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Translations in the areas of economics, business, marketing and finance. Special focus banking, annual reports (IAS, IFRS, IPSAS). Top quality. Quick turnaround.
Points PRO : 68, Réponses aux questions : 40, Questions posées : 550
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Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd)
Échantillons de traduction proposés: 1
anglais vers allemand: Embedded Value
Texte source - anglais The European Embedded Value Principles (the Principles) were published in May 2004 by the CFO Forum, a group representing the Chief Financial Officers of major European insurers.
The Principles provide a framework intended to improve comparability and transparency in embedded value reporting across Europe.
The Group has adopted these Principles, for its Embedded Value (EV) reporting for the companies and business reported in its XY segment as from December 31, 2005 and has restated its new business results for the six months ended June 30, 2005 in line with the Principles. The methodology adopted uses a “bottom-up” market consistent approach to allow explicitly for market risk. For some countries, simplified approaches (such as a roll-forward approach) have been used to derive the embedded value results as of June 30, 2006, and these approaches conform with the Group’s market consistent approach.
EV is derived from the statutory and IFRS financial statements of entities representing the covered business and is presented net of minority interests.
Traduction - allemand Die Grundsätze zum European Embedded Value (die Grundsätze) wurden im Mai 2004 vom CFO Forum publiziert. Dieses Forum setzt sich aus den Chief Financial Officers der grössten europäischen Versicherer zusammen. Die Grundsätze des EEV setzen einen Rahmen, um die Vergleichbarkeit und Transparenz der Embedded-Value-Berichterstattung in ganz Europa zu verbessern.
Die Gruppe hat diese Grundsätze für ihre Berichterstattung im Zusammenhang mit dem Embedded Value der im Segment XY ausgewiesenen Gesellschaften und deren Geschäftstätigkeiten ab 31. Dezember 2005 berücksichtigt und die Ergebnisse für das Neugeschäft für das per 30. Juni 2005 endende Halbjahr in Übereinstimmung mit diesen Grundsätzen überarbeitet. Die angewandte Methode basiert auf einem „Bottom-up“-Ansatz, der Marktrisiken ausdrücklich einkalkuliert. In einigen Ländern wurden vereinfachte Ansätze (wie ein „Roll-forward“-Ansatz) angewandt, um die Embedded-Value-Ergebnisse per 30. Juni 2006 abzuleiten, und diese Ansätze entsprechen dem von Zurich übernommenen marktkonsistenten Ansatz.
Abgeleitet wird der Embedded Value aus den gesetzlich erforderlichen und gemäss IFRS dargestellten Jahresrechnungen der juristischen Personen, die das abgedeckte Geschäft ohne Minderheitsanteile darstellen.
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During the last ten years I've specialized in KIIDs, KIDs and now in PRIIPs, which are largely formalized by EU regulations.
I did my Translator's Diploma at the Dolmetscherschule St.Gallen in German, English and French in 1980 and hold a ProficiencyDiploma from Cambridge University.
I havespecializedmyself in the Field ofFinance, i.e.Annual Reports,stock Exchange Information and Fund Documentation (Memorandum, articles of Association, prospectus as well asanual reports).
I have always been active as a freelance translator since my first job. From 1985 to 1995, however, I invested primarily in further training in the marketing of insurance companies and banks and in market research for more than 30 years. I also have a banking diploma.
It was not until 1995 that I started working permanently in the translation business.
Due to my professional background, it was then very easy for me to use my language skills and expand these activities.
To date, I have translated several thousand pages from English into German.
My daily throughput is 4500 words with peaks reaching 5500.
As tools I use Trados Studio 2019 and memoQ as well as the entire Microsoft Office package. Other software on request.
I am only taking jobs in fields I feel confident and translate only into my mothertongue
Mots clés : Alignments (big files), Alignieren (grosse Dateien), AlignFactory, banking, stock-exchange, investment, finance, money, Fund Material, prospectus. See more.Alignments (big files), Alignieren (grosse Dateien), AlignFactory, banking, stock-exchange, investment, finance, money, Fund Material, prospectus, insurance, marketing, product-management, advertising, marketing communications, business, financial services, life insurance, non-life insurance, general insurance, re-assurance, long-term care, health insurance, e-commerce, e-business, m-commerce, e-consumer, retirement provision, banking-software, Customer Relationship Management, Relationship Management, Management, economy, english, german, financial statements, press releases, human resources management, brochures, annual reports, proofreading, stocks, funds, futures, ebusiness, Trados, TermExtract, translation, proofreading, Übersetzungen, Glossarerstellung, glossary, financial translation, stock exchange, fx market, Devisenmarkt, IFRS, IAS, IFRIC, IPSAS. See less.