The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

roumain vers anglais Économie Translation Glossary

roumain term anglais translation
retea electrica de distributie (RED) electrical distribution network
ridicata/ amănuntul wholesale/retail
sa dea dispozitii to give/offer/issue (mandatory) directives
sa se consulte cu sindicatul to consult (with) the union
scaderea ecartului la dobanzi interest spread lowering
scrisori de bonitate creditworthiness letters
Entered by: Maria Tulbure
se detașează și se înmânează shall be detached and handed
Secţia analiză economică Economic Analysis Section/Unit
Secţia dări de seamă Reports Department
sector de activitate business segment/area sau industry
servicii comerciale grele high-intensity commercial uses (heavy commercial services)
Serviciul constatare impunere persoane juridice tax assessment and enforcement office for legal persons / entities
sistemul decizional si sitemul informational al IMM-urilor SMEs decision and information systems
societate in comandita pe actiuni partnership limited by shares
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
societate in comandita simpla Limited Partnership
societate pe actiuni joint stock company
sold balance
solicitant de servicii de racordare applicant for connection services
solutii fiscale individuale anticipate pre-ruling
stare de fapt şi spirit a state of things and a state of readiness/disposition
statutul unei firme Articles of Association (A/A)
Studiu tehnico-economic technical and economic study / analysis
Entered by: Mihaela Buruiana
tatonare (a preţurilor) groping/tâtonnement
titlu de valoare securities
tranzactie in marja margin transaction
valoare amortizata depreciated value
valorificari creante litigioase si nevandabile placement of contested and unsaleable receivables
venituri asigurate ensured (guaranteed) incomes
venituri în natură income(s) in kind
verificat pentru descărcare de gestiune checked/audited for financial management discharge
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