Rate per hour €50.00 EUR
About me
I'm a typical frustrated artist. A lifelong bookworm with the gift of the gab who has never quite managed to make a living from his own loquacity. I have a feel for language that borders on synaesthesia. I studied Cultural History, Philosophy, History of Religions and Cultural Studies and have spent the last 20 years learning not to overthink things. My gut instinct is pretty good and I tend to trust it. I can back things up with knowledge and research where necessary as well. Uncompromising.
My work
I have written claims, taglines, headlines, subheads, product features, endless body copy, bullets, listicles, blurbs, and boiler plates.
I have worked from product guidelines, hastily crabbed notes, thorough briefings, corporate image brochures, hastily arranged telephone calls and factory visits.
I have revised my work again and again, argued with clients over the nuances of a certain term till I was blue in the face. I have lengthened and shortened copy at will.
I have worked from product guidelines, hastily crabbed notes, thorough briefings, corporate image brochures, hastily arranged telephone calls and factory visits.
I have revised my work again and again, argued with clients over the nuances of a certain term till I was blue in the face. I have lengthened and shortened copy at will.
I have worked for
Many of the accounts of Martin Crellin's Agency in Ludwigsburg, Germany (HP, SAP, T-Systems, Daimler, Heye, many more, especially in IT, automotive, advertising and media.
Specializing in:
- Certificats / diplômes / licences / CV
- Anthropologie
- Militaire / défense
- Org / dév. / coop internationale
- Histoire
- Gouvernement / politique