Langues de travail :
anglais vers croate
français vers croate
croate vers anglais

Kristina Kolic
Expert croate en droit et finances

Split, Splitsko-Dalmatinska, Croatie
Heure locale : 15:19 CET (GMT+1)

Langue maternelle : croate Native in croate, français Native in français
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8 positive reviews
Message de l'utilisateur
Interprète assermentée - anglais, français, allemand et espagnol - en Croatie
Type de compte Traducteur et/ou interprète indépendant, Identity Verified Utilisateur confirmé du site
Cette personne a travaillé dans le passé en tant que modérateur
Ce traducteur participe à la localisation de en croate Kudoz editor
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
This person is affiliated with:
Services Translation, Interpreting, Website localization, Software localization
Spécialisé en :
Entreprise / commerceDroit : contrat(s)
Finance (général)Droit : taxation et douanes
Droit (général)Droit : brevets, marques de commerce, copyright
TI (technologie de l'information)Publicité / relations publiques


All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Activité KudoZ (PRO) Points PRO : 2361, Réponses aux questions : 823, Questions posées : 27
Payment methods accepted Virement bancaire, Paypal | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portefeuille Échantillons de traduction proposés: 19
Glossaires Finance, General, German-English, IT, Legal, Medical, Technical
Expérience Années d'expérience en traduction : 35. Inscrit à : Nov 2006. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Références anglais vers croate (Split County Court)
français vers croate (Split County Court)
croate vers anglais (Split County Court)
croate vers français (Split County Court)
allemand vers croate (Split County Court)

Affiliations SFT
Logiciels Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, CorelDraw, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Site web
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Concours remportés 1st Annual Translation Contest: English to Croatian
Pratiques professionnelles Kristina Kolic respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Find trusted individuals to outsource work to
  • Build or grow a translation team
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Learn more about interpreting / improve my skills
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
  • Buy or learn new work-related software
  • Improve my productivity

More than 25 years of experience as a translator

Sworn Court Interpreter since 1995
Full-time freelancer and self-employed since 1996. Owner of a limited liability company – Perfekta PU d.o.o./Lingua Experts d.o.o.

My working languages
Native in French & Croatian. I was born in France where I studied and started my professional career.
I moved to Croatia in 1990.

My specialization
Legal, financial and IT translation expert
Consumer protection; Economy; Human resources; Insurance; Management; Marketing & advertising; Public relations; Sales (retail & wholesale); Standards & strategies; Real estate; Tenders; Tourism

Accounting & audit; Banking; Stock exchange; Taxes & customs

Information technology
Communications & telecommunications; Computer software & applications; Internet & Web sites

Civil law; Constitutional law; Contracts & due diligence; Corporate & business law; Criminal law; EU legislation; Human rights; Intellectual property & patent law

My other working fields Medical
Medical equipment; Medicine; Pharmaceuticals; Veterinary legislation

Civil engineering & road construction; Energy & electronics; Environmental protection; Port infrastructure & shipbuilding; Printing industry

My services
Reliability & Customer Satisfaction

Reliable translator who provides high quality translation and interpreting services and always delivers on time.

I have been working for more than ten years with most of my clients to our mutual satisfaction.

My clients in Croatia are major law firms, notaries and the Croatian courts, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice, auditors, banks, governmental authorities, international organizations, NGOs, port authorities, telecommunications operators, internet service providers, content providers and other service providers, advertising and PR agencies, various manufacturers, contractors and corporations, and I usually work for all of their departments.

For further information

Please feel free to contact me for further information or references by Email
Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.

Total des points gagnés: 2409
Points de niveau PRO: 2361

Principales langues (PRO)
anglais vers croate785
croate vers anglais310
allemand vers croate310
français vers croate176
anglais vers serbo-croate/croato-serbe164
Points dans 26 paires de plus >
Principaux domaines généraux (PRO)
Droit / Brevets625
Affaires / Finance502
Technique / Génie478
Points dans 4 domaines de plus >
Principaux domaines spécifiques (PRO)
Droit (général)316
Droit : contrat(s)245
Finance (général)173
Entreprise / commerce147
Industrie automobile / voitures et camions92
Points dans 72 domaines de plus >

Afficher tous les points gagnés >
Mots clés : Accounting, audit, comptabilité, Bilanzierung, Buchhaltung, contabilidad, računovodstvo, knjigovodstvo, revizija, government. See more.Accounting, audit, comptabilité, Bilanzierung, Buchhaltung, contabilidad, računovodstvo, knjigovodstvo, revizija, government, državna uprava, gouvernement, gobierno, Staatswesen, politika, politics, politique, política, Politik, administration, journalism, journalisme, periodismo, Journalismus, business, commerce, enterprise, Wirtschaft, Handel, negocios, comercio, trgovina, economics, ekonomija, économie, economía, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, retail, vente au détail, venta al detalle, Einzelhandel, finance, financije, Finanzen, finanzas, taxation, taxes, impôts, imposition, Steuern, porezi, oporezivanje, impuestos, customs, douanes, Zoll, aduanas, carina, international, internacional, development, cooperation, développement, cooperation, desarrollo, cooperación, Zusammenarbeit, Entwicklung, razvoj, suradnja, legal translation, Law, contracts, traduction juridique, contrats, Recht, Vertrag, Verträge, pravo, ugovori, derecho, contratos, arbitration, arbitrage, arbitraža, decision, resolution, legal action, proceedings, judgment, award, jugement, Beschluss, Bescheid, Entscheidung, Klage, Verfahren, Urteil, tužbe, rješenje, sudski postupak, Power of attorney, POA, Vollmacht, pouvoir, procuration, poder, punomoć, directive, Direktive, direktiva, directive, intellectual property, patents, trademarks, copyright, propriété intellectuelle, brevets, marques de commerce, droits d’auteur, geistiges Eigentum, patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor, Patente, Marken, Urheberrecht, intelektualno vlasništvo, žigovi, patenti, autorska prava, nullity action, Nichtigkeitsklage, management, administración, gestion, Verwaltung, marketing, market research, market surveys, étude de marché, mercadeo, estudios de mercado, Marktforschung, istraživanje tržišta, oglašavanje, odnosi s javnošću, advertising, PR, public relations, publicité, relations publiques, publicidad, relaciones públicas, Werbung, human resources, ressources humaines, recursos humanos, Personalwesen, IT, information technology, technologie de l’information, tecnología de la información, Informationstechnologie, informacijska tehnologija, communications, telecommunications, telecom, Telekom, Telekommunikation, telecomunicaciones, computers, informatique, ordinateurs, informática, Internet, e-Commerce, comercio-e, commerce électronique, SAP, insurance, assurances, seguros, Versicherung, osiguranje, environment, ecology, environmental protection, environnement, écologie, medioambiente, ecología, Umwelt, Ökologie, okoliš, ekologija, zaštita okoliša, construction, civil engineering, génie civil, Bauwesen, graditeljstvo, real estate, immobilier, bienes inmuebles, Immobilien, Grundstücke, tourism, travel, tourisme, voyages, turismo, viajes, Tourismus, Reisen, turizam, putovanja, transport, transportation, shipping, expédition, transporte, Versand, maritime, marítimo, Seefahrt, pomorstvo, medical, health care, pharmaceuticals, medical instruments, médecine, médicaments, soins de santé, instruments, Medizin, Gesundheitswesen, Pharmazie, Instrumente, medicina, salud, farmacia, instrumentos, farmaceutika, zdravstvena zaštita, certificates, diplomas, licenses, permits, CVs, CV, certificats, diplômes, licences, permis, certificados, títulos, permisos, Urkunden, Diplome, Zeugnisse, Lebenslauf, svjedododžbe, diplome, dozvole, životopis, općenito, general, géneral, allgemein, conversation, greetings, letters, reports, salutations, correspondance, correspondence, correspondencia, rapports, conversación, saludos, cartas, informes, Konversation, Grußworte, Briefe, Berichte, dopisi, izvješće, izvještaj, Court Interpreter, interpreter, conference interpreter, interpreting, translator, translations, translation, interprète, interprète assermentée, interprète de conférence, simultaneous, simultanée, traduction, traducteur, traductrice, sudski tumač, prevoditelj, prevođenje, simultano prevođenje, Dolmetscherin, Gerichtsdolmetscherin, Übersetzerin, Übersetzer, Übersetzungen, Übersetzung, intérprete, intérprete jurado, traductor, traducción, Croatian, croate, Kroatisch, croata, hrvatski, German, allemand, Deutsch, alemán, njemački, English, anglais, inglés, Englisch, engleski, French, français, francés, Französisch, francuski, Spanish, espagnol, Spanisch, español, španjolski.. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Jan 19, 2022