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Sur quel projet de traduction travaillez-vous en ce moment ?
Just finished a social media translation ESP>FR 6239 palabras
Just finished a legal translation CAT> FR
Just finished a legal translation (contract) 8675 word ES>FR
( modifié) Traduction des statuts d'une société ESP>FR 3425 mots
Just finished a marketing translation ESP>FR 1048 words
Just finished a post-editing, ES-CAT>FR, 9245 words
Just finished a contract translation ES>FR 3 300 words
Just finished a legal translation (contracts)
Just finished several projects about terms of sales, cookies, privacity, etc. ESP>FR 16405 words
Just finished a legal translation (Data protection regulation), 3067 words, esp>fr
Just finished a legal translation (civil law) 9 600 words
Just finished a legal presentation ES>FR
Just finished a general translation CAT > FR
Just finished a legal presentation CAT > FR
Just finished a legal translation (criminal law) 9321 words
Just finished a contract translation
Just finished a legal translation (rapport judiciaire) 4402 words
Just finished a legal translation (judgment) 3421 words
Just finished a translation about food production 845 words
Traduction et transcription de documents d'entreprises es>fr 8434 mots
Just finished a legal translation (legal report) 3400 words
Just finished two legal translations (tax law and notorial act) 3617 words
Just finished a legal documents translation, 22000 words, ESP>FR
Just finished a legal translation (civil and european law) 5 300 words
Just finished a legal translation (bank document) 500 words
Just finished a legal translation es>fr 6843 words
Traduction de documents d'entreprise es>fr 41 160 mots
Traduction d'une lettre de licenciement, esp>fr 1710 mots
Traduction d'une partie des statuts d'une société, ESP>FR
Just finished a program translation (segmentos de un programa de gestión de proyectos), 23 000 words ESP>FR
Just finished a legal translation (judgement and others) 18 524 words
Traducción de una decisión de una comisión ministerial, 24 534 palabras, ESP>FR
Just finished a legal translation (criminal law) 7900 words
Traduction de documents judiciaires ESP>FR 1854 mots
Traduction de documents sur la fusion d'entreprises, 12 338 mots, ESP>FR
Just finished a legal document for CEDH, very interesting ! 8 103 words, SP>FR
Just finished a long project, CAT>FR Court documents Andorra, 17369 words 1 user
Just finished a legal note, esp>fr 4754 words
Traducción de estatutos sociales y mandatos SP>FR 12547 words
( modifié) Translation of contracts SP>FR 3245 WORDS
Traducción de la versión francesa de una web jurídica, 1802 pal. ES>FR
( modifié) Traduction d'une note interne d'entreprise esp>Fr 856 mots
Traduction d'un avant-projet esp>fr 1734 mots
Just finished a legal comunication, esp>fr 3362 words
Traducción de una sentencia, Andorra, CAT<FR, 3300 palabras. 1 user
( modifié) Just finished legal documents, spanish and catalan to french, 24 443 words
( modifié) Traduction d'un acte notarié (succession) ESP > FR 3300 mots
Traduction d'une brochure d'activité fitness, ESP>FR, 1900 mots
Una post-edición de 6000 palabras, esp>fr, documentos judiciales
( modifié) Just finished a work contract, ESP>FR 9306 words