The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

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Bem hajam. All the best
bens patrimoniais business assets; property
bilhete conjugado conjunction ticket
bimestre bimester/half a semester
Bingo de Campo field bingo
biofuncionamento biofunctionality
bobina Kleenex Kleenex Roll Towel
bolinhas (na roupa) pilling / balling (less technical)
bolsão de pobreza poverty pocket/pocket of poverty
Bom por aval à firma subscritora Guaranteed by the undersigned company
bordô burgundy colour
branco neve snow white
Entered by: Heloisa Ferreira
brevistila e longistila brevistylus and longistylis (long-styled and short-styled)
Entered by: Andre Damasceno
brightest star empresário/executivo de maior destaque
bucim Cable holder
bumpuku - felicidade em compartilhar bumpuku - the joy in sharing/the joy of sharing
caça níqueis. slot machine
Caímos em um golpe we were scammed
cabeça do incêndio head of the fire
cabeceira superior upper header
Cabelos mechados highlighted hair
caberia dizer que it's worth saying that.../it could be said that.../it's worth mentioning that...
Cadastre-se register
Cais vertical vertical quay
caixa de obra site petty cash
Entered by: Mario Freitas
caixa de previdência pension fund
Entered by: Martin Riordan
calço de dobradiça único single wedge-lock hinge
calendário vacinal immunization schedule
calibramento dos equipamentos equipment calibration
Calote calvaria
caminhada quicando uma bola plástica walk(ing) kicking around a plastic ball
caminhos e descaminhos right turns and wrong turns
camurçado suede feeling finish
caneca (de dobradiça) hinge cup-mounting
cantava em duo com um pianista sang in a duo/duet with a pianist
capacidade de oração na accção ability to pray whilst doing something
capineira forage grass (crop, plantation)
caracóis spirals
carapinha kinky hair
carga fatorial factor loading
Entered by: Silvia Aquino
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