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Sur quel projet de traduction travaillez-vous en ce moment ?
Analysis of emerging markets in the world post-COVID-19.
Working on a new cross-platform multiplayer game. It seems fun! :)
An app to entertain kids during the pandemic. Fun! :)
Fact sheet on Covid-19.
Naming colours for future trends. Fun! :)
( modifié) Marketing trends for 2019. A lot of words!
Working on a new travel app. Fun!
Fashion trends!
1 user
Design trends
Working on a dating app, French to Portuguese
A new sports mobile game to be released soon. Fun!
Color trends for the forthcoming season.
Fashion trends for the upcoming season.
New trends, segments and market analysis
Fashion reports
Working on a huge videogame title... #it'sthattimeoftheyearagain!
Working on the sequel of a cool videogame. Lotsa words!
Fashion reports and trend analysis
Translating a new dating app
Working on a new game for mobile platforms.
A new videogame that's going to be huge!
( modifié) Just started working on a hotel website.
Working on a new videogame!
Fashion report, English to Brazilian Portuguese. |