Translation glossary: español/inglés - diario

Showing entries 1-42 of 42
acercamiento a la historia personalgetting in touch with one\'s personal story (life, circumstances) 
espagnol vers anglais
achéblessings, all the best 
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altas y bajasadmissions and discharges (entries and discharges) 
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Alumbrado normal, emergencia y fuerzaNormal cabling, emergency and power 
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apuntar (in this context)call attention to, accuse, hold responsible, point to them as responsible for 
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área de la olla 2area for pot 2, pot 2 area 
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como uno en Jesús y MaríaAs one in Jesus and Mary, United in Jesus and Mary 
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concepto mediostandard way of thinking 
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contrarreformacounter reform 
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corresponde arefer to, have to do with, relate to 
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crema chispeantesparkling cream 
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cubriciónboarding up of; securing of gate; covering of... 
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cursarse por escritomust be in writing 
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direccion de negocio liberalizado españaSpanish Administration of Deregulated Business o direction of deregulated business in Spain 
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distribuidorReceiving area, foyer/vestibule/entrance hall 
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en voz baja o en voz altasoftly or loudly, quietly or out loud 
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guaguabus for Cuba 
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hábitos apreciativoshabits of appreciation, valuation 
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huella de umbraltread, tire or track marks 
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Irrumpe (en la fiesta)bursts into, breaks into, erupts into (the party) 
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La rebeldía es parte del placer de todo creativoRebelliousness is part of the enjoyment (kick) of all creative... 
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labor de documentacióndocumentation effort, work of documentation 
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Lista de DistincionesList of Awards; List of Distinctions 
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Logro de dominio independiente de funcionesachievement of an independent control of functions or tasks 
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los CCthe citizens/Mr...Ms... 
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no pueden hacer suyas (las oportunidades comerciales)shall not take advantage of (the business opportunities) ver 
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objeto del mismothe operation concerned; the operation which is the subject (object) of same 
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orzadas en las popasluffs in the stern 
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partido unicos policiacosone-party police states 
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patio inglesEnglish style courtyard, garden, patio 
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políticos de distinto pelajepoliticians of a different ilk 
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proceso vivencialexperience-based process 
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prohibiciones legales con respecto al tabacolegal prohibitions against smoking 
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recursos preventivospreventive resources; preventive measures 
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se haya perdido la solución de la dosisinasmuch as the dose solution may have been lost (due to vomiting) 
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siendo infructuoso debido asaid events (efforts) were unsuccessful because of 
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Tiempos garantizadosguaranteed time slots 
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tiene un cable peladohe has a loose screw; he has crossed wires or his wires are crossed 
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Titular del Órgano Superior de FiscalizaciónHead of the Office of the Auditor-in-Chief 
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vanes (debía ser camionetas)vans 
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walk-outexplorar, recorrer a pie 
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ya no cobran caché por colaborarthey no longer charge a fee for participation 
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