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Texte source - anglais La biografia di A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Presidente dell'India
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in pieno Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, (nato il 15 ottobre 1931, Rameswaram, India - morto il 27 luglio 2015, Shillong),
scienziato e politico indiano che ha svolto un ruolo di primo piano nello sviluppo dei programmi missilistici e di armi nucleari dell'India . È stato
presidente dell'India dal 2002 al 2007.
Kalam ha conseguito una laurea in ingegneria aeronautica presso il Madras Institute of Technology e nel 1958 è entrato a far parte della Defense
Research and Development Organization (DRDO). Ben presto si è trasferito all'Indian Space Research Organisation, dove è stato il direttore del
progetto dell'SLV-III, il primo veicolo di lancio satellitare indiano progettato e prodotto internamente. Rientrato in DRDO nel 1982, Kalam pianificò il
programma che produsse diversi missili di successo, che gli fecero guadagnare il soprannome di "Missile Man".
Dal 1992 al 1997 Kalam è stato consigliere scientifico del ministro della Difesa e in seguito ha prestato servizio come principale consigliere
scientifico (1999-2001) del governo con il grado di ministro del gabinetto. Il suo ruolo di primo piano nei test sulle armi nucleari del paese nel 1998
ha stabilito Kalam come un eroe nazionale, sebbene i test abbiano causato grande preoccupazione nella comunità internazionale. Nel 1998 Kalam
ha presentato un piano nazionale chiamato Technology Vision 2020, che ha descritto come una road map per trasformare l'India da una società
meno sviluppata a una società sviluppata in 20 anni. Il piano prevedeva, tra le altre misure, l'aumento della produttività agricola, l'enfasi sulla
tecnologia come veicolo di crescita economica e l'ampliamento dell'accesso all'assistenza sanitaria e all'istruzione.
Nel 2002 l'Alleanza Democratica Nazionale (NDA) al potere in India ha presentato Kalam come successore del presidente uscente Kocheril Raman
Narayanan. Kalam è stato nominato dall'NDA nazionalista indù (Hindutva) anche se era musulmano, e la sua statura e il suo fascino popolare erano
tali che anche il principale partito di opposizione, l'Indian National Congress, ha proposto la sua candidatura. Kalam vinse facilmente le elezioni e
nel luglio 2002 prestò giuramento come undicesimo presidente dell'India, un incarico in gran parte cerimoniale. Rimase impegnato a utilizzare la
scienza e la tecnologia per trasformare l'India in un paese sviluppato. Nel 2007 Kalam ha lasciato l'incarico ed è stata sostituita da Pratibha Patil, la
prima donna presidente del Paese.
Kalam ha scritto diversi libri, tra cui un'autobiografia, Wings of Fire (1999). Tra i suoi numerosi premi c'erano due dei più alti riconoscimenti del
paese, il Padma Vibhushan (1990) e il Bharat Ratna (1997).
Traduction - anglais The Biography of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam president of India
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in full Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, (born October 15, 1931, Rameswaram , India—died July 27,
2015, Shillong), Indian scientist and politician who played a leading role in the development of India’s missile and nuclear
weapons programs. He was president of India from 2002 to 2007.
Kalam earned a degree in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology and in 1958 joined the Defiance Research
and Development Organisation (DRDO). He soon moved to the Indian Space Research Organization, where he was project director of
the SLV-III, India’s first indigenously designed and produced satellite launch vehicle. Rejoining DRDO in 1982, Kalam planned the
program that produced a number of successful missiles, which helped earned him the nickname “Missile Man.”
From 1992 to 1997 Kalam was scientific adviser to the defense minister, and he later served as principal scientific adviser (1999–2001)
to the government with the rank of cabinet minister. His prominent role in the country’s 1998 nuclear weapons tests established Kalam
as a national hero, although the tests caused great concern in the international community. In 1998 Kalam put forward a countrywide
plan called Technology Vision 2020, which he described as a road map for transforming India from a less-developed to a developed
society in 20 years. The plan called for, among other measures, increasing agricultural productivity, emphasizing technology as a vehicle
for economic growth, and widening access to health care and education.
In 2002 India’s ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) put forward Kalam to succeed outgoing President Kocheril Raman
Narayanan . Kalam was nominated by the Hindu nationalist (Hindustan) NDA even though he was Muslim, and his stature and popular
appeal were such that even the main opposition party, the Indian National Congress, also proposed his candidacy. Kalam easily won the
election and was sworn in as India’s 11th president, a largely ceremonial post, in July 2002. He remained committed to
using science and technology to transform India into a developed country. In 2007 Kalam left office and was succeeded by Pratibha
Patil , the country’s first woman president.
Kalam wrote several books, including an autobiography, Wings of Fire (1999). Among his numerous awards were two of the country’s
highest honours, the Padma Vibhushan (1990) and the Bharat Ratna (1997).
anglais: eng to french
Texte source - anglais Write a paragraph within 100 words on how a building is constructed
The process of building a house is a very complex and difficult task. In the next
paragraphs, I will be explaining the many different steps that are required to build a
The first thing in building a house is selecting a lot and lot of preparation. The land has
to be cleared of trees and brush and graded to ensure a level building area. This
process is usually called excavating and grading. This is usually a very fast process but
can be costly depending on the job.
Also the land has to perk which means the land is not too wet and is safe for a structure
and allows a septic tank to be installed that will function properly.
Traduction - anglais Translation to French
Le processus de construction d'une maison est une tâche très complexe et difficile. Dans
les paragraphes suivants, j'expliquerai les nombreuses étapes nécessaires à la construction
d'une maison.
Le première chose à faire dans la construction d'une maison est de sélectionner un lot et
de préparer. Le terrain doit être débarrassé des arbres et des broussailles et nivelé pour
assurer une zone de construction de niveau. Ce processus est généralement appelé
excavation et nivellement. Il s'agit généralement d'un processus très rapide, mais qui peut
être coûteux en fonction du travail. Aussi le terrain doit être amélioré, ce qui signifie que le
terrain n'est pas trop humide et est sans danger pour une structure et permet d'installer
une fosse septique qui fonctionnera correctement.
anglais: German to English translate
Texte source - anglais Die Biographie von A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Präsident von Indien
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in vollem Umfang Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (* 15. Oktober 1931 in Rameswaram, Indien; * 27. Juli
2015 in Shillong), indischer Wissenschaftler und Politiker, der eine führende Rolle bei der Entwicklung der indischen Raketen- und
Atomwaffen Programme spielte . Er war von 2002 bis 2007 Präsident von Indien.
Kalam erwarb einen Abschluss in Luftfahrttechnik am Madras Institute of Technology und trat 1958 der Organisation für
Verteidigungsforschung und -entwicklung (DRDO) bei. Bald wechselte er zur indischen Weltraumforschungs Organisation, wo er
Projektleiter des SLV-III war, Indiens erstem von Ureinwohnern entworfenen und produzierten Satelliten-Trägerraketen. Als Kalam
1982 zu DRDO zurückkehrte, plante er das Programm, das mehrere erfolgreiche Raketen produzierte, was ihm den Spitznamen
„Missile Man“ einbrachte.
Von 1992 bis 1997 war Kalam wissenschaftlicher Berater des Verteidigungsministers und diente später als wissenschaftlicher
Hauptberater (1999–2001) der Regierung im Rang eines Kabinettsministers. Seine herausragende Rolle bei den Atomwaffentests
des Landes im Jahr 1998 machte Kalam zu einem Nationalhelden, obwohl die Tests in der internationalen Gemeinschaft große
Besorgnis erregten. 1998 legte Kalam einen landesweiten Plan mit dem Namen Technology Vision 2020 vor, den er als Fahrplan für
die Umwandlung Indiens von einer weniger entwickelten in eine entwickelte Gesellschaft in 20 Jahren bezeichnete. Der Plan sah
unter anderem die Steigerung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktivität, die Betonung der Technologie als Mittel für das
Wirtschaftswachstum und die Verbesserung des Zugangs zu Gesundheitsversorgung und Bildung vor.
Im Jahr 2002 schlug Indiens regierende National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Kalam als Nachfolger des scheidenden Präsidenten
Kocheril Raman Narayanan vor. Kalam wurde von der NDA des Hindu-Nationalisten (Hindutva) nominiert, obwohl er Muslim war,
und seine Statur und sein populärer Appell waren so, dass sogar die wichtigste Oppositionspartei, der indische Nationalkongress,
seine Kandidatur vorschlug. Kalam gewann leicht die Wahl und wurde im Juli 2002 als 11. Präsident Indiens vereidigt, ein
weitgehend zeremonieller Posten. Er setzte sich weiterhin dafür ein, Indien mit Wissenschaft und Technologie in ein entwickeltes
Land zu verwandeln. 2007 verließ Kalam sein Amt und wurde von Pratibha Patil, der ersten Präsidentin des Landes, abgelöst.
Kalam schrieb mehrere Bücher, darunter eine Autobiographie, Wings of Fire (1999). Zu seinen zahlreichen Auszeichnungen
gehörten zwei der höchsten Auszeichnungen des Landes, der Padma Vibhushan (1990) und der Bharat Ratna (1997).
Traduction - anglais The Biography of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam president of India
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in full Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, (born October 15, 1931, Rameswaram,
India—died July 27, 2015, Shillong), Indian scientist and politician who played a leading role in the development of
India’s missile and nuclear weapons programs. He was president of India from 2002 to 2007.
Kalam earned a degree in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology and in 1958 joined the
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). He soon moved to the Indian Space Research
Organisation, where he was project director of the SLV-III, India’s first indigenously designed and produced satellite
launch vehicle. Rejoining DRDO in 1982, Kalam planned the program that produced a number of successful missiles,
which helped earned him the nickname “Missile Man.”
From 1992 to 1997 Kalam was scientific adviser to the defense minister, and he later served as principal scientific
adviser (1999–2001) to the government with the rank of cabinet minister. His prominent role in the country’s 1998
nuclear weapons tests established Kalam as a national hero, although the tests caused great concern in the
international community. In 1998 Kalam put forward a countrywide plan called Technology Vision 2020, which he
described as a road map for transforming India from a less-developed to a developed society in 20 years. The plan
called for, among other measures, increasing agricultural productivity, emphasizing technology as a vehicle for
economic growth, and widening access to health care and education.
In 2002 India’s ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) put forward Kalam to succeed outgoing President
Kocheril Raman Narayanan. Kalam was nominated by the Hindu nationalist (Hindutva) NDA even though he was
Muslim, and his stature and popular appeal were such that even the main opposition party, the Indian National
Congress, also proposed his candidacy. Kalam easily won the election and was sworn in as India’s 11th president, a
largely ceremonial post, in July 2002. He remained committed to using science and technology to transform India
into a developed country. In 2007 Kalam left office and was succeeded by Pratibha Patil, the country’s first woman
Kalam wrote several books, including an autobiography, Wings of Fire (1999). Among his numerous awards were two
of the country’s highest honours, the Padma Vibhushan (1990) and the Bharat Ratna (1997).
Études de traduction
Other -
Années d'expérience en traduction : 8. Inscrit à : Oct 2022.