers anglais
En telefon er en telekommunikationsenhed, der tillader to eller flere brugere at føre en samtale, når de er for langt fra hinanden til at blive hørt direkte.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
danois vers anglais
En telefon konverterer lyd, typisk og mest effektivt den menneskelige stemme, til elektroniske signaler, der transmitteres via kabler og andre kommunikationskanaler til en anden telefon, der gengiver lyden til den modtagende bruger.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
danois vers anglais
En telefon konverterer lyd, typisk og mest effektivt den menneskelige stemmen, til elektroniske signaler som overføres via kabler og andre kommunikasjonskanaler til en annen telefon som gjengir lyden til mottakeren.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
Norvégien (Bokmål) vers anglais
En telefon omvandlar ljud, typiskt och mest effektivt den mänskliga rösten, till elektroniska signaler som överförs via kablar och andra kommunikationskanaler till en annan telefon som återger ljudet till den mottagande användaren.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
suédois vers anglais
fiber optic connectorsconectori cu fibră optică 
anglais vers roumain
high-speed mobile internetinternet mobil de mare viteză 
anglais vers roumain
Internet Protocol address (IP) addressadresă IP 
anglais vers roumain
Local Area Network (LAN)rețea locală 
anglais vers roumain
motherboardplaca de bază 
anglais vers roumain
network operation has timed outoperațiunea de rețea a expirat 
anglais vers roumain
pending E-mailE-mail în așteptare 
anglais vers roumain
Personal Area Network (PAN)rețea personală 
anglais vers roumain
phone linelinie telefonică 
anglais vers roumain
power outagepană de curent 
anglais vers roumain
Puhelin muuntaa äänen, tyypillisesti ja tehokkaimmin ihmisäänen, elektronisiksi signaaleiksi, jotka lähetetään kaapeleiden ja muiden viestintäkanavien kautta toiseen puhelimeen, joka toistaa äänen vastaanottavalle käyttäjälle.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
finnois vers anglais
Puhelin on tietoliikennelaite, jonka avulla kaksi tai useampi käyttäjä voi käydä keskustelua, kun he ovat liian kaukana toisistaan tullakseen kuulluksi suoraan.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
finnois vers anglais
anglais vers roumain
Sími breytir hljóði, venjulega og á skilvirkastan hátt mannsröddinni, í rafræn merki sem send eru með snúrum og öðrum samskiptaleiðum í annan síma sem endurskapar hljóðið til móttakandans.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
islandais vers anglais
Sími er fjarskiptatæki sem gerir tveimur eða fleiri notendum kleift að eiga samtal þegar of langt er á milli þeirra til að það heyrist beint.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
islandais vers anglais
Telefon převádí zvuk, typicky a nejúčinněji lidský hlas, na elektronické signály, které jsou přenášeny kabely a jinými komunikačními kanály do jiného telefonu, který reprodukuje zvuk přijímajícímu uživateli.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
tchèque vers anglais
Telefon pretvara zvuk, obično i najučinkovitije ljudski glas, u elektroničke signale koji se prenose putem kabela i drugih komunikacijskih kanala na drugi telefon koji reproducira zvuk korisniku primatelju.A telephone converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user. 
croate vers anglais
trunkingdie Bündelung 
anglais vers allemand
Um telefone é um dispositivo de telecomunicações que permite a dois ou mais utilizadores conduzirem uma conversa quando estão demasiado afastados para serem ouvidos diretamente.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
portugais vers anglais
Un téléphone est un appareil de télécommunication qui permet à deux utilisateurs ou plus de mener une conversation lorsqu’ils sont trop éloignés l’un de l’autre pour être entendus directement.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
français vers anglais
Un teléfono es un dispositivo de telecomunicaciones que permite a dos o más usuarios mantener una conversación cuando están demasiado separados para ser escuchados directamente.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
espagnol vers anglais
Un telefono è un dispositivo di telecomunicazione che consente a due o più utenti di condurre una conversazione quando sono troppo distanti per essere ascoltati direttamente.A telephone is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. 
italien vers anglais
Virtual Private Network (VPN)rețea privată virtuală 
anglais vers roumain
voicemailmesagerie vocală 
anglais vers roumain
Wide Area Networking (WAN)rețea de arie largă 
anglais vers roumain
workstationstație de lucru 
anglais vers roumain
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