Sur quoi les traducteurs travaillent actuellement

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Sur quel projet de traduction travaillez-vous en ce moment ?
Tomi Dobaj, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Yesterday I completed managing a medical questionnaire translation with 2 translation, 1 backtranslation, cognitive debriefing and 2 proofreading stages to wrap up this 2 month project. I also did some metadata gathering and abstract writing, a small truck software manual update, a wireless angle grinder manual, and most importantly - I have taken off my broken ankle cast, I am free as a bird again! The broken foot experience will give my medical translation pursuits a brand new dimension - I had to auto-inject a medicinal product I once helped translating the SmPC and PIL for!

raynaud's disease,angle grinder


I Do That

  • anglais vers slovène
  • 2500 mots
  • Engineering (general), Mechanics / Mech Engineering, Medical (general)
  • Various
à répondu à partir de à 11:22 Apr 25, 2017:

Wow, lucky to had a broken foot and couldn't do anythig else :-)