Translation glossary: dlpRO-EN

Showing entries 1-47 of 47
Acum e Dreptvorbitoarea Împăratului.Now she is the Emperor’s Wise-speaker. 
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ai vazut un film fain saw a nice film you're saying. 
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am avutI / We had 
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AN INEMA MIA ESTI NUMA TU,TE DORESK DIN TET SUFLETU NUMA PETINE,AN VATA MIAIn my heart is only you, I want you from all my heart, only you in my life. 
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asa-i ca nu ai crezut ca iti voi scrie?you didn't expect me to write you, did you? 
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carcasa de porcpig carcase/carcass 
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chiar as vrea si eu sa vad filmul ala..numitI'd really like to see that film... called 
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Combinatia complexa a fost apoi descompusa in aer prin incalzirea in etuva pana la ~ 350 °C.The complex mixture/solution... 
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cred ca o fi fainI think it'd be nice 
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dar uite ca am facut-obut here we are, I've done it 
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defapt nu scriu euactually is not me who's writing 
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demers parlamentarparliamentary action 
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depou (metrou)depot shed 
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din universul iubirifrom the Love Universe 
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este un prieten de-al meu: Claudiuis a friend of mine: Claudiu 
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fals in inscrisuri sub semnatura privataforgery in deeds by private signature 
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impozite aferente retinute angajatilor, impozite aferente salariilor angajatorulEmployees payroll taxes and employers contributions remittance 
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Institutia duhovnicieiSpiritual parenthood 
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Introduce-ti in casuta alaturata prima si ultima cifra din numarul care apare inFill in the box beside the first and the last digit of the number appearing in... 
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isus-IubesteJesus loves 
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izolarea de agresori a vicimelorseparating the victims from the agressors 
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Jumatate inainte jumatate cand veti primii produsul,altfel nu vreau.Half of the money in advance, half of it when you will get the stuff, otherwise I'm not going for. 
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maine voi pleca la tara si nu cred ca ma voi duce la scoalaTomorrow I'll leave to the countryside and I don't think I'll be going to school. 
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Multe salutari fratilor si surorilor nostri illuminati din toata lumeaMany greetings to all our enlightened brothers and sisters from all over the world 
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pana la refuzuntil taut 
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poate ca atunci cand voi invata asa de bine Romana voi fi capabil sa traducmaybe when I learn so well Romanian I'll be able to translate 
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proiectarebuilding design 
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si eu ibesk taremot anasul meu,an inema mia esti numa tu,mot anasul meu,I love you too very much my kitten, my heart belongs to you alone, my kitten 
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si ne-om vedea cand ma voi intoarceand will see each other when I come back 
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sleb/sleburi (shleb/shleburi)plate slab 
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sper ca ai avut un Craciun fericithope you had a happy Xmas 
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sugi ciorapii cusuck the socks with 
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tagla (tzagla)Billet 
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te iubesc mai mult dect vata,ami trebuesti ca airu,ca te vreu aleturi tete viatI love you more than life, I need you as the air, I want you close to me all the life long. 
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telefon verdetoll free phone number 
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totusi nu cred ca e mai bun ca "Moulin la Rouge"yet I don't think it's better than "Moulin Rouge" 
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traverse bibloc monolitizateTwin-Block Sleepers 
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unitati locativedwelling unit 
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