Langues de travail :
espagnol vers anglais
français vers anglais

Lisa Maldonado
ES>EN, FR>EN, fanatical QC!

Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Heure locale : 11:08 EST (GMT-5)

Langue maternelle : anglais 
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2 positive reviews
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Jun 12, 2018 (posted via  A French competition authority market analysis questionnaire. Good times, good times. ...more »
Total word count: 0

Type de compte Traducteur et/ou interprète indépendant, Identity Verified Utilisateur confirmé du site
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Transcription, Project management
Spécialisé en :
Droit (général)Droit : contrat(s)
Org / dév. / coop internationaleGouvernement / politique
Média / multimédiaEnvironnement et écologie
AgricultureBétail / élevage
Marketing / recherche de marché

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 6,485
Bénévolat / Travail pro bono Est disponible pour travailler bénévolement pour des organisations à but non lucratif enregistrées

All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
Activité KudoZ (PRO) Points PRO : 8, Réponses aux questions : 7, Questions posées : 9
Payment methods accepted Paypal, Virement bancaire, Chèque, Transfert d'argent
Portefeuille Échantillons de traduction proposés: 1
Études de traduction Bachelor's degree - University of Guelph
Expérience Années d'expérience en traduction : 32. Inscrit à : Jul 2007. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Références espagnol vers anglais (ILSAT, verified)
espagnol vers anglais (University of Guelph, verified)
français vers anglais (French Baccalaureate; 2 diplomas from the Sorbonne)
espagnol vers anglais (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario, verified)
français vers anglais (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario, verified)
Affiliations N/A
Logiciels Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Site web
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Pratiques professionnelles Lisa Maldonado respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques (v1.1).
I am a Canadian native English speaker, but have lived most of my adult life abroad-13 years in Guatemala, two in Mexico; one in France, and two and a half years as a child in Belgium. I now make my home in beautiful Guelph, Ontario.

I hold an Honours B.A. in Spanish from the University of Guelph, as well as the French Baccalaureate and two diplomas from the Sorbonne in Paris, France.

I work as a freelance translator and interpreter, translating into English from French and Spanish, and doing interpretation in both my language pairs (simultaneous interpretation in Spanish only). I am a government-accredited interpreter, having completed the TIPS certification and passed the Spanish/English interpretation test with an average score of 95%.

While living in Guatemala, I worked as an interpreter in the organic coffee, environmental and development sectors, as well as translating for the Organic Crop Improvement Association throughout 1998.

During my undergraduate studies, I became a published author when I co-authored 900 quiz questions for the 15 chapters of a linguistics textbook, An Introduction to Language, 4th Canadian Edition, which are now published on a CD with this linguistics textbook. This extensive training in linguistics, especially semantics, has truly given me a deep understanding of the daily language conundrums I encounter in my work translating and interpreting.

I work with agencies in the United States, France, Canada, and Belgium, as well as clients from around the world, doing mostly legal translation. In 2015, I successfully completed the United Nations Language Competitive Exam and later worked at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City for almost three months in fall 2016.

After six years as a full-time translator and many years as a part-time translator, I have now completed over 1,000,000 words of legal translation in each of my language pairs.

Please feel free to visit my website at I am now also the Director of Translation at Guildtree Global Language Services. Website coming soon!
Mots clés : French to English, translator, translation, legal translator, legal translation, traduction légale, traducteur, traductrice, Spanish to English, traductor. See more.French to English, translator, translation, legal translator, legal translation, traduction légale, traducteur, traductrice, Spanish to English, traductor, traductora, business, negocios, español a inglés, documentos legales, sondeos, agricultura, café orgánico, certificación orgánica, inspecciones, mercadeo, marketing, organizational development, traducción, interpretación, conference interpreting, telephone interpreting, . See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Jun 18, 2018

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