Langues de travail :
français vers anglais

whither has fle
8 years Clinical Neurophysiology

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Langue maternelle : anglais 
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I was born in Ireland, Dublin and finished school with honours levels in French, English, Geography, Mathematics and History. For practical reasons I did a secretarial course which included typing and accountancy. Very soon afterwards I left Ireland to go and live in France as I wished to improve my French and I had always had a great admiration for French culture.

I went to University in Lyon where I studied Clinical Psychology. Apart from subjects like Ethnology, Sociology etc. the course also included lectures in French literature and translation (both from French to English and English to French).

When I finished the Masters I began teaching English and followed a Teachers' Training Course for two years, which specialised in teaching English as a foreign language.

I taught English in three differenct Universities here in Lyon. One of my assignments was with students who were language specialists and I taught translation and the basics of Public Speaking.

While I was teaching in the Medical University(Alexis Carrel) my director introduced me to a Professor in the Neuro/Cardio Hospital, who was directing a team of researchers in Neurophysiology of the Brain and had recently become Editor of an international Journal publishing articles on epilepsy diagnosis/treatment and exploration of brain activity. My job was to help with editing, proofreading and working on articles written in French as the magazine was published in English. This job lasted 8 years because the title of Editor had to be given to another doctor, this time in Spain.

Even though neuophysiology of the brain became a specialised area for me, I have had opportunites in very different fields such as professional correspondence, marketing and sales, product description, contracts, and a medical thesis on the treatment of mucoviscidose.

At the moment I am working in a school which specialises in foreign language training for adults.
Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.

Total des points gagnés: 20
(Tout niveau PRO)

Langue (PRO)
français vers anglais20
Principaux domaines généraux (PRO)
Affaires / Finance8
Art / Littérature4
Sciences sociales4
Principaux domaines spécifiques (PRO)
Enseignement / pédagogie4
Ressources humaines4
Marketing / recherche de marché4
Médecine : médicaments4
Militaire / défense4

Afficher tous les points gagnés >
Mots clés : medical Clinical Neurophysiology, sociology, psychology, ethnology

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Oct 19, 2010

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