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Jul 6, 2022 (posted Subtitling: 16 minutes/approx. 2,000 words.
Chips and circuit boards for use in very specific applications, Made in France!
Simplifying and shortening six transcriptions, very painstaking work adjusting time-codes, adding on-screen text to subtitles.
Six corporate videos: Meaning, Trust, The Atmosphere, Technological Challenges, The Setting, General Summary.
Aim: to get talents to apply for positions at the company in question.
Very rewarding!
...more, + 88 other entries »
Délais respectés, traductions de grande qualité, qualité de service excellente, 0,08 € par mot (prix standard)
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français vers anglais: French constitutional law 2, ruling made by the French Constitutional Council (the highest constitutional authority in France) General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Droit (général)
Texte source - français Décision n° 72-48 DC du 28 juin 1972
Résolution tendant à modifier certains articles du règlement du Sénat
Le Conseil constitutionnel,
Saisi le 22 juin 1972 par le Président du Sénat, conformément aux dispositions de l'article 61 de la Constitution, d'une résolution tendant à modifier certains articles du règlement du Sénat ;
Vu la Constitution, notamment ses articles 31, premier alinéa, et 61 ;
Vu l'ordonnance du 7 novembre 1958 portant loi organique sur le Conseil constitutionnel et notamment ses articles 17, alinéa 2, 19 et 20 ;
Vu l'ordonnance n° 58-1100 du 17 novembre 1958 relative au fonctionnement des assemblées parlementaires et notamment son article 6 ;
Ouï le rapporteur en son rapport ;
1. Considérant que les dispositions des articles 9, 30, 53, 54 et 82 du règlement du Sénat, dans la rédaction qui leur a été donnée par la résolution susmentionnée en date du 21 juin 1972, ne sont contraires à aucune disposition de la Constitution ;
2. Considérant que les dispositions de l'article 16 du règlement du Sénat, dans la rédaction qui leur a été donnée par la résolution susvisée, doivent également être regardées comme conformes à la Constitution, sous réserve toutefois qu'elles ne sauraient être interprétées comme s'appliquant aux commissions d'enquête et aux commissions de contrôle prévues à l'article 6 de l'ordonnance susvisée du 17 novembre 1958 ;
3. Considérant que les dispositions de l'article 55, dans la rédaction, qui leur a été donnée par la résolution susmentionnée en date du 21 juin 1972, doivent être également regardées comme conformes à la Constitution, sous réserve toutefois qu'elles ne sauraient faire obstacle à l'application des dispositions de l'article 31, premier alinéa, de la Constitution, aux termes desquelles les membres du gouvernement sont entendus par les assemblées quand ils le demandent ;
Décide :
Article premier :
Sont déclarées conformes à la Constitution, sous les réserves indiquées dans les motifs de la présente décision, les dispositions du règlement du Sénat soumises à l'examen du Conseil constitutionnel telles qu'elles résultent de la résolution en date du 21 juin 1972.
Article 2 :
La présente décision sera notifiée au Président du Sénat et publiée au Journal officiel de la République française.
Journal officiel du 20 juillet 1972, page 6828
Recueil, p. 17
Traduction - anglais Ruling no. 72-48 DC of 28 June 1972
Resolution to amend certain articles of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations
The Constitutional Council,
Which had referred thereto, on 22 June 1972, by the Speaker of the Senate, in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Constitution, a resolution to amend certain articles of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations;
Having regard to the Constitution, and in particular to paragraph 1, Article 31 thereof, and to Article 61 thereof;
Having regard to the Order of 7 November 1958, which enacted an Institutional Act regarding the Constitutional Council, and in particular having regard to paragraph 2, Article 17 thereof, to Article 19 thereof and to Article 20 thereof;
Having regard to Order no. 58-1100 of 17 November 1958, in relation to the functioning of the parliamentary assemblies and in particular having regard to Article 6 thereof;
Having heard the rapporteur in the form of the report thereof;
1. Whereas the provisions of articles 9, 30, 53, 54 and 82 of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations, in the wording thereof arising out of the aforementioned resolution dated 21 June 1972, are not contrary to any provisions of the Constitution;
2. Whereas the provisions of Article 16 of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations, in the wording thereof arising out of the aforementioned resolution, must also be held to be compliant with the Constitution, provided, however, that they cannot be interpreted as applying to the inquiry committees or to the supervisory committees provided for in Article 6 of the aforementioned Order of 17 November 1958;
3. Whereas the provisions of Article 55, in the wording thereof arising out of the aforementioned resolution dated 21 June 1972, must also be regarded to be compliant with the Constitution, provided, however, that they cannot prevent application of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 31 of the Constitution, under the terms of which members of the government are heard by the assemblies when the former so request.
(The Constitutional Council) rules:
Article the First:
The provisions of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations that are subject to examination by the Constitutional Council, as they arise from the resolution dated 21 June 1972, are held to be compliant with the Constitution.
Article 2:
This ruling shall be notified to the Speaker of the Senate and shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Official Journal dated 20 July 1972, page 6,828.
Collection of decisions, p. 17.
français vers anglais: French constitutional law 1, ruling made the French Constitutional Council (the highest constitutional authority in France) General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Droit (général)
Texte source - français Décision n° 66-28 DC du 8 juillet 1966
Résolution tendant à modifier les articles 18, 42, 54 et 60 du règlement du Sénat et à compléter celui-ci par l'adjonction d'un article 21 bis
Le Conseil constitutionnel,
Saisi le 16 juin 1966 par le Président du Sénat, conformément aux dispositions de l'article 61 de la Constitution, d'une résolution tendant à modifier les articles 18, 42, 54 et 60 du règlement du Sénat et à compléter celui-ci par l'adjonction d'un article 21 bis nouveau ;
Vu la Constitution ;
Vu l'ordonnance du 7 novembre 1958 portant loi organique sur le Conseil constitutionnel et, notamment, ses articles 17 (al 2), 19 et 20 ;
Vu l'ordonnance n° 58-1100 du 17 novembre 1958 relative au fonctionnement des assemblées parlementaires ;
En ce qui concerne les dispositions des articles 18, 42, 54 et 60 :
1. Considérant que les dispositions des articles 18, 42, 54 et 60 du règlement du Sénat, ne sont, dans la rédaction qui leur a été donnée par la résolution en date du 16 juin 1966, contraires à aucune disposition de la Constitution ;
En ce qui concerne les dispositions de l'article 21 bis :
2. Considérant que la conformité à la Constitution des règlements des assemblées parlementaires doit s'apprécier tant au regard de la Constitution elle-même que des lois organiques prévues par elle ainsi que des mesures législatives nécessaires à la mise en place des institutions, prises en vertu de l'alinéa 1er de l'article 92 de la Constitution ;
3. Considérant que l'ordonnance du 17 novembre 1958 relative au fonctionnement des assemblées parlementaires, prise en vertu de l'article 92 de la Constitution, prévoit qu'outre les commissions mentionnées à l'article 43 de la Constitution, seules, peuvent être éventuellement créées au sein de chaque assemblée parlementaire des commissions d'enquête et des commissions de contrôle ; que, dans son article 6, alinéa 5, ladite ordonnance précise l'objet de chacune de ces commissions, leurs conditions de constitution et de fonctionnement; qu'elle leur confère une durée temporaire, interdit leur reconstitution avec le même objet moins de douze mois à compter de la fin de leur mission et spécifie que cette mission prend fin au plus tard à l'expiration d'un délai de quatre mois à compter de la date de l'adoption de la résolution qui les a créées ;
4. Considérant que les dispositions de l'article 21 bis du règlement du Sénat, dans la rédaction qui lui a été donnée par la résolution du 16 juin 1966, prévoient que « les délais impartis aux commissions d'enquête et de contrôle sont suspendus pendant l'intersession qui suit la session au cours de laquelle ces commissions ont été nommées » ; qu'elles sont, ainsi, de nature à permettre auxdites commissions d'exercer leur mission au-delà du délai maximum de quatre mois à compter de leur création prescrit impérativement par le texte susrappelé ; que, par suite, l'article 21 bis ajouté au règlement du Sénat n'est pas conforme aux dispositions relatives aux mesures nécessaires à la mise en place des institutions et doit, dès lors, être regardé comme non conforme à la Constitution ;
Décide :
Article premier :
Sont déclarées conformes à la Constitution les dispositions des articles 18, 42, 54 et 60 du règlement du Sénat, dans la rédaction qui leur a été donnée par la résolution en date du 16 juin 1966.
Article 2 :
Sont déclarées non conformes à la Constitution les dispositions de l'article 21 bis nouveau du règlement du Sénat dans la rédaction qui leur a été donnée par la résolution en date du 16 juin 1966.
Article 3 :
La présente décision sera publiée au Journal officiel de la République française.
Journal officiel du 24 juillet 1966, page 6376
Recueil, p. 15
Traduction - anglais Ruling no. 66-28 DC of 8 July 1966
Resolution to amend articles 18, 42, 54 and 60 of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations, and to supplement the said Rules and Regulations through the addition of a new article, namely Article 21 bis.
The Constitutional Council,
Which had referred thereto, on 16 June 1966, by the Speaker of the Senate, in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the Constitution, a resolution to amend articles 18, 42, 54 and 60 of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations, and to supplement said Rules and Regulations through the addition of a new article, Article 21 bis;
Having regard to the Constitution;
Having regard to the Order of 7 November 1958 enacting an Institutional Act regarding the Constitutional Council and, in particular, having regard to articles 17 (paragraph 2), 19 and 20 thereof;
Having regard to Order no. 58-1100 of 17 November 1958 in relation to the functioning of the parliamentary assemblies;
As regards the provisions of articles 18, 42, 54 and 60:
1. Whereas the provisions of articles 18, 42, 54 and 60 of the Senate’s Rules
and Regulations are not, in the wording thereof arising out of the resolution dated 16 June 1966, contrary to any provisions of the Constitution;
As regards the provisions of Article 21 bis:
2. Whereas compliance of the parliamentary assemblies’ rules and regulations with the Constitution must be appraised both in light of the Constitution itself and in light of the Institutional Acts provided for thereby, and in addition in light of the legislative measures that are required to establish institutions, and that are taken by virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 92 of the Constitution;
3. Whereas the Order of 17 November 1958 in relation to the functioning of
the parliamentary assemblies, which was made by virtue of Article 92 of the Constitution, provides that, apart from the committees referred to in Article 43 of the Constitution, the only other committees that may be set up in each parliamentary assembly are inquiry committees and supervisory committees; and whereas, in paragraph 5, Article 6 thereof, the said Order specifies the object of each of the said committees and the circumstances under which they are composed and under which they operate; whereas said Order confers a temporary duration upon them, prohibits them from being set up again with the same object less than 12 months from the end of their work and specifies that any one such of said periods of work comes to an end at the latest upon expiry of a timeframe of four months from the date of adoption of the resolution that established the committee in question;
4. Whereas the provisions of Article 21 bis of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations, in the wording thereof arising out of the resolution dated 16 June 1966, provide that “the periods of time afforded to inquiry and supervision committees are suspended during the recess that follows the session during which said committees are appointed”; whereas said provisions are, thus, liable to permit said committees to carry out their work for periods of time longer than the maximum duration of four months from the establishment thereof, which is proscribed as an imperative measure by the aforementioned piece of legislation; whereas, as a result, Article 21 bis, which has been added to the Senate’s Rules and Regulations, is not in compliance with provisions in relation to the measures required to establish institutions and said article must, given that, be regarded as non-compliant with the Constitution.
(The Constitutional Council) rules:
Article the First:
The provisions of articles 18, 42, 54 and 60 of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations, in the wording thereof arising out of the resolution dated 16 June 1966, are held to be compliant with the Constitution.
Article 2:
The provisions of the new article, namely Article 21 bis, of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations, in the wording thereof arising out of the resolution dated 16 June 1966, are held to be non-compliant with the Constitution.
Article 3:
This ruling shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Official Journal dated 24 July 1966, page 6,376.
Collection of decisions, p. 15.
PLEASE NOTE: this page is currently being revised.
(Last update: Satuday 26 November 2024)
Choose Expertise, Excellence and Experience,
delivered on time, every time!
Now offering a full subtitling service: I taught myself subtitling on Subtitle Edit – short and simple subtitles, pauses between speakers, minimum gaps between subtitles, eliminating verbal tics, summarising speech for space reasons, spell-checking, deleting repeated words, general QA, localisation for US English vocabulary and spelling, etc., etc.
Dec. 2021 to July 2022: 8.25 hours of subtitling done (75,000 words approx.!).
Topics handled: athletics/the Olympic Games, IT (for Microsoft France), racism in football/civil rights, animal welfare and animal rights, the environment and climate change, terrorism, etc.
Into UK and US English
About me and what I do, in less than a minute of your time:
French-English translator and subtitler – law (e.g. contracts, court summons), business, finance, HR etc.
- 19 years of experience in a huge range of subject areas
- Over 7 million words translated overall; legal translation: 2 million+ words
- Qualification from the Chartered Institute of Linguists, London - CAT tools: SDL Trados, Memsource,
Wordbee etc.
- Subtitling: full service offered, self-taught. Via a transcription or directly into French, to save your precious time and money
- April 2003 to December 2024: full-time FR-EN translator and LSP
- Currently: multiple freelance and entrepreneurial
ventures, including language services and import-exp
Overview: I specialise in law, business, finance, marketing, HR, etc. etc. I have a proven track record of excellently translating any text that is not too technical.
I offer certified translations for the UK. I translate Canadian French, and North and West African French, in addition to all variants of European French.
I carry out work for the EU and I have done business with many of Europe's largest LSPs, Acolad and Ubiqus for example.
My rates represent great value for money, and I deliver excellence, on time, every time.
I am now offering a FULL subtitling service.
*LSP: Language Service Provider (other services: MTPE, voice recording, quality assessment, etc.)
- "Top quality, reliable and very professional."
- "Fast and accurate translator; good with legal texts."
- "We enjoy working with Conor as he is a very competent,
reliable and flexible translator. We started working with him about 10 years
ago and plan to keep working with him on a regular basis."
- "Professional, fast, very friendly, a pleasure to work with."
- "Ses traductions (du
français vers l’anglais) sont impeccables. Nous lui confions principalement des
dossiers complexes, à caractère juridique." (impeccable translations – legal projects)
- "C’est parfait.
Merci pour ce travail soigné." (It [the translation] is perfect. Thank you
for the meticulous work.")
- “Super traduction.” (A great translation.)
- "Monsieur Conor Mc
Auley traduit régulièrement pour notre société depuis de nombreuses années.
Nous apprécions autant ses qualités professionnelles qu’humaines." (Mr McAuley has been translating regularly for us for quite a few years now. We appreciate his professional qualities as much as his human qualities.")
- "J’ai lu très attentivement ta traduction, et je l’ai trouvée vraiment impeccable" (I read your translation very attentively, and I found it truly impeccable.
- In a more informal style: "On est enchanté de rebosser avec toi !!! Tjs très satisfait de ton taff" (We are delighted to work with you again!!! Always very satisfied with what you do (the "perfect/a-ok" emoji!))
Excellence, expertise and experience, meeting and exceeding your expectations!
To further demonstrate my experience and expertise:
- Over 100,000 words translated in the legal subject area in one year (list available upon request).
- Over 35,000 words translated in the financial subject area in one year (list available upon request).
- 70,000+ career words in intellectual property (IP), trademarks and patents (list available upon request).
- Voice recording: 70,000 words, approx. 80 hours of work in total.
- Subtitling: approx. 10 hours of subtitling done. Topics/clients: Microsoft France, racism in football, immigration, animal rights (see, etc.
Table of contents
(I)(Above) Intro, Some of my clients, About me and what I do, Testimonials
(II)(Below) Specialist subject areas, LEGAL, BUSINESS, FINANCE, definitions – types of documents that they include
(III) (Below) PROJECT DETAILS – DETAILS OF MAIN PROJECTS, across most of my career, i.e. since 2003, almost to date
Specialist subject areas:
Types of documents/material/content:
Contracts (general terms & conditions of sale, of
purchase, of use (for websites), employment contracts, etc.), court and employment
tribunal rulings, certified birth, death, marriage, civil union and other certificates
for use in the English-speaking world, company statutes (articles of
association), court petitions, court submissions, legal regulations, local,
regional and national legislation, decrees, orders, international co-operation
(e.g. EU free trade agreements), calls for tenders, legal notices (e.g. for
websites), confidentiality agreements (“NDAs”), court summonses, subpoenas, lease
agreements, sale agreements, shareholders’ agreements, wills, divorce papers,
BUSINESS (business/marketing/sales/management/HR, etc.)
Websites, marketing campaigns, posters, advertisements,
flyers, market research material, press releases, product presentation
documentation, product labels, product catalogues, press articles, company
newsletters (internal or external), PowerPoint presentations, social media
video subtitles, product launches, strategic plans, minutes of meetings (e.g.
ordinary, extraordinary, annual general meetings of shareholders), group organisational charts, workflow charts, production processes, quality assurance, HR, training material, disciplinary proceedings, etc.
Financial statements (both interim and periodical), flash accounts (for internal company use), press
releases, shareholder reports, income statements (profit & loss accounts),
balance sheets, management reports, annual reports, cash flow requirement estimates,
business plans, financial forecasts, misc. reports, management documents,
financial products, venture and investment capital funds (reviews and outlooks), IPOs, other public offering economic outlook reports, macroeconomics, microeconomics,
ACHIEVEMENTS (2014-present):
Here I outline my achievements, to give both existing and potential clients a better idea of the type of material I translate on a day-to-day basis and the subject areas I am comfortable and familiar with.
(Please note that this section is deliberately worded so as to maintain client confidentiality, since I have signed NDAs with many of my clients. The downside of this is that the items on the list may appear somewhat sketchy, occasionally.)
The 2020s, my THIRD DECADE in the translation business:
February: list discontinued. My project history will appear here (WIWO page), as of autumn 2021.
3 x criminal record reports, French (Belgium) into English, 1,000 words.
Apostilled Bachelor's Degree and a non-apostilled Marriage Certificate, French (Canada) into English, 500 words.
MTPE (machine translation post-editing) and checking partial matches, financial documents. A disruptive investment fund's Corporate Social Responsibility Charter (CSR charter), its Prospectus and Key Investor Information. 700 weighted words.
NEW! Voice artist work, a 4½-page script.
A social media audit, social media recommendations and a social media charter, 6,000 words approx., for a group of companies that distributes half a million products worldwide.
After my semi-sabbatical I am fresh, fighting fit and positive about what 2021 has in store, provided that I work hard and stay positive, which of course is a given.
Civil registry/legal/certified translation: for a client in the Middle East, a birth certificate, an apostille and an extract of a birth certificate.
The ISAAC project on pacteraEDGE (general): A small amount of human translation work and MTPE work.
Insurance reports/accident prevention: FR (Canada)>EN, 1,000 words, for a client in the Levant.
Certified translations, many of the same types of documents as for September (see below), also an au pair's employment contract. Total: 7,400 words.
Sub-contracted EN>FR work, marketing (press releases): Tech start-up crowdfunding platform based in the Middle East, targeting the Middle East and North Africa.
Medical/legal/IT/telecoms: various documents concerning a telemedicine project in a West African country, 11,000 words.
Legal/real estate: Power of Attorney to Search for Property, 2,000 words.
HR/banking/communication: a HR/internal communication/PR project for a major international bank based in Paris, via one of the biggest LSPs in Western Europe, 500 words.
Certified translations, many of the same types of documents as for September (see below), 17,000 words.
Proofreading for FIFA (the
international football/soccer confederation), 1,000 words.
Pro bono work: re-working and
re-writing of a letter, regarding a potential Erasmus exchange (threatened by
the COVID health crisis), academia, Irish and Icelandic folklore, 500 words.
French Foreign Legion (Légion Étrangère)
Certificate of Merit, 100 words.
Certified translations, and one
document with an attached statement of truth, signed by me, for court use in
the UK; extremely varied content, as follows: diplomas,
grade transcripts, secondary school report cards, a doctoral report, a certificate of enrolment, proofs of addresses, health certificates (a vaccinations certificate and several COVID
test certificates, civil registry documents (birth, marriage, death, etc.), identity
documents, immigration application, visa application and naturalisation
application documents (bank statements, a payslip, a French nationality application submission
acknowledgement document, civil registry documents, etc.), car insurance documents,
etc. etc.) 15,000 words.
COVID procedures for a fee-paying
bilingual Montessori crèche in Paris, 1,200 words.
Legal: general terms and conditions of
sale for a local private forestry company in Burgundy (Christmas trees and
accessories), 1,000 words.
July and August:
Health issues related to Covid: still to be updated.
Health issues related to Covid: still to be updated fully.
Corporate: corporate social and environmental responsibility, subcontracted to a French native, 700 words.
Official translations: birth, marriage and death certificates, diplomas and grade transcripts, etc. certified, 200 words.
Official documents for certified translations, 6,000 words: birth certificates, marriage certificates, a secondary-school teaching diploma (CAPES), university grade transcripts (psychology).
Law (company law): pending, 25% complete, a shareholders' agreement, 12,000 words.
Legal (litigation law): an appeal court ruling concerning real estate in a West African country, 2,500 words.
A short article on British emigration into France.
IT (website, app, platform)/retail (online ordering and home delivery service, various types of products, including supermarket items and pizza): 3,700 words. Included consulting services due to the poor quality of the original document, which was itself a translation.
Music (opera): a review of The Magic Flute by Mozart, 900 words. (When I claim that I can translate almost anything non-technical, I never though it would extend to opera! Although the client did help me with one or two words.)
Official documents: 4,300 words/16 pages, diplomas and grade transcripts, from the likes of the Sorbonne, Paris-Saclay, etc.
Official documents: three payslips, very complex, but no problem at all. A little surprised with myself, as French payslips run to 30/40 lines, across two pages and are a real culture shock. 2,000 words.
Oil: three letters regarding the construction of an oil refinery in North Africa, 1,000 words.
Official documents: two diplomas and six pages of grade transcripts, 3,000 words approx. (a joint honours degree).
Official documents, one diploma and two pages of transcripts, 600 words.
Official documents: higher education diplomas and grade transcripts (awarded byPanthéon Sorbonne), and a marriage certificate. 1,000 words.
Official documents: secondary school and third-level diplomas and grade transcripts,
A set of official documents for a very well-educated lawyer via an agency client, diplomas and grade transcripts, 16 pages and 4,300 words in a day, which is my daily record so far this year.
General, project to be confirmed: tens of thousands of words, ongoing and unlimited for the foreseeable future, for one of the companies that invented computing as we know it today.
Real estate/marketing: 900 words of marketing copy for a website, on luxury chalets for lease near a major French ski resort, value €1 million-€2 million each.
Personal documents (birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas and academic transcripts, criminal records, etc.), for use as certified translations: 20,000 words approx.
Legal (contract law): House sale, 4,500 words approx.
Various subject areas (logistics/general business/legal/insurance/banking): provisional work acceptance reports in the absence/presence of the supplier business; list of mandatory insurance policies; an advance payment bond, a retention money bond and a performance bond -- construction work on behalf of a West African State.
Real estate/marketing: part 2 of the job above, website copy, 2,500 weighted words, general introduction and descriptions of chalets (no. of bedrooms, etc.) and their locations, styles, floor areas, land areas, views, mountain ranges, etc. Chalets in the €700k to €2 million range. Area and distance conversions from metric to imperial (both systems used to make things easier for potential clients).
Personal documents: birth certificate, Islamic marriage certificate, etc., from the Levant and the Middle East, previously translated from AR>EN, TRANSLATION FROM EN TO FR, which is a combination I don't usually work in. The marriage certificate was a real challenge, fascinating!
Law (summons, case versus Apple): 2,400 words, laptop guarantee allegedly not honoured.
Various jobs: (a telecoms project in West Africa, 4,000 words, personal documents, etc.).
Legal project, 5,500 words, anti-corruption questionnaire for a "controlled entity" under French law.
Finance: the agenda of a conference for institutional investors and the asset management industry, featuring some of the biggest names in world business, politics and finance, 1,000 words.
Took some time off after an EXTREMELY busy month in January, my busiest month in years!
Personal documents (certified birth certificates, marriage certificates, school and university transcripts and diplomas, criminal records, many bank statements, etc.): 16,000 words. I now specialise in the translation of bank statements, into both UK and US English. And, as always, I specialise in documents in the different variants of North and West African French.
IT (networks): 1,000 words on developing optical network technology, French (Belgium) to English.
Legal (various areas of law): the website of a law firm, 2,000 words, from Fr. (Lux.) to English.
Personal documents: 6 pages of bank statements, Morocco. 1,200 words.
Personal documents: 7 pages of bank statements, Côte d'Ivoire, 3,000 words in eight hours, including OCR, lay-out, formatting and inclusion of the original document in the deliverables, page by page.
Legal (real estate law): a 2,500-word small claims court summons.
Travel/tourism: about Madagascar (wild beaches, water sports, lemurs, whales, dolphins, the "Red Island", trekking and hiking, landscapes, birdwatching, nature reserves, nature parks, recreational fishing, biodiversity, flora and fauna, etc.
Business/legal/finance (accounting): management report of company on its accounts, minutes of decisions taken by the sole shareholder: 2,500 words. Company with turnover of €200 million+.
Marketing/semi-technical (a press release, etc.): 2,000 words, components for electronics, electrical engineering, internet terminology also, etc.
Legal (company law): Articles of Association, 2,700 words.
Personal documents (certified university grades & results transcript and a diploma): 1,300 words, CERTIFIED, for a private client in the UK.
Real estate: descriptions of high-end real estate in France, for sale or rent. 1,000 words.
Legal, lease-purchase agreement: 2,000 words.
Food & drink: multiple small projects for a very high-end black tea, green tea and herbal tea brand that is stocked by Harrods, Selfridges, etc.
Finance: minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of a large private bank that has offices in Monaco, Luxembourg, Switzerland, London, Dubai, etc. 1,600 words. "Hold mail" accounts, strategy especially marketing strategy, asset management report, mortgages and loans, business results, prudential ratios, high risk accounts, business introducers, account-opening times, marketing plan, new brochure, legal disputes, annual audit plan, MiFID II review, risk review, compliance, the EU Mortgage Credit Directive, intra-group matters, etc.
Other miscellaneous certified personal documents (birth certificates, tax and social insurance documents, a marriage certificate, bank statement, certificate of incorporation, company accounts, company share ownership etc.): 3,600 words.
Finance: payment procedures of government agencies (taxes and customs duties), West African country, 4,000 words.
Private document: proofreading of a CV for a marketing and communications professional, 400 words.
Legal: auctions of movable property (common law: personal property) and of immovable property (aka real estate) in Luxembourg; definitions, explanations and duty payable. 1,000 words.
Retail: high-end infants' and children's footwear and clothing retailer and online retailer. Weekly newsletter. 1,000 words.
Legal (litigation law): 2,000 words, summons to appear in court.
Legal: a 6,000-word project in the railway infrastructure sector (General Terms & Conditions, Commercial Terms & Conditions, etc.).
Legal: contract definitions, 1,000 words, FR (Canada) to EN (United Kingdom).
Agri-food/business: margin optimisation in a wholesale seafood business, 1,250 words.
A newspaper article, 1,000 words, from French (Mauritius) to English (UK).
Marketing of hospitality group using social media: 1,700 words, a PPT regarding social media positioning for a large France-based global hotel group.
Legal/personal data/privacy: two texts concerning the GDPR, 1,000 words approx.
Semi-technical (metallurgy), a speech for an official opening of a factory, 1,000 words.
Personal documents: birth certificates, grade transcripts, etc.: 3,000 words.
Government/international bodies: 2,000 words for the EU, an Invitation to Tender.
Finance/legal: transfer of a pension fund and associated rights and obligations to an insurance company, 2,100 words.
Food & drink: many short texts (product descriptions and ingredients) for a very prestigious high-end tea brand.
Personal documents (birth certificates, diplomas, etc.): 5,500 words.
Legal (contract law): a pre-nuptial agreement, 1,300 words.
Real estate: a one-page test translation for an SME French translation agency, descriptions of luxury properties for rent and sale. Slightly challenging and very interesting content. Successful, now working for the agency (see below).
Real estate: luxury property listings, in four batches (high-end properties in Paris, in the Paris area and in Thailand, for sale and/or to rent), 8,000 words.
Real estate, a luxury property listing, what I'm working on: 500 words.
Government (health policy/policing policy): State-level document for a European country, 6,000 words.
Personal documents: family record book (livret de famille), 800 words.
Personal documents: 900 words (ref.: Mo.Th.).
Legal (company law): part of the Shareholders' Agreement of a company (start, definitions, electronic signature details), 8,000 words approx. Right of First Refusal, Tag-Along particulars, etc.
Legal (contract/corporate law), Related Party Agreement (cash, service invoicing and loan & advance provision agreement), 2,500 words.
Legal/medical: informed consent form, 200 words.
BIG NEWS: this month I have been doing translation tests to become a listed supplier of one of the Top 5 LSPs in Europe (source: Common Sense Advisory). I AM NOW A PARTNER OF THIS FIRM!
Legal (contract law): power of attorney, purchase of a chalet, 2,000 words.
Technical: two short technical texts (one about 3D printing in the field of dental prosthetics, the other about selective laser sintering & milling), 500 words.
Various personal documents (birth and death certificates, criminal records, exam transcipts, secondary school and university diplomas/degrees, etc.), 5,000 words.
Semi-legal: competition rules, 1,800 words.
General terms and conditions of purchase (contract law), Belgian French to UK English, approx. 1,000 words.
Personal documents (a CV, university degree documents, secondary school report transcripts, a marriage certificate, etc.), 1,500 words.
Legal (contract law): a commercial lease glossary (key terms, for uniformity) and the table of contents section of a commercial lease, 1,150 words.
Food industry: 400 words about various granita (similar to Slush Puppy (TM)) products.
European trade union organisation: committee meeting summary report, 400 words.
Legal (contract law - discount voucher clearing agreement), 6,500 words.
Legal/retail: 10,000 words on a shopping centre's internal rules and regulations.
Legal, contract law: a book publishing agreement and an audiovisual adaptation rights assignment agreement, 8,700 weighted words, approx.
Two short tests, one for a quote submitted by a client, one for a major London-based LSP.
International organisations/trade unions/policing: 1,700 words.
Legal (corporate law): certificate of liquidation of a company, the Articles of Association of a company.
Legal (contract law): legal content of a website, general terms and conditions of sale, privacy policy cookies, confidentiality, legal notice, GPDR notice, etc., 8,000 words.
Official document: marriage certificate, certified, for the purpose of a UK passport application by a French national.
Pro-bono, music: proofread/re-wrote PhD PPT presentation on Viking metal music.
Semi-technical, an obsolescence management procedure for a very large multinational company (all functions of the business) in the transport sector, 3,000 words.
Sport: horse jumping, 500 words.
Legal, contract law. A music licensing contract, 7,800 words.
Work involving North African French, 500 words.
Litigation law (unpaid service charges in a residential building), court summons, 2,800 words.
PR/communication: two press releases about appointments at a very prestigious consulting agency with operations worldwide, 900 words.
Contract law: service agreement in the NGO sector, 600 words.
Company law, Articles of Association, 6,500 words approx.
A legal test translation for a large global LSP.
March and April:
Project-managed, took part in the translation of and proofread a highly-prestigious 7,000-word EU project which included a draft international free trade agreement (key terms: European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), electronic trade, EU public procurement). Also found a supplier at the right quality and price points, handled supplier relations and paid the supplier -- job posted on
Banking/personal documents: from French (Canada), bank current account and mortgage loan account statements, one tax bill, 3,200 target words.
Workplace psychosociology/management/HR/workplace health & safety, 1,500 words.
Legal (contract law): part of a catering contract, 2,600 words.
Market research in France for one of the biggest food companies in the world: 1,500 words. Product testing, comparison with competitors' products, consumer feedback.
Legal (litigation law): summons, 2,000 words.
Music/legal (contract law): a music recording contract between a singer and a producer, 2,500 words.
Legal: SNCF contract, 500 words.
Law/hospitals, nursing homes, etc./biomedical waste -- 2,000 words, from French (Canada) into English (Canada).
February and March:
Legal: tax law (tax residency form), 500 words.
Law, 2,000 words, into English (Canada).
Road safety/IT/government/telecoms/policing/international co-operation (EU): 21,900 words (17,850 weighted) on the organisation of a French and Europe-wide technology system to promote road safety and compliance with labour law in the area of road transport.
Strategy project review for a multinational engineering company, market research/business strategy/finance/marketing, 3,200 words.
Legal: transport charter (rules, regulations and recommendations legally binding), 1,500 words.
History/sport: 1,500 words on a sport-related museum exhibition.
Food/marketing/wholesale: website of a multinational cheese processing company, 5,500 words, slightly technical.
Legal: General Terms & Conditions of Sale, fashion wholesaling and retailing (including over the internet), 3,700 words.
Pro bono work (education): university reference letter.
Cosmetics (very high-end): 500 words, regarding a special offer.
Family law (into Canadian English, adoption and immigration applications): 2,500 words (medical history of child, social history of child, certificates, miscellaneous documentation).
News: Increased understanding of how to write in US English (vocabulary, date format, cultural differences, etc.). / I am now an official European Parliament translator! (On a non-exclusive freelance basis.) / I signed up yet another leading Paris-based LSP (Language Service Provider) as a client, one of the 50 largest in Western Europe (source: Common Sense Advisory). / Up and running with a new client in the US – several orders delivered already.
Legal: two contracts, Articles of Association and a certificate. 14,000 words weighted, about 30,000 words in total.
Legal: framework agreement in the vehicle fuel and associated services sector, 3,800 words weighted.
Legal: into US English. Public Supply Contract – Schedule of Special Administrative Clauses, four hours of work amending a document, plus source and target text side-by-side lay-out work, 1,500 words approx.
Oil exploration/financial framework and negotiations/national law and international organisation regulations, Africa: 2,000 words.
Legal: a 2,000-word employment contract for a very well-known international auditing firm.
Report cards/school documents/reference letters: 5,700 words, into US English.
Mobile app: football trivia game, 14,500 words.
Government/environment: a small but prestigious project for a national government department. 1,000 words.
Marketing material and product descriptions of meat (beef, pork, lamb, halal, etc.) and veggie products sold by a ground-breaking online food wholesaler. Circa 19,500 words.
Financial: Banque de France ratings given to businesses (comparable to Moody's ratings: overall rating = turnover rating + credit rating). 1,600 words.
Legal/hospitality sector: a pest control agreement between a well-known pest control firm and a major French hotel group, 5,400 words.
Legal/agriculture/scientific research: research agreement between a university and a private-sector company. 2,000 words.
Logistics/dentistry/PR: 1,000 words.
Legal: Articles of Association of a company, 7,000 words.
Agriculture: software packages for use in agriculture, entailing the use of big data. 3,500 words.
Law (national legislation): part of the labour code of a French-speaking African country. 5,700 words.
Heath/social welfare: French State health insurance information and supplementary health insurance information (reimbursements, etc.). 6,000 words.
Business/corporate/HR: training and reference material for project managers: project steering, calls for tender, practical exercise (table-top exercise), template purchasing agreements (x2), technical specifications, purchase order template, dominant communication styles; the whole procedure, from the selection of calls for tender on which to bid to closure.) Approx. 15,500 words.
Legal/IT (contract law): data gathering system, 1,850 words.
Legal/IT (contract law): Licence Agreement, term sheet. 4,000 words.
HR: guide for managers. Structure of HR Dept., annual schedule, appraisal meetings, targets, pay reviews, people reviews, recruitment, internal mobility, etc. 3,850 words.
Finance: overview of a sovereign fund, 2,000 words.
IT/legal (GDPR): "IT System Security Policy" (policies, procedures, responsibilities, etc.) and "GDPR letter", 8,800 words.
Legal (French intellectual property legislation and case law mainly): two articles of the French Intellectual Property Code, seven case law decisions (seven rulings made by the French Court of Cassation and by various French courts of appeal). 8,600 words (this project required the use of, a website which provides the full texts of all the court decisions made in France).
Legal (intellectual property law and tickets for sports events): an interim court order made in an urgent matter. 9,650 words.
Legal (GDPR, personal data and privacy protection law): amendments to legal agreements, 2,300 words.
Legal/IT: service provision agreement, 9,250 words (guaranteed response and fix times, hardware and software, service levels, new versions, patches, SLA, third-party agreements, updates).
IT/business/financial (accounting): offer for sale of a digital document publication company, 6,500 words.
Finance: an investment fund prospectus and annual investment fund reviews and fund outlooks. 11,100 words across February and March.
Finance: FinTech and the digital transformation, 2,200 words.
Finance, investment banking, 3,000 words.
Legal/sport: sports agent representation agreement template (professional football, for one of the top 30 football agents in France). 3,600 words.
Finance: investment funds, see above.
Finance (accounting): annual accounts and miscellaneous other documents. 3,400 words.
Business/financial (accounting)/ IT: prospective sale of a
construction business (8,500 words, various business and technical aspects -- etc., etc.
Legal: General Ts & Cs of Sale, 1,500 words.
Legal: Manufacturing agreement, 2,100 words.
Annual accounts (finance), supplementary agreement to a contract of employment (legal) and a job description (HR), 4,000 words.
Legal/IT: Service Level Agreement (IT), guide to procedures, 4,400 words.
Education: Montessori/bilingual school start-up (education), Paris, various documents, 5,700 words.
HR/social welfare/legal: three summaries of industry-wide French National Collective Bargaining Agreements in finance sectors (entailed knowledge of, and research into, social welfare and related matters, and many other fields), 18,000 words
Finance (private equity): compliance structures and procedures for a leading private equity firm (over €8bn in assets under management), 900 words
Legal: Orders of Services (two documents, terms & conditions, for a multinational food products corporation), 6,500 words.
Legal (corporate law): company registration document ("Kbis") and Articles of Association, for a major European energy provider, 5,500 words
Legal/semi-technical: court summons and related material, total 5,500 words.
Legal: statement to police as part of criminal investigation, 1,400 words.
Legal: preparations for GDPR (the EU Data Protection Directive), within a direct marketing company, which becomes enforceable on 25 May 2018, 1,000 words.
Legal (corporate law): Articles of Association of a company, 2,000 words.
Legal: Delegation of Powers document, 4,300 words.
Legal/HR: Employment Contract and material concerning job grades, for a French subsidiary of one of the world's foremost banking groups, 2,500 words.
Legal: summons to appear in court, 4,000 words. Approx. EUR 800,000 at stake in the case.
Other: work in the food industry (for a cheese processing company and for a meat processing company, both in France), approx. 2,000 words.
Legal/corporate: 10,000 words, Articles of Association of a company being formed.
Legal: "Deed of Assignment" (court-ordered liquidation), 1,700 words.
Legal/e-commerce: selective distribution charter (agreement) applicable to e-commerce websites run by third parties on behalf of a prestigious French fashion house, part of one of the world’s leading luxury products groups, 2,200 words.
Business: group overview, overview of main competitor, relations with large retail groups, market environment and outlook and a merger proposal, 2,300 words.
Banking/research: modelling a part of a business, a two-year project (involving the concepts of ANP or Analytic Network Process, governance and the tool, FCMs or Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, the FCM pattern, matrices, KPIs, loops, etc.), 3,400 words.
Finance: overview and performances of investment funds and sub-funds (compartments), macro-economic analysis and outlooks for the various funds, 3,800 words.
Banking: launch of a new service, only 500 words but highly important.
Legal: French labour law update (French labour law is definitely one of the most complex topics I have dealt with), 4,000 words.
Legal: Promotion Terms & Conditions, 2,500 words (also personal data and cookies notices).
Law: 1) Share account agreement; 2) Equipment supply agreement; 3) Business sale agreement. Total: 6,000 words approx.
Wine/business: proposed sale of vineyards and of various other assets in a very prestigious wine-growing area of France, 5,500 words.
September: a very busy month!
Food industry: 5,000 words. Factory approval, CE food products identification mark, manufacturing diagrams and internal operating procedures (e.g. cleaning).
Law: the sale of shares resulting in the transfer of ownership of a top-league sports organisation, 4,000 words.
Corporate/financial/legal: minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of a fashion house, 3,000 words.
Marketing: market research on organic food products (meat), 1,400 words.
Law: statement of grades for a master's degree, 1,500 words.
Law: submissions in a legal dispute re corporate management fees (charged by a parent company to a subsidiary), 8,000 words.
Law: website of a law firm, 2,300 words.
Residential lease agreement for a high-end property in Luxembourg, 4,300 words.
Legal: 8,000 words of submissions in court proceedings (a dispute over jurisdiction, French case law regarding jurisdiction, etc.).
(August tends to be the quietest month of the year business-wise in France, where I and my main clients are based, due to French holidaying culture.)
Legal: 11,000 words approx. of case law (regarding the legal liability of company directors). A big achievement.
Business: a planned spin-off of a company with turnover of approx. EUR 60 million (the market, the business, production facilities, plant & machinery, structure and resources, financial information, etc.).
- Legal: 4,000 words, real estate law.
- Finance: 6,000 words, an investment fund project cycle process.
- Legal: 4,000 words, an international employment contract.
June: a busy and interesting month in terms of the various areas of law I handled.
Marketing: a 3,000-word brand strategy PowerPoint document for a major player in the car manufacturing sector worldwide.
IT: a software roll-out across a company, 1,750 words.
Legal: 3,000 words, corporate compliance with competition law at the level of individual employees.
Legal: 3,700 words, a services and image rights agreement.
Legal/business: a supplementary agreement and minutes of a meeting.
Legal: 1,600 words, powers of attorney to sell for three physical persons. *
Legal with a minor technical element: two crude oil sale contracts: 9,000 words.
- Legal/film industry: a co-production agreement: 5,000 words.
Tourism, miscellaneous: 13,000 words.
Legal/corporate/finance (accounting): company statutes, a tax certificate, company accounts (Profit & Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets) for three years, etc.: 3,000 words.
Corporate: company registration documents: 3,000 words.
Oenology/wine tasting notes: 1,500 words.
Legal/medical/patent dispute before a court -- ruling: 2,000 words.
April was another hugely rewarding, extremely varied and fascinating month!
Food industry (meat processing): 4,000 words.
Legal, two contracts: 4,500 words.
HR/legal: the remuneration policy of a large international firm, 7,000 words.
Legal, 3,000 words: a settlement agreement.
Health & Safety: 1,700 words.
Legal, 6,000 words: a Framework Agreement.
Renewable energy: 2,250 words.
Legal/finance, 2,600 words: illiquid assets.
Legal, 7,000 words: submissions to an Industrial Tribunal.
12,300 words, legal: a framework agreement (subject area: confidential).
7,000 words, legal: French legislation on payment timeframes
versus international law.
Highlights in late 2015:
Approx. 5,000 words, legal: General Terms & Conditions of Use of a website and fastasy sport competition rules.
4,000 words, IT: software solution in the area of shipping/port security.
Various tourism promotion work, including 2,000 words on a natural history museum.
3,000 words in the area of sheet metalworking/welding -- semi-technical: testing and QC procedures.
12,500 words, legal: a bank card supply and customisation agreement.
11,500 words on WWI history -- the first Battle of the Marne.
- Update of the (link) English version of FX4Biz's website (a foreign exchange and foreign currency payment and receipt platform -- note: FX4Biz is now operating under a different name -- iBanFirst -- and was worth €20 to €50 million as of May 2017, see Challanges magazine online (in French). One of its investors is Xavier Niel, a well-know French investor in IT start-ups).
Highlights in 2013:
- Agriculture: national fiscal strategy for agricultural sector, 20,700 words (for a country in Africa).
Other previous achievements (in reverse chronological order, where possible):
- Law/business/corporate: company statutes, EGM minutes and shareholders’ agreement, 30,000 words (year: TBC).
- Two books (monographs) by Simon Richard Halimi; subject: painting; 50,000-plus words (year and exact volume: TBC. Ref.: Gm./Orange).
- 60,000 words on PMU Luxembourg’s betting rules and regulations (done using Trados, 2012).
- 79,500-word report on French HIV-AIDS policy and screening (2009).
- Approx. 30,000 words in 12/2008 and 03/2009: company statutes, minutes of EGM and shareholders’ agreement of the Axenco group of companies.
- As an interpreter: a £3m Burgundy wine estate sale (2006).
- A 60,000-word report on the French retail food market (2003, for Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, Paris office)
(KudoZ points as of 22 November 2021 -- demonstrates breadth of general knowledge)
By field
specialities highlighted (if reported).
Non-PRO pts
in parentheses.
Detailed Field Points
Law (general) (31) 200
Business/Commerce (general) (50) 145
Finance (general) (30) 141
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Total des points gagnés: 2787 Points de niveau PRO: 2360