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anglais vers français: Painting Exhibition article General field: Art / Littérature Detailed field: Art, artisanat et peinture
Texte source - anglais Out of these amalgams of the ancient and the modern X creates celestial bodies whose fractal energy collapses distance and proximity onto a single plane. Some are static. Others appear to gesture as if in communication. But for all their stillness we sense intimate pulse of consciousness taken through the abstract veil.
Traduction - français De ces réunions entre l’ancien et le moderne, X invente des corps célestes dont l’énergie fractale fait s’effondrer la distance et la proximité afin qu’elles se rejoignent sur un seul et même plan. Certains corps apparaissent immobiles. D’autres semblent prendre la pose, comme en relation. Mais cette immobilité réveille en nous la pulsation intime et secrète de la conscience capturée au travers d’un voile abstrait.
anglais vers français: Investment Report General field: Affaires / Finance Detailed field: Investissement / titres
Texte source - anglais Despite the setback to the outlook for the global economy (lower growth in the U.S. and Europe is expected in Q4 2002 and the first half of 2003), we continue to favor exposure to emerging markets due to their very attractive valuations.
We continue to overweight Russia, as the fiscal position is much improved due to an oil price, which has exceeded the budget expectations. The oil companies continue to look very attractive on a global basis with their strong production growth profiles.
We remain underweight in South Africa as the leaked mining bill and the banking charter undermine our confidence in the policies being pursued by the government.
Traduction - français En dépit du contexte économique mondial (un repli des croissances américaine et européenne est attendu pour le TX 2XXX et le premier semestre 2XXX), nous continuons de privilégier l'exposition sur les marchés émergents, en raison de leurs valorisations particulièrement attrayantes.
Nous maintenons une surpondération sur la Russie, du fait de l'amélioration de la situation fiscale consécutive au cours du pétrole et qui a dépassé les attentes budgétaires. Les profils de forte croissance de la production des compagnies du secteur les rendent encore globalement très attractives.
Nous restons sous-pondérés en Afrique du Sud, en raison du projet de loi minière et de la charte bancaire qui affectent notre confiance dans les politiques adoptées par le gouvernement.
Katia CULOT respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques.
As a child, I lived more than 8 years in Africa and later on in the USA for 2 years.
I've always loved languages and cultural differences.
I gained experience as a translator/reviewer thanks to different internships at eTranslate and at Text Appeal (localization agency).
Then I worked as an internal reviewer and a translator at Berlitz Traduction France GlobalNet Paris and Trad’Style Communication.
I started as a Free-Lance Translator in 2002 and since then, I've been collaborating with translation agencies and direct customers, mainly for the Financial and Institutional Sectors, but not only:
• Economic and financial texts: (FOREX, equities, credit), private banking, corporate banking, companies annual reports, newsletters for the banking sector, investment funds, press releases…
• NGOs : World Bank reports, various EU reports (Interact programs...),
• Cosmetics (user's manuals, press releases), Arts (exhibitions, videos), Fashion and Clothing
• B2B2C and legal texts, polls, translation of the Special Olympic Games 2003 website (50,000 words)
• Engineering (pumps, compressors), civil works… and many more...
I obtained the TAUS post-editing certificate in May 2015 and I was awarded one of the "Most Valuable Translators 2015" by Web translations in January 2016.
I also have a thorough knowledge of business and technical vocabularies as I step in companies as a Business English Trainer giving classes to managers, technicians and admin. employees working for companies of all sizes such as Sanofi, Arcelor Mittal, Factset, Faurecia, Hutchinson, Société Générale... and their various departments (Technical, R&D, Export, Logistics, HR… ) for more than 10 years now. Does my experience fit your wishes and needs? Contact me !
Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.
Total des points gagnés: 72 Points de niveau PRO: 60