Virtual memoQ Day 2014 May 28, 2014 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (1,610) (Members shown first) |
 | Louisa King  Translator, Russian & French to English Royaume-Uni Native in anglais Freelancer | Bio: Translator working from Russian and French to English and specialising in business, energy, marketing and industrial services. I am based in Bath in the UK. Message: Greetings, colleagues, I have been using memoQ for around a year and am looking forward to developing my knowledge of this tool. |
|  | telemarcelo  États-Unis Native in anglais  , portugais  Freelancer | Bio: I learned English and Brazilian Portuguese as a child. I was born in Boston to Brazilian parents and spent my childhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I currently live in Sarasota, Florida but have also lived in Chicago, Philadelphia, and Denver. My area of expertise is Finan...ce, Risk, and Insurance. I hope to start translating from Portuguese into English.More Less Message: Hi there! I"m new to the translation world and I can't wait to get started in this very promising career. I greatly appreciate any advice you can give me! |
|  | IsabelS  English>Spanish Translator. Transcreator Royaume-Uni Native in espagnol  Freelancer | University of Exeter, PHD-University of Exeter, ITI, ASATI, 8 years of experience |
|  | Odile Leclerc  Reliable Passionate Translator EN-FR(CA) États-Unis Native in français  Freelancer | OTHER-Université de Saint-Boniface, 15 years of experience |
|  | Marna Renteria  Mechanical engineering, automotive États-Unis Native in anglais (Variant: US)  Freelancer | OTHER-Indiana University, 33 years of experience |
|  | Diana Larmuseau  Inspired by the right words Belgique Native in allemand (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | 17 years of experience |
|  | | Mexico: UABC, GD-Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Traductores e Intérpretes de Ensenada, Baja California, A.C., 11 years of experience |
| |  | Eurico Barros  Translating passion since 2004! Portugal Native in portugais Freelancer | ISCAP, BA-School of Accounting and Administration of Porto, 19 years of experience |
|  | Daniela Previtali (X)  15-yr experience in IT localization Italie Native in italien Freelancer | Istituto Marcelline, Milano, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), 20 years of experience |
|  | alexandra54  French - British English translator Royaume-Uni Native in anglais (Variant: British)  Freelancer | University of Westminster, MA-University of Westminster, London |
|  | | Université de Montréal, 27 years of experience |
|  | Yopi Paksi  Indonesian and Javanese Translator Indonésie Native in javanais (Variants: Krama / Kromo, Ngoko (Informal))  , indonésien (Variant: Standard-Indonesia)  Freelancer | BA-Universitas Sanata Dharma, 19 years of experience |
|  | genturs  English - Indonesian Indonésie Native in anglais  , indonésien  Freelancer | 20 years of experience |
|  | Markethinker  Sworn Transtator & Interpreter Roumanie Native in roumain  Freelancer | Bio: +10 y in Marketing and PR
+2 y in Specialised Translations and Interpreting (Ro-Eng, Eng-Ro). Message: Hello dear colleagues ! |
|  | | Message: Hi everyone! I am a translation trainee at UniDeb, looking forward to this webinar! |
|  | | Message: I'm happy to join for this virtual event and I hope to take the best of it.
Thank you for this opportunity. |
|  | ARUBITA  Reading is to the mind what exercise is Bolivie Native in espagnol (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | American Bolivian Centre, GD-Goethe Institut and American Bolivian Institute, 27 years of experience |
|  | PatriziaM.  Experienced, accurate, reliable Italie Native in italien  Freelancer | 33 years of experience |
|  | mary_serova  Proficient and fast Native in russe  , ukrainien  Freelancer | MA-Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University, 25 years of experience |
|  | Daniele27  Brésil Native in italien  , portugais  Freelancer | 35 years of experience |
| | |  | edaana  Albanie Native in albanais  | 13 years of experience |
|  | Natalia B.  Translation - English/Russian États-Unis Native in russe Freelancer | Message: Hello! I am happy to participate in this event. |
|  | Birgitta Johansson  Translating Business, Legal & Medicine Suède Native in suédois  Freelancer and outsourcer | MA-Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden, 20 years of experience |
|  | ApOana  Roumanie Native in roumain  | BA-University of Transilvania, 15 years of experience |
|  | Aline Brandão  Brésil Native in portugais (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | GD-Universidade Gama Filho, 16 years of experience |
|  | | Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, BA-Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, 19 years of experience |
|  | | Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras (UNAM), BA-UNAM, 40 years of experience |
|  | | Bio: I'm 27.I have MA in Russian and French language and literature. I've been working as a freelance translator. Message: Cheers people and enjoy the conference! |
|  | RulaKaram  Native in arabe  , anglais  Freelancer | ATA, 35 years of experience |
|  | Sol Vargas  HR and health care États-Unis Native in espagnol Freelancer | American Translators Association, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Facultad de Lenguas), BA-School of Languages, National University of Cordoba, Argentina, ATA, 23 years of experience |
|  | Tetiana Zalozna (X)  Ukraine Native in anglais  Freelancer and outsourcer | 15 years of experience |
|  | Danielle Miller  États-Unis Native in portugais (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | 20 years of experience |
|  | Enrique Mota  Translator and DTP specialist. Pérou Native in espagnol (Variants: Latin American, Peruvian)  Freelancer | BA-Eurotrad, 8 years of experience |
|  | | Message: Thank you for accepting me in the community |
|  | Lorna O'Donoghue  20yrs experience. Style & fluidity. Native in anglais  Freelancer | Association of Translators and Interpreters Ireland, Dublin City University, BA-Dublin City University, ATII, 29 years of experience |
|  | Ahmed Isagizli  ISAGIZLI'S RAPID SERVICE Libye Native in arabe (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Freelancer | Bio: Global Translation Institute: Certified Translation Professional,CTP candidate , GT Institute . (Language Pair) English \ Arabic. Grade:74.4%
Learned directly from translation experts, Tripoli’s Translation Agencies and Agencies ar...ound the globe on how to improve my ability to translate effectively according to International standards. Also expert in Interpretation sessions.
Projects / Portfolio Work (on Website URL)
Example Translation Project (2009 , PRICE BOOK ;LIBYA 280 pages) , Full Information about all construction items Cost estimates , (2010, Income Tax Act)and many more.. Url : Ahmed ISAGIZLI .com, Watch me at
2nd Example Translation Project (2010) Report {Libyan expertise in fighting terrorism} Rajnatanam college, Naniang Univ. Singapore, published in OEA , the leading Libyan daily ., file format
3rd Example: Progress reports &Technical specifications for 7200 HU in Algabal Algharbi, 1.0 B Project by CGGC ltd.
Tripoli , LibyaMore Less Message: Happy Translating |
|  | | Bio: I am a Freelance Translator-Interpreter with a technical background.
Besides being a Certified Public Translator in Venezuela, I have been working for 10 years in this beautiful and rewarding profession. Message: I hope we can all get the most from this virtual experience.
Patricia Most |
|  | Roberta Nava  Happy Translating Italie Native in italien  Freelancer | GD-Università degli Studi di Trieste - Scuola Sup. Lingue Moderne Interpreti e Traduttori, 15 years of experience |
|  | Julia Nekrasova  Professional quality translations Italie Native in russe Freelancer | Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale, MA-Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", 18 years of experience |
|  | | Istanbul Universitesi, 19 years of experience |
|  | | Universidad de Santiago de Chile, GD-Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 14 years of experience |
|  | Maria Mizguireva  Eng-Russian. Accounting, Finance États-Unis Native in russe (Variant: Standard-Russia)  Freelancer | California State University, East Bay |
|  | Alejandro González López  EN/DE > ES Translator & Proofreader Espagne Native in espagnol (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | MA-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Asociación de Traducción y Adaptación Audiovisual de España , 8 years of experience |
|  | alextas (X)  M.A., 10 yr exp, Ger-En, En-Gr, Gr-En Grèce Native in grec  , anglais  Freelancer | 21 years of experience |
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