Langues de travail :
portugais vers espagnol
français vers espagnol
anglais vers espagnol

Fernando Campos Leza
Traductor | Corrector | Intérprete

Logroño, La Rioja, Espagne

Langue maternelle : espagnol 
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Spanish translator, editor and conference interpreter. Sole owner at Tradore.

►Master’s degree in translation at Ecole supérieure d'interprètes et de traducteurs (ESIT, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris).
Degree in translation at ESIT (France)
Degree in Philosophy at UPV (Spain)

►Several contracts with international organizations in Brazil (UNESCO, UNDP, UNODC, UNFPA, UN Women), Geneva (UNAIDS, WHO FCTC, The Global Fund), Washington (The World Bank, IADB, PAHO), Vienna (IAEA) and Rome (FIDA, FAO):

►Testimonials and recommedations from clients:

►Member of AITC, AAEESIT, Asetrad, and Tremédica

Specialties: Sustainable Development, HIV/Aids, Public Policies, International Relations, Agronomic Research, Education, International Development.
Mots clés : português espanhol tradutor

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Jan 8, 2022