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espagnol vers anglais - Tarif standard : 0.06 GBP par mot / 20 GBP de l'heure allemand vers anglais - Tarif standard : 0.09 EUR par mot / 20 EUR de l'heure néerlandais vers anglais - Tarif standard : 0.09 EUR par mot / 20 EUR de l'heure français vers anglais - Tarif standard : 0.09 EUR par mot / 20 EUR de l'heure italien vers anglais - Tarif standard : 0.09 EUR par mot / 20 EUR de l'heure
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Points PRO : 4, Réponses aux questions : 5, Questions posées : 112
Échantillons de traduction proposés: 1
espagnol vers anglais: Testimony of a FARC girl guerrilla
Texte source - espagnol Yo tenía 13 años cuando me fui para la guerrilla. Mi padre me explotaba y en eso se apareció la guerrilla y me pareció fácil, me metieron una guerra psicológica y por eso me fui para donde ellos. Lo que pasa es que en mi casa no me brindaban el apoyo que yo necesitaba y decidí irme con la guerrilla y había gente que me decía que la guerrilla era muy bonita y que me fuera para la guerrilla y allá le meten a uno muchas cosas que le hacen ver como si fueran ciertas, pero eso no es así. Ellos me dijeron que yo iba a ser muy millonaria, que después mi familia me iba a querer mucho y que iba a cambiar definitivamente mi vida y que iba a ser alguien en el futuro.
Me enseñaron polígonos, y asalto a una brigada y a un puesto de policía. Como a los 14 años hice el curso de explosivos.
Me quedaba embarazada, y tenia los niños en la sabana, en el monte, común y corriente. Cuando tuve mi primer hijo me dijeron que lo regalara, o que de lo contrario tenía que matarlo y yo preferí regalarlo. Ahora no sé donde está.
Cuando yo estaba en la guerrilla me creía la super diosa, pues yo parecía que tenia el mundo agarrado con las manos pero no era así.
Traduction - anglais I was 13 when I joined the guerillas. My father exploited me and then the guerrillas came and it looked easy. They waged psychological warfare on me and that's why I went with them. The thing was, at home they didn't give me the support I needed and I decided to go off with the guerrillas and there were people who told me that being a guerrilla was very nice and I should go off to be a guerrilla and there they say a lot of things and make it look as if they were true, but they're not. They told me I would be a real millionaire, that then my family would love me a lot and that my life would change completely and that I was going to be someone in the future.
They taught me shooting on the firing range, and how to attack a police squad and police post. At 14 I did the explosives course.
I got pregnant, and I just had the children out in the savannah and up in the hills. When I had my first child they told me I had to give him away, or else I had to kill him, and I preferred to give him away. Now I don't know where he is.
When I was a guerrilla I thought I was a super-goddess, I thought I had the world in my hands but it wasn't true.
Études de traduction
Other - Southampton University
Années d'expérience en traduction : 40. Inscrit à : Jun 2003.
Translator since 1985, including theatre & TV scripts, the books Crown Jewellery & Regalia of the World, Bags & Purses, and Wrap Around Fashion (all Pepin Press), Skills for Study and Employment (Pearson Education), The Value Matrix (Pearson Education/Financial Times Prentice Hall), The Way to Market Leadership by Jan Baan (Vanenburg Group), press releases for Dutch EU presidency, report on organisation of Belgian TV for BBC, geothermal energy conference papers, guide to Spanish Open, quarterly report for South American maternal mortality project, training manual for new contraception method for 3rd world, the magazine Player (pub. Boston Hannah), press releases for a former Venezuelan president, legal letters to the Spanish government, articles on impossible figures, texts for a controversial installation-performance at ICA. Live art reviewer, London Arts. Deputy Editor European Press Survey, subscribed to by the U.S. White House and Foreign Relations Committee; other publications. Residence in the countries. English teacher.
Mots clés : supervision, editor, editing, rewriting, rewrites, critic, TV, television, theatre, theater. See more.supervision,editor,editing,rewriting,rewrites,critic,TV,television,theatre,theater, scripts,film,journalism,entertainment,media,psychology,chemistry,general,history,current affairs,politics,physics,culture,literature,philosophy,tourism,commercial,marketing,sales,medicine,science,culture,literature,social,philosophy,advertising,environment,EU,curriculum vitae,new age. See less.