| ProZ.com Member | Profile Keywords | Native Language Country | KudoZ Points (in pair) | Next page: More English vers Danish translators and interpreters » |
| Malberg Reliable, flexible and thorough | English to Danish translator, medical, IVD, MD, health, health care, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, Market Research, medical Market Research, corporate communication, product information, product leaflets, documentation, manuals, user guides, instructions for use, IFU, technical, engineering, marketing, surveys, questionnaires, biomedical, IT, software, hardware, websites, localization, localisation, education, e-learning, Nutrition, food, cosmetics, ecology, travel, tourism, clothing, textiles, fashion, SEO, Trados, Studio, translation, terminology, Multiterm, English to Danish translation, Swedish to Danish translation, Norwegian to Danish translation, Danish translator, native Dane ... | Danish Danemark | 949 points English vers Danish | | Charlotte Langbeen Medical/Pharma, BA, 27 Years' Exp. | Danish, medical, medicine, clinical, research, clinical research, business, marketing, pc, printer, fax, copier, scanner, mobile, phones, dvd, player, recorder, players, recorders, medicine, native, plasma, dvd, translator, translation, translations, desktop, notebook, editor, editing, proofreading, proofreader ... | Danish États-Unis | 665 points English vers Danish | | Birgit Bonde Jensen Words are fun! | translations, italian, Danish, English, german, tysk, technology, engineering, environment, household appliances, tourism, proof reading, DTP, technical, electric tools, biomedical instrumentation, mechanical, instruction manuals ... | Danish Espagne | 374 points English vers Danish | | Lone Sørensen Medical translator, 15 years experience | medicine, medical, health care, cardiology, biochemistry, biochemical, biotechnology, biotechnological, microbiology, microbiological, genetics, zoology, botany, chemistry, chemical, drugs, pharmaceuticals, Nutrition, medical instruments, patent, clinical trial protocol, SMPC, SPC, PIL, manual, Microsoft Word, SDL Trados, pdf, medicin, medicinsk, biokemi, biokemisk, bioteknologi, bioteknologisk, kemi, kemisk, lægemidler, medikamenter, klinisk forsøgsprotokol, produktresume, etikettering, indlægsseddel ... | Danish Danemark | 358 points English vers Danish | | Barbara Østergaard Danish Specialist | AI & MTPE Savvy | law, agreements, state-authorised, state-authorized, sworn translator, certified translations, contracts, birth certificates, authorised, authorized, certified, declarations, cv, curriculum, applications, registrations, business, commerce, economics, finance, accounting, investment, management, marketing, EU, IT, computers, software, telecommunications, creative, storyboards, manuscripts, treatments, advertising, documentaries, psychology, coaching, games, roleplay, manuals, tourism, gastronomy, food, cooking, books, proofreading, self-development, self-help, questionnaire, survey, marketing, organisation, management, banking, payment, cards, information, services, digital, security, e-security, e-commerce, mobile commerce, mobile payment, environment, work environment, working environment, ecology, website, csr, code of conduct, literature, books, novels, library, library services, digitisation, digitization, dissertation, thesis, school paper, hr, life-simulation games, cleaning, cle ... | Danish Danemark | 356 points English vers Danish | | Anna Haxen BSc and lab technologist | degree, biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular, molecular biology, genetics, genetic engineering, laboratory, technology, instruments, medicine, medical equipment, medical device, pharmaceuticals, patent, MSDS, clinical trial protocol, CTP, patient information leaflet, PIL, summary of product characteristics, SPC, SmPC, literature, translating, editing, proofreading, Greenlandic ... | Danish Danemark | 269 points English vers Danish | | Hanne Rask Sonderborg Professional Full-Time Translator | Business, medical, technical, manufacturing, manuals, computer, software, mechanical engineering, chemical hazards, construction, ethics, environment, GPS, data security, Trados, Studio, MemoQ, Memsource, Danish, Danish to English, English to Danish, Denmark, native Dane.
Translated book: Human Development And Working Life (2003) by Prof. Helge Hvid. ... | Danish Danemark | 267 points English vers Danish | | Mette Hansen | Danish, french, technical, translation, fast, flexible, hours ... | Danish Danemark | 236 points English vers Danish | | Peter Adolph Bonne Pratique de Traduction - Danemark | Good Translation Practice, medical translator into Danish, state-authorized translators, state-authorized translators in Spanish, professionel oversættelse, medicinsk, medicinsk oversættelse af erfarne statsautoriserede translatører, global words, global words denmark translation, global words oversættelse peter adolph, global works, medical, translation of regulatory affairs documents into Danish, medical translation into Danish, medical translator denmark, medical denmark, kliniske forsøgsprotokoller, forsøgsprotokoller, patientinformationer, samtykkeerklæringer, produktresuméer, indlægssedler, labelling, SPC, PIL, IFU, user manuals, brugervejledninger, informed consent forms, korrekturlæsning, proof-reading in Danish, professionel oversættelse, professional translation into Danish, EMEA, EMEA translations, SPC-PIL-labelling, regulatory affairs, regulatory affairs denmark translation, clinical affairs, clinic ... | Danish Danemark | 157 points English vers Danish | | Soren Petersen Quick and accurate translations | Danish, Denmark, Ireland, Swedish, Norwegian, Professional, Games, IT, Tourism, Mobile Games, Netherlands, Freelance ... | Danish/English États-Unis | 148 points English vers Danish | | Pernille Chapman Award-winning translations | Danish translation, English translation, quality assurance, quality control, LQA, lqa, editing, transcription, IT, software, Apple, Apple products, audio transcription, manuals, questionnaires, patient questionnaires, patient interviews, surveys, Market Research, mobility aids, tourism, marketing, advertising, literature, children, tv, film, eu, websites, website localisation, website localization, Danish, norwegian, swedish, English, localization, localisation, proofreading, proof-reading, proofing, mystery shopping, transcreation, speech recognition, nordic languages, nordic, subtitles, subtitling, on-site work ... | Danish Royaume-Uni | 131 points English vers Danish | | Tine Wanning | museum, history, archaeology, art, Architecture, tourism, gardening, garden design, IT, software, websites, html ... | Danish Royaume-Uni | 117 points English vers Danish | | Michael Davies Quality translations on time, every time | translation, proofreading, English, Danish, French, oversættelse, korrekturlæsning, engelsk, dansk, fransk, traduction, correction, anglais, danois, francais, information and communications technology, ICT, informations- og kommunikationsteknologi, IKT, nouveaux technologies information et communication, NTIC, management, ledelse, Gestion ... | Danish/English Danemark | 117 points English vers Danish | | Christina Kjaergaard 7 years with a law firm | legal communication, legal translation, certified translator, statsautoriseret, translatør, statsautoriseret translatør, financial communication, fast service, contract, articles of association, technical, financial, legal, computer, quality, corporate, trademarks, user manuals, efficiency, service, selskabsret, jura, tender, tender material, udbud, juridisk oversættelse, virksomhedsrelateret oversættelse, korrespondance, judgment, judgement, order, dom, law, book, contract, bøger, eneforhandleraftale, forhandleraftale, license agreement, licence agreement, EULA, birth certificate, dåbsattest, sole agency agreement, agency agreement, EU, European Union, European Commission, European Parliament, certificate, kvalitet, effektiv, service, business language, Danish, EU, kontrakt, business, finance, law, food, power point, lifestyle, magazine, cookbook, cook book, flight menus, gastronomy, food, wine, wine menus, fashion, European Commision, European Parliament, insurance policies, lovgivni ... | Danish Danemark | 96 points English vers Danish | | Randi Kristensen So others understand | Marketing, business, design, technical manuals, medicine, food, art, turism, websites, turism, electrical appliances, education, e-learning, surveys, chemicals, English to Danish, Swedish to Danish, Italian to Danish, ... | Danish Danemark | 89 points English vers Danish | | Lise Leavitt Flexible, efficient and dedicated. | Dansk oversætter, Danish translator, Danish mother tongue, Danish to English, English to Danish, United States, Italia, Italy, flexible, automotive, Italian translations, 20 år i Rom, manuals, brugervejledninger, italiano/danese, certificati, shipping-assistent, italiensk til dansk, traduzioni in danese, manuali, traduzioni in inglese, italiensk oversætter, telecommunications, software, questionnaires, filing systems, virginia, freelance translations, translations in Danish, translations from Danish, Automotive translations from Italian to English and Danish, traduttrice, esperienza in Italia, software, transcription from Danish, subtitling, Danish subtitles, translation of subtitles into Danish ... | Danish États-Unis | 89 points English vers Danish | | CharlotteLinder Danish Quality Translations | Agriculture, landbrug, pharmaceutical, visa, visum, immigration, tourism, turisme, hotel, travel, rejse, fast service, horse, equine, hest, dressage, dressur, Veterinary, I-864, USCIS, divorce, skilsmisse, children, barn, show jumping, springning, biology, biologi, geography, geografi, school, skole, education, uddannelse, QRD, medicine, PIL, labeling, SmPC, translation, oversættelse, dansk, engelsk, pharmaceutical, ... | Danish États-Unis | 81 points English vers Danish | | Pernille Kienle Quality translations on time! | Danish, English, German, business, software, technology, marketing, retail, education, translation, editing, localization ... | Danish/English Canada | 80 points English vers Danish | | kimjasper MA, 25 years commercial experience | Astronomie et espace, Automation et robotique, Chimie / génie chim., Construction / génie civil, Cuisine / culinaire, Cosmétiques / produits de beauté, Économie, Électronique / génie électronique, Ingénierie : industriel, Produits alimentaires et Boissons, Jeux / jeux vidéo / jeux d'argent / casino, Général / conversation / salutations / correspondance, Gouvernement / politique, Gestion, Mathématiques et statistiques, Média / multimédia, Autre, Philosophie, Photographie / imagerie (et arts graphiques), Physique, Poésie et littérature, Imprimerie et édition, Psychologie, Sciences (général), Industrie automobile / voitures et camions, Ordinateurs : matériel, Ordinateurs : systèmes, réseaux, Org / dév. / coop internationale, Fabrication, SAP, Publicité / relations publiques, Entreprise / commerce, Ingénierie (général), Marketing / recherche de marché, Musique, Ordinateurs (général), Ordinateurs : logiciels, Internet, commerce électronique, TI (technologie de l'information) ... | Danish Danemark | 71 points English vers Danish | | Mette Krogh M.Sc. Chem. Eng.; technical translator | kemi, medicin, kvalitetsdokumenter, brugsanvisninger, tekniske forskrifter, patenter, brochurer, medicinske protokoller, undervisningsmateriale.
chemistry, medicine, quality documentation, manuals, user guides, technical regulations, patents, brochures, medical protocols, educational/training and teaching materials. ... | Danish Danemark | 70 points English vers Danish | | Ivana Søndergaard I know what it means | Danish, Danish translation, Danish proofreading, marketing, IT, hardware, software, manuals, advertising, fashion, Market Research, translation, transcreation, proofreading, editing, websites, online, technology, tourism, travel, health, Nutrition, consumer electronics, user manuals, MTPE, interpreting ... | Danish Royaume-Uni | 67 points English vers Danish | | Beate Duramois Medical, technical all-round translator | til dansk, til fransk, fra engelsk, medical device, technology, automobile, energy, heating/cooling, summary of European committee meeting, all-round translator, audio systems, heavy machinery (Agriculture and other), production, production machinery, manuals, office equipment, tourism, culture, software, translation, MTPE, proofreading, machine translation post-editing. ... | French France | 55 points English vers Danish | | Marianne Dahl Your next Scandinavian Translator? | Marianne Dahl, AstraLingua, travelling, html, technical, business, computer, hardware, manuals, books, software, trados, transit, wordfast, france, denmark, proofreading, pc, powerpoint, german, sport, marketing, newsletter, press releases, Danish, English, homepage, german, internet, pdf, translation, school, education, proz, medical equipment, medical tools, Danish transcription, transcription, transskription, Denmark ... | Danish Danemark | 39 points English vers Danish | | Pelle Persson Versatile, with flexible hours. | hardware, software, games, sports, technical ... | Danish Irlande | 31 points English vers Danish | | Else Agersnap M.Sc. Environmental Science & Psychology | environment, ecology, engineering, traffic, social science, psychology, sociology, music, literature, art, academic texts, technology ... | Danish Danemark | 30 points English vers Danish | Next page: More English vers Danish translators and interpreters » | |