Powwow Report for Royaume-Uni - Nottingham (Jul 19 2008)

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Report from  Sarah Appleby (X)
Big thanks to everyone for coming and making the latest Nottingham powwow a resounding success. We welcomed Heather, Steve, Ségolène and Gisela for the first time and look forward to seeing you again!

Special thanks to Mattijs for proposing the venue - definitely a candidate for a repeat visit.

Photos to follow courtesy of Steve Yates.

Best wishes,

Photos from  Sarah Appleby (X)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Jennifer White
Adam H
Gisela Re
Steve Yates
Frances Warburton
Olesya Francis
Sarah Appleby (X)
X \"Reporter\"
Heather Lane
steve 5
Mattijs Warbroek

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Jul 21 '08  Steve Yates: Nice bunch
I'm so glad I came down for my first Nottingham PowWow, sorry I couldn't spend even more time with you all. Hope you like the photos.
Jul 21 '08  Frances Warburton: Thanks
Thanks Sarah for organising the PowWow. It's always good to meet other translators. I'm happy to help organise the picnic wherever it may be

Jul 21 '08  Languageman: Hints and tips newsletter
Here's a link to sign up for the Translator's Toolkit newsletter that I mentioned to a few folk at the PowWow. Lots of handy, time-saving tips and tricks, as well as software reviews and other stuff.

Jul 21 '08  Languageman: Greetings from Matlock Bath
Another excellent PowWow in Nottingham, thanks for organising Sarah. Great to meet friendly folk old and new, look forward to the picnic.