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[View Powwow Report] powwow: International Translation Day

September 30, 2008, 7:00 pm
États-UnisSan FranciscoIn personallemand

Café International

508 Haight St. (at Fillmore St.), San Francisco, CA 94117,+San+Francisco,+CA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=35.494074,93.076172&ie=UTF8&ll=37.773361,-122.430611&spn=0.00865,0.022724&z=16&iwloc=addr

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (30) / Confirmed: 14 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Sabine Winter  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Looking forward to organizing my first powwow & meeting fellow translators from SF and surrounding areas!  y
Cyril Flerov  \"Photographer\" Unforunately I have an assignment but I hope you ll have fun. Cyril  n
Nektaria Notaridou   ...  y
XAaronLanguageS  \"Photographer\" Looking forward to attending if I can  m
Ivana Jelisavčić   Friend visiting from home country - one day only...  n
lucki   Great idea! Thanks for organizing.  y
Vera Fleischer   I will try to make it.  n
Galina Blankenship   Would love to come!  y
John Lonergan   I look forward to meeting you all there!  y
Leah Furumo   Finally a bay area event! I hope to make it. Thank you Sabine!  m
Rick Henry   I should be able to make it.  y
tamle11   Sound great! I will afford to go because I don't know how to come there. Please show me the way! I am living in Evergreen, San Jose, CA. Thanks!  n
JoseAlejandro   Perhaps I can drive up from Santa Bárbara...frisco is a great town!  
cnag   Sorry, am leaving Sunday!  n
Gilma Pereda  \"Photographer\" My first powwow since I came to the Bay Area... Looking forward to see you all!  y
MARIEFRAN   I would love to go but it's to far away for me. Next time...  n
Lota   I will try to make it.  y
Danette St. Onge  \"Photographer\" Sorry, I really wanted to come, but forgot that I have tickets for a concert that same night, same time. Next time!  n
Natalia Kaluza   ...  y
Ramsees Baroudy   Ramsees E Baroudy  m
Anabel Granados   ...  m
Lisa Bartsch Eidson   I will try to make it.  n
Caroline Moreno   Too bad it's not in LA or Orange County. Have fun!  n
Jan Vaeth   It's just around the corner!  y
babble-on   I will try and be there!  y
translait_de   Hi, am in the area, would like to stop by  y
rukednous   I'm definitely going to stop by; sounds like a great event.  y
Aya S  \"Photographer\" Hi! I'd love to come ...will try to make it.  y
Kevin Lo   This sounds fun :)  
Cristina Macedo Abregu   I'm a little far away now, but I'll try ti make it :-)  n

Postings about this event

Powwow: San Francisco - United States
Gilma Pereda
Gilma Pereda  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:56
Membre (2008)
anglais vers espagnol
I am bringing a camera! Sep 30, 2008

And extra batteries, too...


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