videos » Translation skills development & client services » Glossaries without borders - translate better and faster

Posted by Silvio Picinini on May 28, 2010 0 views
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Price: $ 15.00

This video is associated with the "Glossaries without borders - translate better and faster" training course.

Purchasing this video will also enroll you for that training course (at no charge), and the course will therefore appear in your training My courses page.

What is it about?

It is about using glossaries to:
- make your work as a translator more efficient, saving time and making more money
- improve the quality of your translations and get more customers and better pay because of that.

What will I get out of it?
1. Reasons why you should use glossaries in your daily translations
2. Practical tips on what kind of terms you should have in your glossary


1. Why create glossaries?
2. What to have in a glossary? Types of terms that you should add
3. How glossaries save time and money? Using CAT tools
4. What to have in a glossary? Twenty categories of terms that you should add

Duration: 135 minutes

Note: It is recommended to wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

Language: anglais