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Interpreting, Translation, Transcription
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anglais vers créole haïtien: Florida Pregnancy restraint aknowledgement General field: Autre Detailed field: Général / conversation / salutations / correspondance
Texte source - anglais Armor Correctional Health Services, Inc.
Pursuant to FSS §944.241, the undersigned inmate attests to understanding the following policies
relating to restraints of pregnant female prisoners during labor and delivery, and postpartum
1. Restraints shall not be used on inmates known to be pregnant during labor, delivery, and postpartum recovery; unless the corrections official makes an individualized
determination that the prisoner presents an extraordinary circumstance.
2. Exceptions:
a. A physician may request that restraints not be used for medical reasons, documented in the inmate medical record.
b. The correctional officer, correctional facility employee, or other officer accompanying the pregnant inmate may consult with the medical staff, however if there is extraordinary public safety risk, the officer is authorized to apply restraints with the following limitations:
i. The restraint applied in the application of the restrained shall be done in the least restrictive manner necessary;
ii. The corrections official shall make written findings within 10 days after use of restraints as to the extraordinary circumstances that dictated the use of restraints. These findings shall be kept on file for at least 5 years.
c. During the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, or when requested by the physician, unless there are documentable significant security reasons to the contrary that would threaten the safety of the prisoner, unborn child, or the public in general:
i. Leg, ankle, and waist restraints may not be used; and
ii. if wrist restraints are used they must be applied in front so that the pregnant inmate is able to protect herself in the event of a forward fall.
d. Any restraint of a prisoner who is known to be pregnant is done in the least restrictive manner necessary, in order to mitigate the possibility of adverse clinical consequences.
This information has been reviewed and explained to me by the health or correctional care staff member.
Patient Signature:
Intake Medical Staff Signature:
Armor: PT-088FL
Traduction - créole haïtien Armor Correctional Health Services, Inc.
Daprè FSS §944.241, prizonye ki siyen an afime ke li konprann règleman sa yo konsènan mwayen restriksyon pou prizonye fanm ki ansent pandan yo gen tranche ak akouchman epi pandan moman rekiperasyon aprè akouchman.
1. Mwayen restriksyon yo pa dwe itilize sou prizonye ke yo konnen ki ansent pandan yo gen tranche a, pandan yap akouche a ak pandan moman rekiperasyon aprè akouchman; sof si gadyen prizon an reyalize nan on fason endividyèl ke prizonye a prezante yon sikonstans ekstraòdinè.
2. Eksepsyon:
a. Yon doktè ka mande pou pa itilize mwayen restriksyon yo pou kèk rezon medikal, ki dokimante nan dosye medikal prizonye a.
b. Gadyen prizon la, anplwaye prizon an oubyen nenpòt lòt gadyen ki akonpanye prizonye ki ansent lan ka konsilte ak ekip medikal la, sepandan, si gen gwo risk sekirite piblik gadyen an otorize pou li aplike mwayen restriksyon avèk limit sa yo:
i. Mwayen restriksyon ki aplike nan aplikasyon moun yo bay restriksyon an dwe fèt nan fason mwens restriktiv ki nesesè;
ii. Gadyen prizon yo dwe ekri tout sa yo dekouvri nan 10 jou apre itilizasyon mwayen restriksyon yo, konsènan sikonstans extraodinè ki te oblije yo itilize mwayen restriksyon sa. Tout sa yo dekouvri yo dwe rete nan dosye pou o mwen 5 lane..
c. Pandan twazyem trimès gwosès la, oubyen lè doktè a mande sa, sof si genyen gwo rezon sekirite dokimantab ki okontrè ka menase sekirite prizonye a, bebe nan vant lan, oubyen piblik la an jeneral.
i. Janm, cheviy, and ak mwayen restriksyon nan ren pa dwe itilize;
ii. Si mwayen restriksyon pwanyè yo itilize, yo dwe mete yo pa devan pou prizonye ki ansent lan kapab pwoteje tèt li nan ka kote li tonbe sou fas.
d. Nenpot mwayen restriksyon sou yon prizonye ke yo konnen ki ansent fèt nan manyè ki mwen restriktiv nesesè, pou redwui posibilite konsekans klinik defavorab.
Enfòmasyon sa a te revize e manm staff sante oubyen swen prizon an eksplike mwen li.
Siyati Pasyan:
Siyati Staf Admisyon Medikal:
Armor: PT-088FL
Années d'expérience en traduction : 11. Inscrit à : Oct 2017.
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Christella is from a bilingual country, where the English language was additionally taught to her from kindergarten to high school. After living in the Dominican Republic where she also completed English language courses, she worked as a telemarketer and customer service agent, managing communication in four different languages during a period of five years.
As a result, she was automatically qualified to volunteer as an interpreter, for the Church on the Rock missionaries in the Dominican Republic. She also worked as an interpreter for the Rhus Haiti team relief in their mobile clinic, supporting Haiti after natural disasters. She has developed her passion for facilitating human interaction by using the languages that she currently speaks. This took her to the tourism industry where she worked as an interpreter for Decameron Explorer. A total of four years of experience, that enhanced her ability for general translation.
Since 2016, the International organization SOS Children’s Villages is using her translation services in all communication with sponsors and she never fails to meet the deadlines. In the meantime, Christella works as a freelancer specialized in legal translation. She also translates in other fields such as: Marketing, Business, training and instructional documents. She currently volunteers for Translators without borders. She comes highly recommended by multiple authors for her book and literary translations.
She is well-known for being driven and passionate about her work. She translates manually and she constantly strives to deliver flawless work. Feel free to reach out to [email protected], she welcomes the opportunity to become your personal language partner.
Mots clés : English to Haitian creole translator, Translator in Haiti, Translate from English to spanish latin america, French translator, Haitian Creole translator, Translator, Best translator, Professional translator