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<b>Traduction juridique</b> de qualité vers l'anglais par un ancien <b>avocat/notaire</b>
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français vers anglais: Extract from a Judgement General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Droit (général)
Texte source - français Attendu qu’ XY est décédé, le 8 mars 2007, en laissant un testament comprenant divers legs au profit, d’une part, de sa veuve, Mme A, qu’il avait épousée en seconds noces, le 8 octobre 1977, sous la regime de la séparation de biens, d’autre part, de ses deux enfants issus de son premier marriage, M. BC et Mme DE aux droits de laquelle se trouve M. FG, ainsi qu’au profit de tiers, MM. H, I et J; que, statuant dans le cadre des opérations de liquidation de la succession, l’arrêt attaqu é (CA Paris, 20 mars 2009) a condamné Mme A à payer aux héritiers réservataires la somme de 150 000,00 euros excédant la quotité disponible ainsi que celle de 50 000,00 Euros par elle prélevée sur les comptes de défunt.
Sur le moyen unique du pourvoi principal, pris en ses deux branches: Vu l’article 3 du code civil; -
Attendu que le montant de la reserve hereditaire est determiné par la loi successorale qui, s’agissant de successions immobilières, est celle du lieu de situation des immeubles, sous réserve du renvoi éventuel opéré par la loi etrangère de situation de l’immeuble à une autre loi et spécialement, à celle du for; - Attendu que pour refuser de tenir compte, dans le calcul de la quotieté disponible, des immeubles possédés par XY en Angleterre et qui existisaient encore en nature lors de la succession, l’arrêt attaqué énonce que les juridictions françaises n’ayant pas à connaitre du sort des immeubles situés à l’ étranger, il n’y a pas lieu de tenir comptes des immeubles dont il aurait été, au jour de son décès, propriétaire en Angleterre, qui doivent faire l’objet d’un règlement en Angleterre, la circonstance qu’ils aient été vendus postérieurement au deces ne pouvant avoir consequence la réintégration de leur valeur dans la succession ouverte en France antérieurement à cette vente; -
Traduction - anglais It was established that XY died on 8th March 2007 leaving a Will containing various legacies in favour of, on the one hand, his widow from his second marriage, Mrs A, whom he had married on 8th October 1977 under the system of separate ownership of property (avoiding the joint matrimonial property regime, which is applicable in France) and on the other hand in favour of the children from his first marriage, Mr BC and Mrs DE, whose rights are claimed by Mr FG. In addition, there were a number of legacies in favour of third parties, namely Mr H, Mr I and Mr K. Whereas, ruling upon the issue of distribution of the Estate, the decision of the Court of Appeal being appealed against had ordered Mrs A to pay the deceased’s children in respect of their right to the réserve héréditaire the sum of 150,000.00 Euros, exceeding the disposable portion of the Estate (hereinafter “the Free Estate”), as well as 50,000.00 Euros, which she had uplifted from the deceased’s bank accounts.
In relation to the sole argument of the principal appeal, taken in its two branches:
In view of Section 3 of the Civil Code, the amount of the réserve héréditaire is determined by the law of succession, which is the lex situs in cases of succession to immovable property, subject to the possibility of the foreign lex situs operating renvoi in favour of another law, particularly the lex fori. In refusing to take account of immovable property belonging to XY in England (and which still existed in kind at the commencement of the administration of the Estate), in calculating the Free Estate, the decision being appealed against promulgates the view that the French courts, being unable to take cognizance of immovable property situated abroad, there is no mechanism to take into account immovable property in England of which he was owner at the time of his death. This property required to be subject to an administration in England and the decision promulgates the view that the fact that their sale following the deceased’s death cannot have the effect of reintegrating their value in the administration being undertaken in France prior to their sale.
italien vers anglais: Extract from a Judgement General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Droit (général)
Texte source - italien SVOLGIMENTO DEL PROCESSO
Con citazione 20 giugono 1998, XXX s.p.a. convene, davanti al Tribunale di Milano, la società YYY, di nazionalità francese, con sede in Lione. Domandò la condanna al pagamento di 500.000,00 euros – oltri gli interessi – a titolo di prezzo per le merci, che le aveva venduto. La società convenuta si costituì, eccepì il difetto di giurisdizione del giudice italiano e, nel merito, contestò la domanda; in via riconvenzionale chiese che fosse pronunziata la risoluzione del contratto per vizi e difformità.
XXX s.p.a., con ricoroso 15 dicembre 1998, ha proposto istanza di regolamento di giurisdizione, chiedono che venga affermata la giurisdizione del giudice italiano ed osservando che l’obbligazione dedotta in giudizio, alla quale unicamente occorre fare riferimento, riguarda il pagamento del prezzo dell amerce venduta: obbligazione che avrebbe dovuto essere adempita in Italia, nella sua sede di Milano, mediante lo strumento del bonifico bancario, come del resto era avvenuto prima per alter furniture.
Traduction - anglais Outline of the Process
By summons dated 20th June 1998, XXX S.P.A, cited YYY S.A.R.L, a French registered company with its headquarters in Lyons to appear before the Court in Milan. XXX S.P.A. sought an order requiring it to pay them 500,000.00 Euros (excluding interest) being the price for the merchandise, which it had sold YYY S.A.R.L. The defender company, thus summoned raised an objection to the lack of jurisdiction on the part of the Italian courts and on the merits of the case they contested the demand for payment. By way of counterclaim they sought a decree of annulment in relation to the contract on the grounds of its irregular and defective form.
By appeal dated 15th December 1998, XXX S.P.A petitioned the Court of Cassation using the alternative regolamento preventive di giurisdizione (advance determination of jurisdiction procedure), requesting that the jurisdiction of the Italian courts be affirmed and objecting that the obligation in question concerned the payment of the price for merchandise sold. This was an obligation that ought to have been performed at its headquarters in Milan, Italy by means of a bank credit transfer instrument, as the rest of the money had been paid previously for other supplies.
Études de traduction
Master's degree - University of Hull
Années d'expérience en traduction : 13. Inscrit à : May 2011.
Je suis traducteur juridique, travaillant du français et d'italien vers l'anglais. Je fais la traduction ainsi que la relecture et la verification des textes.
Je suis spécialisé en traduction juridique. Je traduis les textes théoriques, les jugements, les contrats, les pouvoirs et les testaments. En plus, je fais la traduction des documents commerciaux, tels que les statuts et les conditions générales de vente, ainsi que les textes concernant l'immobilier.
J'avais travaillé pendant plusieurs années comme avocat et notaire en Écosse. Je faisais les achats, ventes et locations des biens immobiliers, les pouvoirs, les testaments, les successions, ainsi que les litiges et le droit commercial. Cette expérience m'aide à comprendre les complexités de la rédaction juridique. J'ai egalement une forte connaissance de la terminologie juridique.
J'ai fait mes études en traduction à la Université de Hull en Angleterre, ou j'ai obtenu mon « MA in Translation Studies » (mention très honorable).
Pour faire la traduction j'utilise SDL Trados Studio 2021 comme logiciel de traduction et je suis certifie au niveau avancé. Capacité de 3.000 mots par jour.
English Version
I am a legal translator offering professional translation, proof reading, editing and abstracting services from French and Italian into English.
I have over ten years experience specializing in legal translation. I work with academic legal texts, court judgements, legislation and private legal documents, including contractual, commercial and corporate documentation as well as texts related to conveyancing/real estate transactions. My expertise is also relevant to the related field of business and commercial, for instance in relation to the translation of terms and conditions.
Being a qualified Scottish Solicitor and Notary Public with a First Class Honours Degree in Law, a Diploma in Legal Practice and in excess of three years post qualifying experience, my knowledge of the complexities of legal drafting and terminology means that I am ideally qualified to work in the field of legal translation. As a solicitor, I worked mainly in the field of Private Client and Commercial and Residential Conveyancing/Real Estate, including Commercial Leasing. I also have experience of Corporate, Licensing and Civil and Criminal Court work.
I am also qualified as a translator having gained my MA in Translation Studies from the University of Hull with Distinction.
I use SDL Trados Studio 2021 Translation Software. I am currently certified to an advanced level by SDL. Capacity of 3,000 words per day.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Project management
Language pairs
français vers anglais
italien vers anglais
Specialty fields
Droit (général)
Droit : contrat(s)
Entreprise / commerce
Droit : taxation et douanes
Droit : brevets, marques de commerce, copyright
Art, artisanat et peinture
Other fields
Finance (général)
Ressources humaines
Certificats / diplômes / licences / CV
Gouvernement / politique
Environnement et écologie
Médecine (général)
Médecine : médicaments
Général / conversation / salutations / correspondance