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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Business lunch with other translators

October 28, 2017, 2:00 pm
Royaume-UniSouthamptonIn personanglais
I have changed the date with the wish to join all of you and more potential translators on the new day! I propose to have lunch at Westquay shopping centre in the centre of Southampton. Come on! Confirm your assistance now! :)

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Interested members (6) / Confirmed: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
Paula Sabirón  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
XSherin Khullar (X)   ...  y
Virginia Pérez Román   ...  y
XJane Ashford (X)   ...  y
XMichael Friedli (X)   ...  n
Nikki Graham   ...  y

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