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Échantillons de traduction proposés: 2
français vers anglais: Sample translation French-English
Texte source - français Chronique
Le dangereux parallèle
23 septembre 2017 |Julien Tourreille | Actualités internationales
Donald Trump n’apprécie pas l’accord de juillet 2015 entre le groupe des P5 + 1 (les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU plus l’Allemagne) et l’Iran. Lors de son discours mardi devant l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, il a ainsi réaffirmé que cet accord « faisait honte aux États-Unis » tout en laissant entendre qu’il permettait à Téhéran de poursuivre le développement de son programme nucléaire.
Qu’ils soient aux États-Unis, en Israël ou en Arabie saoudite, les opposants à l’accord sur le nucléaire iranien avancent deux arguments principaux. Premièrement, ils estiment que Téhéran n’est pas digne de confiance. Les Ayatollahs n’auraient aucune intention de renoncer à la capacité de se doter de la technologie nucléaire, et ce, à des fins militaires.
Traduction - anglais The Dangerous Parallel
September 23, 2017 /Julien Tourreille/ International news
Donald Trump does not appreciate the deal concluded in July 2015 between the group 5+1, the five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization in addition to Germany plus Iran. The American president has reaffirmed in his speech on Tuesday before the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization that this deal ”brings shame to the United States”, and indicated that it allows Tehran to resume developing the nuclear program.
Whether it in the United States, Israel or Saudi Arabia, the opponents to the Iranian nuclear deal have raised two main arguments. Firstly, they see Tehran is not trustworthy. The group of Ayatollahs does not have any intention to give up on the idea of acquiring nuclear technology which serves for military purposes.
arabe vers anglais: Sample translation from Arabic to English
Texte source - arabe كندا تعلن رغبتها باستقبال أعداد كبيرة من المهاجرين
l 31 أكتوبر 2020 - 04:18 بتوقيت أبوظبي
وكالات - أبوظبي
ترغب كندا في زيادة عدد المهاجرين إليها خلال الأعوام الثلاثة المقبلة لتعويض تراجع عدد المهاجرين خلال 2020 بسبب وباء كوفيد-19، وفق ما أعلن وزير الهجرة
وأفاد ماركو منديسينو أن بلده يعتزم استقبال أكثر من 1,2 مليون مهاجر بين 2021 و2023، أي بزيادة نحو 200 ألف مهاجر عن العدد الذي حُدّد قبل الأزمة الوبائية
وأضاف في مؤتمر صحافي أن كندا لن تستقبل عام 2020 سوى جزء صغير من 341 ألف مهاجر كانت تتوقع قدومهم، وذلك بسبب فيروس كورونا المستجد الذي تسبب في اغلاق الحدود وتعليق الرحلات الجوية الدولية فترة طويلة.
ومن المتوقع أن يعود الوضع إلى حالته الطبيعية عام 2021، وفق خطة الهجرة المعلنة التي ترتكز أساسا على النمو الاقتصادي وكذلك على لم شمل العائلات واستقبال اللاجئين
Traduction - anglais Canada Plans to Receive Large Numbers of Immigrants
October 31, 2020- 4:18 time of Abu Dhabi
Agencies- Abu Dhabi
Canada plans to increase the number of immigrants in the upcoming three years to compensate for the decline in immigrants’ numbers in 2020 due to Covid-19, according to the Minister of Immigration.
Marco Mendicino stated that his country plans to receive more than 1.2 million immigrants between 2021 and 2023, an increase of 200 thousand immigrants from the number defined before the pandemic crisis.
In a press conference, he added that Canada will only receive a small portion of the 341 thousand immigrants, who were expected to come in 2020, due to Coronavirus that caused borders closure and suspension of the international airlines for a long period.
It is expected that the situation will be back to normal in 2021 according to the announced immigration plan, which is mainly based on economic growth, family reunion and welcoming refugees.
Études de traduction
Master's degree - Concordia University CANADA & Aleppo University SYRIA
Années d'expérience en traduction : 18. Inscrit à : Apr 2019.
arabe vers anglais (Aleppo University , verified) anglais vers arabe (Aleppo University , verified) français vers anglais (Université Concordia, Département d'études françaises, verified) anglais vers arabe (Association des Traducteurs dans l'Union des ةcrivains Arabes) arabe vers anglais (Association des Traducteurs dans l'Union des ةcrivains Arabes)
memoQ, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV available upon request
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I have the necessary analytical skills to understand and translate the source text, especially in the letters, social sciences and journalism domains. Editing and proofreading have always been part of the translation process when issuing invoices.
I am a faithful translator with huge respect for the set deadlines.
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