The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugais vers anglais Psychologie Translation Glossary

portugais term anglais translation
"educação pelo movimento" Movement Education
"educação psicomotora" psychomotor education
"evolver para desenvolver" Life Changes That Lead To Personal Growth
"Formação de Psicólogo" Major as a Psychologist
"imperativo do ato" imperative to act
Entered by: Thiago Capatti
... reunindo conforto e tranquilidade para o conhecimento ... combining comfort and peace for the knowledge ...
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
A comunicação entre eles é falha pois utilizam recursos inadequadamente. Communication between them fails because they use resources inadequately.
A Cultura do Sucesso Profissional The Culture of Professional Success
acessibilidade incorrigível incorrigible access (to one's own mind/mental states/thoughts); incorrigible self-access
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
ajuizamento judgment
alicerçados based upon (the history ...)
analisando (psychoanalyzed) patient
angústia Angst/Anxiety
antropossemiótico anthroposemiotic
apurar refine / improve
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
Assuntos descontraídos e bem-humorados relaxing and funny/good-humoured conversation topics
atitudes proposicionais propositional attitudes
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
atravessador psíquico psychic distress
à toa no wonder
É de fundamental importancia desenvolver maturidade grupal. It is of utmost importance to develop group/team maturity.
carência (the feeling) neediness
Carcaças sem miolo empty husk
Entered by: Tania Pires
cliente amassado damaged
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
condição de sujeito condition of citizen
Entered by: Mario Freitas
conduta autolesiva self-harming behavio(ur)/conduct
Entered by: Ana Vozone
conta suas intimidades shares his inner feelings
cumprir comply with / meet
Entered by: Carla Lopes
curso de aperfeicoamento refresher / specialization course
dinamismo dynamics
Dissertação para o Mestrado em Ciências da Religião Master's Degree thesis in Religious Studies
eliminitivista eliminativist
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
entrar numa crise have a crisis of confidence
Essa postura “contamina” e reforça a acomodação sobre a modificação das ações. This attitude "contaminates" and strenghtens the indifference regarding the changes of the actions
estágio afetivo-cognitivo mais primário earlist stage of the affective-cognitive (learning process)
Estourado Exhausted
Entered by: judith ryan
Existe confiança entre as pequenas áreas. A certain level of trust exists amongst smaller areas
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
Experiências percepcionadas pelos avaliados num processo de interacção Experiences perceived by the assessed subjects in an interaction process
fala do social the debate of social/society's issues; to give voice to society's/social issues
hebiatria adolescent medicine
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