Sur quoi les traducteurs travaillent actuellement

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Sur quel projet de traduction travaillez-vous en ce moment ?

Carolina Conejero Padial, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

My review for Translators Without Borders has just been delivered. I worked on a short but very interesting text on history.


I Do That

Carolina Conejero Padial, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Just completed a short English to Spanish translation project of some interesting movie synopsis. It's always a joy to work in a field you are passionate about!


I Do That

Carolina Conejero Padial, publiant à partir de Translators without Borders, a partagé :

I finished an ENG to ESL project, General, 642 words for Translators without Borders Very interesting text which hopefully will help.


I Do That

  • anglais vers espagnol
  • 642 mots