Membre depuis Jul '20

Langues de travail :
russe vers portugais
français vers portugais
anglais vers portugais
portugais (monolingue)

Availability today:
Majoritairement disponible

February 2025

joana neves
Maître Traduction, +10 ans d'expérience

Maia, Porto, Portugal
Heure locale : 18:33 WET (GMT+0)

Langue maternelle : portugais Native in portugais
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5 positive reviews
4 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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What joana neves is working on
Oct 26, 2024 (posted via  Working on an acceptable use policy (AUP), English to Portugues, 13159 words, for a clothing luxury brand. Perfect weather outside for that! ...more, + 7 other entries »
Total word count: 51881

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I hold a Master's degree in Specialized Translation and Interpreting, and a Degree in Administrative Assistance and Translation. As soon as I finished my Master's degree in Portugal, in 2011, I dedicated myself to freelancing, as a translator. Meanwhile, I worked as an administrative assistant to the direction of a research group; this work included the review, proofreading, and translation, mainly within the language combination English - Portuguese, Portuguese - English of technical reports for research projects and scientific papers.

In 2014, I left everything behind when I decided to go to Moscow (Russia) to study in a Master's degree in Cultural Studies, for two years. In 2016, I completed the Master's with honors. The course was entirely taught in Russian. I lived for 6,5 years in the Russian Federation, working as a freelance translator. This was an excellent adventure to grow personally, as well as professionally, and to the improvement of my linguistic capabilities, in terms of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

Nowadays, all these skills allow me to handle, successfully, fruitful collaborations with several translation companies and end clients from Portugal, Italy, Russia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, The Netherlands, mostly with the language combination Russian - Portuguese, English - Portuguese, French-Portuguese.

I am thankful to say that I do what I love!

Services: Professional translation / proofreading / review / editing / transcription services.

Languages: Russian, English and French into European Portuguese (mother tongue).

Rates & Payment: Translation services are priced according to the source (sometimes the target) text word count. An hourly rate might be applied for proofreading/editing services. For a no-obligation quote, please fill out the contact form. An approximate quote will be calculated after a review of your document. Payments via PayPal are accepted.

CAT Tools: SDL Trados Studio, memoQ, Memsource Editor for Desktop, Memsource Cloud, Poedit, MateCat

Software: Microsoft Office, ABBY FineReader Professional, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Foxit Reader, Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Chrome, Opera, Dropbox.

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Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.

Total des points gagnés: 28
Points de niveau PRO: 24

Afficher tous les points gagnés >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects61
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
russe vers portugais39
anglais vers portugais10
portugais vers russe4
russe vers français4
français vers portugais2
français vers russe1
espagnol vers portugais1
Specialty fields
Internet, commerce électronique14
Certificats / diplômes / licences / CV9
Médecine (général)6
Jeux / jeux vidéo / jeux d'argent / casino6
Droit : brevets, marques de commerce, copyright5
Cosmétiques / produits de beauté4
Droit : contrat(s)4
Entreprise / commerce4
Enseignement / pédagogie4
Ordinateurs (général)4
Ingénierie (général)3
Finance (général)2
Cuisine / culinaire2
Électronique / génie électronique2
Militaire / défense2
Automation et robotique2
Sports / forme physique / loisirs2
Droit (général)2
TI (technologie de l'information)2
Marketing / recherche de marché1
Cinéma, film, TV, théâtre1
Énergie / génération d'électricité1
Mécanique / génie mécanique1
Publicité / relations publiques1
Ressources humaines1
Other fields
Appellations (personnes, entreprise)5
Général / conversation / salutations / correspondance5
Tourisme et voyages4
Transport / expédition3
Médecine : médicaments3
Médecine : soins de santé2
Médecine : instruments2
Produits alimentaires et Boissons2
Org / dév. / coop internationale2
Navires, navigation, marine2
Sciences sociales, sociologie, éthique, etc.2
Médecine : cardiologie1
Ordinateurs : matériel1
Idiômes / maximes / proverbes1
Investissement / titres1
Médecine : dentisterie1
Matériaux (plastique, céramique, etc.)1
Mobilier / électroménager1
Mots clés : português, inglês, francês, russo, portuguese, english, french, russian, portugais, anglais. See more.português, inglês, francês, russo, portuguese, english, french, russian, portugais, anglais, français, russe, английский, французский, русский, португальский, португальский язык, английский язык, французский язык, inglês-português, francês-português, russo-português, английский-португальский, французский-португальский, русский-португальский, english-portuguese, french-portuguese, russian-portuguese, tradução, revisão, edição, correção, письменный перевод, перевод, вёрстка, translation, proofreading, editing, traduction, portugais, anglais, français, russe, anglais-portugais, français-portugais, russe-portugais, nativo, native, technical translation, foreign translations, Russian translation services. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Jan 4