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ProZ.com 2016 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2016


Translation project management - Understanding how general project management principles can be used for each translation job contributing to a thriving freelance business.

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Schedule:This session ended at 16:55
Description:Is it project management real something that applies only to agencies? Is it really that complicated to implement in our daily lives as freelancers? And what is the outcome? On this session, I will tell you about my experience as a freelance who uses project management skills and competencies to build a solid client database and manage my freelance businees effectively.
Speakers:Teresa Sousa
Holding a Master's Degree in Translation Studies and with over 10 year of translation project management experience, she has gathered some of the practices and strategies that she is currently imprinting in a successful activity as a freelance translator. Teresa currently works as a freelance translator, editor, proofreader, transcreator from English and German into European Portuguese. Being a certified trainer and e-trainer, she is currently working on her PMP (Project Management Professional) and International Coach certifications. She also provides training (both in person and online) and consulting services to companies and translation professionals. Some of her interests include traveling, languages and cultures, e-learning, training, project management, marketing, personal development and entrepreneurship.

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