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Général / conversation / salutations / correspondance
allemand vers anglais - Tarif : 0.08 - 0.10 EUR par mot / 40 - 50 EUR de l'heure anglais vers roumain - Tarif : 0.08 - 0.10 EUR par mot / 40 - 50 EUR de l'heure français vers anglais - Tarif : 0.08 - 0.10 EUR par mot / 40 - 50 EUR de l'heure
allemand vers anglais: RTS (Remote Transaction Server) General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Télécommunications
Texte source - allemand RTS-Einführung bei XYZ
Dieses Pflichtenheft enthält die Anforderungen der Fa. XYZ an ein neu einzuführendes Kassensystem.
Traduction - anglais Remote Transaction Server Introduction at XYZ
This document contains the requirements specification of XYZ Co. for a newly introduced cash register system.
allemand vers anglais: Card Transaction Server General field: Affaires / Finance Detailed field: Télécommunications
Texte source - allemand Karten Transaktionsserver XYZ
XML GA Schnittstelle
Traduction - anglais ATM XML Interface to the XYZ Card Transaction Server
allemand vers anglais: TLN General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Jeux / jeux vidéo / jeux d'argent / casino
Texte source - allemand Die Vorgaben der bei TLN maßgeblichen WLA-Standards und ISO-Normen sind zu erfüllen.
Traduction - anglais The requirements of WLA (World Lottery Association)
standards and ISO norms relevant to TLN (Toto-Lotto Niedersachsen) must be met.
roumain vers anglais: Procura - Power of Attorney General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Droit : contrat(s)
Texte source - roumain In vederea realizarii prezentului mandat, mandatarul meu ma va reprezenta în faţa tuturor autorităţilor persoane fizice sau juridice implicate în realizarea prezentului mandat, va stabili sediul social al societatii, semnand contractele de inchiriere sau comodat aferente, va stabili obiectul de activitate al societatii, in fata institutiilor bancare in vederea depunerii capitalului social al societatii, va semna actul constitutiv, la Administratia Financiara Timis in vederea obtinerii Cazierului Fiscal, la ORC Timis in vederea inregistrarii actului constitutiv al societatii, in fata organelor financiare, in fata oricaror institutii bancare, va depune si ridica inscrisuri ce privesc societatea, inclusiv Certificatul de Inmatriculare al societatii, va declara ca nu voi uza de calea de atac impotriva incheierii judecatorului delegat cu privire la cererea de inregistrare a societatii sus mentionate, asa cum a fost formulata, va obtine avizele necesare functionarii societatii, va depune si ridica inscrisuri ce privesc societatea, inclusiv Certificatul de Inmatriculare, va face cereri si va da declaratii, semnand valabil in numele meu si pentru mine oriunde trebuinta o va cere, semnatura sa fiindu-mi opozabila in toata aceasta activitate.
Traduction - anglais In order to carry out the present Power of Attorney, my agent will represent me before all authorities, individuals or firms involved, will establish the company’s headquarters, signing the related leasing or commodate contracts, will establish the field of activity mentioned in the Articles of Incorporation, before banking institutions for deposition of capital funds of the company, will sign the Incorporation Articles at the Financial Admnistration of Timis in order to receive the Tax Clearance Certificate, at ORC Timis in order to register the company’s Articles of Incorporation, will file and collect any documents concerning the company, including the company’s Registration Certificate, will declare that he will not sue the Judge Delegate regarding the application for the registration of the above mentioned company, as stated, will obtain all court decisions on the company's registration and licensing, will file and collect entries regarding the company, including the Registration Certificate, will make petitions and give declarations, will provide a legally valid signature in my name and on my behalf, wherever necessary, his signature being legally binding in this entire activity.
Études de traduction
Master's degree - West University of Timisoara
Années d'expérience en traduction : 12. Inscrit à : Jun 2011.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Catalyst, Dreamweaver, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV available upon request
A while back, a test was made of one of the automated translation systems. The famous phrase "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" was chosen for translation from English to Russian. To check the quality of the translation, the resulting phrase was translated back to English with the result: "The vodka is good, but the meat is rotten".
This is where professionals like me come in, offering you extensive experience in translation, localization (L10N), and internationalization (I18N) services.
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Total des points gagnés: 144 Points de niveau PRO: 140
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