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Translation of a message/newsletter from a header to their employees, 400 words from English to Portuguese.
Translation of a Due Diligence form, 4167 words from English to Portuguese.
( modifié) Translation of promotional material and guidelines for a group related to Kardecist Spiritism, 2000 words from Portuguese to French.
( modifié) Translation of CSR documents on a variety of processes (due diligence, procurement, legal, etc.), 8247 words from French to Portuguese.
( modifié) Translation (and even transcreation sometimes) of marketing materials for a smartphone. There are about 3000 words, from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
Translation of a Powerpoint file about past and future engineering and mobility projects from a big company. Other than only numbers and deadlines, it assessed their ESG levels. There were about 21 thousand of words, from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
( modifié) Now I'm translating an email from a head to employees about cyber security and a list of Do's and Don't's in Powerpoint. 1200 words from English to Portuguese.
I'm post-editing the Help content of a CAD software, English to Portuguese, 6000 words.
I'm translating a book from an important engineering and mobility company, 14k+ words from French into Brazilian Portuguese.
( modifié) I’m translating an “Attestation d’équivalence” and a “Relevé des apprentissages” (Québec), from French to Portuguese.
( modifié) New functions and buttons IN! Old deprecated stuff OUT! In July, I post-edited a machine-translated help file (an update...) for a computer-aided design (CAD) software - ~17k words from English to Portuguese.
In July, I post-edited a 9k-word document with instructions on how to operate a medical system for knee surgery, translated from French to Portuguese.
In July, I post-edited a document named “Procédure de Lutte contre le Blanchiment d’argent et le Financement du Terrorisme…”, 6482 words, from French to Portuguese.
( modifié) In July, I translated a very small number of strings from a newsletter (e.g. "Newsletter #NN Bonjour (prénom") - 50 words - from French to Portuguese.
( modifié) In July I translated a short mining report and a short about page for the same company - 2053 words - from English to Portuguese.
I’m transcribing and translating the lettering and legal details of an ad video for a major smartphone manufacturer.
I'm translating a Field Visit Trip Log, in the Mining & Geology domain, from English to Portuguese. 2300 words of pure challenge 💪.
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Translation of a Director's field visit message to employees. 804 words from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
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Translation of an Innapropriate Behaviour Notification (bullying at workplace). 878 words from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
Translation of a Delegation of Authority (DOA) - and a Powerpoint diagram attached. 3551 words from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
Mode d'emplie (instructions for use) de Wordpress du profil contributeur, 1622 words from French to Brazilian Portuguese.
Translation of a process note on contract execution. 1275 words from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
Translation of CEO's short business trip journal and thoughts to be sent employees. 1608 words from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
( modifié) Convertion then translation of screenshots contained in a Powerpoint presentation on ESC clinical studies on cardiovascular disease (CVD) pills. The Poweropint file alone - without screenshots conversion - had approx. 300 words alredy translated. The screenshots conversion revealed 3492 words to be translated. Be realy careful when you have to quote files like this.
Translation of a Powerpoint file on guidelines for an employee's app from a French energy field company, 2323 words from French to Brazilian Portuguese. Translating powerpoint stuff in a CAT-Tool is always challenging - it's an imperative to let the source file open for consultation.
( modifié) MTPE of a CAD's help. 40623 words from English to Portuguese.
( modifié) Translation of a new tool announcement and fact sheet made by a tech team, 466 words from English to Portuguese, for a multinational mining company.
( modifié) Translation of a charter on an Excellence System signed by a CEO. 335 words from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
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Translation of a study plan for a foundational course tailored for pregnant women in the context of Spiritism (Kardecism) / Traduction d'un plan d'études pour un cours de base adapté aux femmes enceintes en Spiritisme (Kardecisme). 1100 words from Portuguese to French.
Translation of a program anouncement for a key player in the mining sector, 1930 words from English to Portuguese.
A couple of days ago: MTPE Contest Rules for a French leading supermarket brand, 1826 words from English to Portuguese.
Just finished the MTPE of an "internal glossary" on R&D partnership contracts, 3515 words from French to Portuguese.
Just finished the post-edit of a "Procèss de fabrication" of a train model part. I assure you it's not an easy task, but I enjoyed to learn more about welding techniques.
Un travail de traducion du français vers le portugais. I just finish the translation of a pharmaceutical company's client experience white paper for internal communication. Je traduis un livre blanc expérience client d'un entreprise du secteur pharmaceutique pour leur communication interne.
( modifié) I'm localizing the UX/UI strings of a smartphone's Notes app. This Note app uses AI to convert speech to text. But not only that - it also summarizes the text, formats it and creates a cover for the note! Wow
( modifié) I'm working on a localization/transcreation of a few marketing documents (video script, lading page, leaflet, etc.) for a Real State company focused on brazilians who want to buy properties in the US...
( modifié) Now again I am translating more copies for the launch of a new smartphone model, 14333 words from English to Brazilian Portuguese. What a nice way to start 2024! :D
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Last week I translated copies for the launch of a new smartphone model, 11761 words from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
I'm post-editing/translating an "instructions for use" of a punctum plug (for dry eye treatment), 1000 words, from English to Brazilian Portuguese.
( modifié) I'm post-editing 2 PowerPoint presentations for a toolbox meeting/talk. It has number of case studies and I have fun doing this kind of stuff.
Client (LSP) asked me for help to transcribe a birth certificate, which was handwritten/scribbled in Portuguese, and their translator was not understanding. Job done :) Next!
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I'm post-editing, from French to Brazilian Portuguese, a set of machine-translated Powerpoint and Word files on anti-bribery and anti-corruption, due diligence, etc. which will be used on a training of employees. The whole project has aprox. 37,000 words.
( modifié) I'm translating a IT help/tutorial project, which includes a set of descriptions, hints, instructions, etc. 5200 words from English to Portuguese. This is actually a "missing" part of a big project I worked on weeks ago.
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Yesterday I translated a mining company's video subtitle whose key message is each employee plays a key role in working in safety, saving water, etc. Because it's a subtitle, creativity is a must in order to keep lines short.
Just finished the translation of a video advertisement screenplay of a new Samsung tablet. 750 words from English to Portuguese.
Between June and July, I worked on an expected BIG translation project: ~40k words, splitted in 2 batches with deliverables during the weeks. The text I translated were mostly strings and instructions/explainations of an app for geoscientists and related careers. Happily everything went well.
I translated new segments, edited updated segments and reviewed full-match segments of FCPE's marketing materials.
( modifié) Last weekend I finished the translation of the subtitles of a set of tutorial videos (batch 3) on how to use the desktop/mobile applications which is to be offered to the employees of a mining company.
Just finished the translation of a logistics company's Performance Review Powerpoint presentation.
Just finished the translation of a communication from a company's head to their employees about organizational changes, co-worker retirement, etc.