The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

allemand vers anglais Finance (général) Translation Glossary

allemand term anglais translation
Ablaufmanagement withdrawal management
Ablöse compensation
Ablöseangebot redemption/repayment/settlement offer
Ablösung Bankverbindlichkeiten redemption of bank loans
Abrechnung payment; settlement
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Abrechnung des Objektes probate sale completion/closing document
Abrechnung nach Aufwand (to be) invoiced according to actual hours worked / according to hours of work performed / at actual cost (incurred)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
abrechnungspflichtig chargeable / subject to charge
Abruf des genehmigten Kapitals Call for approved equity
Abrufauftragsservice (UK) BACS system
Entered by: Charles Stanford
Abruffrist recall period
abschöpfen lift
abschöpfen leverage
Abschöpfung durch Steuern oder durch direkte Gewinne aus dem Staatseigentum use/impose taxes to siphon/skim off the profits or profit directly through state ownership
Abschichtung Tiering
Entered by: Marc Svetov
Abschlagstabelle discounting table
Abschlussmeldung final declaration
Abschlussquote closing ratio
Abschlussquote closed deals percentage
Entered by: Mats Wiman
Abschlussrhythmus VU frequency of account balancing; or frequency of statement
Abschlussstrecke step-by-step new customer registration
Abschreibung Disagio zur Finanzierung amortization of financing discount
Entered by: Tatjana Dujmic
Abschreibungsmöglichkeiten potential write-offs
Abschreibungszertifikat write-off certificate
Entered by: Kathi Stock
Abschriftenbedarf (Swiss German) need for write-offs / need for discounts/[price] rebates
Absicherung der Verlässlichkeit der Prüfungshandlungen ensuring the reliability of the audit procedures
Absicherung von Beständen des Handels- und Bankbuches hedging [of] positions in the trading and non-trading portfolio
abstellen have the same objectives / aim to achieve
Entered by: Stefanie Sendelbach
Abtretung assignment
abverfügt divert
Entered by: jccantrell
abverfügung to withdraw money
Abwartkosten custodial expenses
Abwehr der Anordnung des Verfalls contesting the application for foreclosure
Abwicklung which are being processed
Entered by: Gabriella Bertelmann
Abwicklung des Zahlungsverkehrs unter Berücksichtigung der sach- und fachgerechten Leistungserbringung settlement of payments taking into account the correct and professional rendering [rendition] of services
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Abwicklungs-Anfangsvermögen initial liquidation value
Entered by: Astrid Elke Witte
Abwicklungs-Endvermögen final liquidation value
Entered by: Astrid Elke Witte
abwicklungsarm defaulted/minimum of (manual) processing
Abwicklungsbedarf rollover need
Abwicklungsengagement exposure subject to recovery [procedures]
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