Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Eskalada Hiztegia, trilingual climbing glosary.
Rodrigo Artiles Uriarte |
English-Basque-Spanish climbing glosary, ranging from materials to techniques, disciplines and rock types.
Энциклопедический словарь медицинских терминов (гл. ред. Б. В. Петровский, 1984–1989), М.: Советская энциклопедия. Систематизированное научно-справочное издание, ок. 60 000 медицинских терминов с этимологическими корнями. Справочные приложения: «Анатомические термины» «Артерии», «Вены», «Кости», «Лимфатические узлы», «Мышцы», «Нервы и другие образо... View more
Russian to English Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Glossary / Русско-английский толковый словарь биотехнологических и генноинженерных терминов, with appr. 450 terms in the fields of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics, Genetic Engineering, Bioscience, with extensive explanations in Russian. Based on Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering ... View more
Coronavirus English-Russian Dictionary, with appr. 770 terms with extensive explanations in English, related to specifically coronaviruses and generally virology, immunology, microbiology, immunogenetics, public health, epidemiology, etc. Based on Coronavirus: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References. ... View more
This section provides a guide to terms commonly used in relation to treaties and employed in the practice of the Secretary-General as depositary of multilateral treaties, as well as in the Secretariat's registration function. Where applicable, a reference to relevant provisions of the Vienna Convention 1969 is included.
Este breve glosario se consolidó luego de varios proyectos relacionados con listados de Aliexpress. La mayoría de los términos están relacionados con artículos de belleza tales como maquillajes, sombras, brillantinas, uñas y pestañas postizas, y cosmética en general. Adicionalmente, hay términos para diversos tipos de prendas de ropa para invie... View more EXAMPLES-TECHNICAL TERMS of robotics (ISBN 3000215891): Woerterbuch-Fachbegriffe aus der Robotertechnik -- technical terms / words of robotics Ablegeposition {Robotertechnik} deposit position absetzen {Robotertechnik} set down, to Absolutbewegung {Robotertechnik} absolute motion Abso... View more
A través de éste diccionario de golf, podrás encontrar las definiciones de todas las palabras más utilizadas, dentro de este apasionante deporte. De esta forma podrás comprender de forma sencilla todos los tecnicismos y bocablos utilizados durante un juego de golf y todo lo que le rodea.
100 AutoGuide - Glossary Of Automotive Terms - English-Spanish
100 AutoGuide Automotive Dealers & Manufacturers Directory |
Easy to navigate English Spanish glossary of automotive terms organized both alphabetically and by parts:
• Engine Parts
• Starter & Ignition
• Fuel & Intake
• Cooling System
• Exhaust System
• Clutch
• Transmission
• Differential
... View more
Train Braking Glossary
Railway Technical Web Pages |
Train Braking Glossary Have you heard the story of the browbeaten duck? He could fly as fast as the other ducks but he couldn't stop as quickly. To a train driver, the brakes are the most important part of the train but not many people outside the industry understand how they work. With that in mind, this page provides a simple glossary of brake... View more
Glossary of Differential Car Parts
100 Auto Guías |
Terminology specific to the differential
Glossary of Clutch Car Parts
100 Auto Guías |
Specifics on Clutch Car Parts
Glossary of Transmission Car Parts
100 Auto Guías |
Transmission Car Parts specific terminology
Auto Glossary |
With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from basic do-it-yourself (DIY) car and engine repair to steering, suspension, brakes, transmissions and differentials, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tune up, drive-ability, and emissions.... View more
English only but big. Also acronyms. "With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from engine repair to steering, suspension, breaks[I guess they mean brakes..], transmissions and differential's, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tun... View more
Glossaire automobile du magazine Car and Drive traduit en français par Christian Vandersmissen (click "Glossary" on the left-hand side. Default page is "A").
I found this dictionary very clear and interesting and would say it is essential.
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus On Line
The J. Paul Getty Trust |
2000. Database-driven Web site, with A-Z index. Developed as a public online resource by the Getty Institute, the Art and Architecture Thesaurus is a structured vocabulary containing 125,000 terms, scope notes, and other information that may be used to describe art, architecture, decorative arts, material culture, and archival materials. Each recor... View more
Glossaire automobile du magazine Car and Drive traduit en français par Christian Vandersmissen English-French terms and definitions. Very good glossary!
The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)
The J. Paul Getty Trust |
2000. Database-driven Web site, with A-Z index. The TGN is a structured vocabulary of more than 1,000,000 geographic names, including vernacular and historical names, coordinates, and place types, focusing on places important for the study of art and architecture.
The Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)
The J. Paul Getty Trust |
2000. Database-driven Web site, with A-Z index. The ULAN is a structured vocabulary containing more than 220,000 names and biographical and bibliographic information about artists and architects, including a wealth of variant names, pseudonyms, and language variants.
Database-driven site with search box and alphabetical index. 980 terms, 52 diagrams. • This on-line dictionary of GIS terms is brought to you by the Association for Geographic Information (AGI) and the University Of Edinburgh Department of Geography. The dictionary includes definitions compiled from a variety of... View more