Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 161 results
Polsko-Angielski Słownik Biologiczny
Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk |
The dictionary contains English translations of Polish terms in the field of broadly understood biology - from biochemistry to ecology. It was prepared by students of Genetics and Experimental Biology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk: Marcin Banacki, Anna Barczak, Kacper Boguszewski, Katarzyna Bryszkowska, Hubert Czyż and Aleksandr... View more
Russian to English Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Glossary / Русско-английский толковый словарь биотехнологических и генноинженерных терминов, with appr. 450 terms in the fields of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics, Genetic Engineering, Bioscience, with extensive explanations in Russian. Based on Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering ... View more
Русско-английский толковый словарь геологических терминов и понятий
Парначев В.П., Вылцан И.А., Танзыбаев М.Г., Рудой А.Н., Котельникова И.В. |
Настоящий словарь представляет собой четвертое издание "Словаря геологических терминов и понятий" (Томск, 1992. – 60 с.1995. – 83 с. 1996. – 85 с.). В него включены термины и по почвоведению в связи с осуществлением на ГГФ дисциплин: "География почв и основы почвоведения", "Методы исследования почв". Знание геологических терминов необходимо и сту... View more
Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms
Collective of authors |
A Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms (The Glossary) (Planning Advisory Service Report 491/492), edited by Michael Davidson and Fay Dolnick, was just that — a collection of terms and words used in all aspects of planning, including land use, architecture, real estate, environment, law, science, economics, government, and engineering... View more
Science glossary (English-English) from the European Space Agency
ESA (European Space Agency) |
English-English glossary of scientific terms from the European Space Agency
Ceci est la troisième version complète du "Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales" mise sur Internet. Elle comporte 31945 articles sur des mots et expressions concernant les animaux, ou en rapport avec les animaux tels leurs écosystèmes (particulièrement la flore méditerranéenne) et leur élevage, et 13618 photos ou dessins.
Glossário Técnico
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas |
Definição de alguns termos técnicos extraídos do Manual Normas Técnicas de Elaboração dos Planos de Gestão Florestal e outra documentação.
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences
Albert C. MacKey M. D. |
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences by Albert C. MacKey M. D.
English-Chineese Atmospheric Sciences Dictionary. 18 031 entries.
Science Dictionary |
The World's Largest Online Science Dictionary. is the most trusted science resource on the internet created for scientists and academics by scientists and academics. Our team of PhD's, Masters students and scientists bring you the most authoritative science dictionary ever created online and is free to use. There are over ... View more
Σκοπός του λεξικού είναι η συγκέντρωση, η επιλογή και η καταγραφή των ελληνικών όρων που διέπουν την Επιστήμη της Πληροφόρησης και ταυτόχρονα η απόδοση αυτών στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Επιλογή όρων από συναφείς επιστήμες, όπως Αρχειονομία, Βιβλιοδεσία, Τυπογραφία, Πληροφορική έγινε σε μικρότερη έκταση. Στόχος του λεξικού είναι –έχοντας πάντοτε ως βασικό ... View more
EuroTermBank Consortium |
133 local resources 4 externally linked databases 2 650 976 terms 710 705 entries 221 512 definitions 33 languages; Resources :; IATE (= “Inter-Active Terminology for Europe”); OSTEN The Open Dictionary of Scientific Terminology of the Agricultural Academy in Szczecin; MoBiDic. Subjects: politics, internat... View more
Glossary of Political Science
Thomson Wadsworth |
English-Spanish Glossary of Important Political Science Terms
Meteoterm WMO terminology database
World Meteorological Organization |
METEOTERM is WMO terminology database. It contains specialized terminology in six languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. METEOTERM includes the International Meteorological Vocabulary, the International Glossary of Hydrology, and terms from related sciences that appear in WMO documents.
Dictionnaire des sciences animales
Cirad - Recherche agronomique pour le développement | http://dico-sciences-animales.cirad...
Présentation du dictionnaire des sciences animales Ceci est la troisième version complète du "Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales" mise sur Internet. Elle comporte 30182 articles sur des mots et expressions concernant les animaux, ou en rapport avec les animaux tels leurs écosystèmes (particulièrement la flore méditerranéenne) et leur élevage, et... View more
This is a multilingual glossary of ecological/environmental science terminology. There are twelve source languages and twelve target languages.
EuroTermBank Terminology Search
Tilde, EuroTermBank Consortium |
101 local resources, 4 externally linked databases, 2.3M terms, 625 345 entries, 200 000 definitions, 27 languages The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the... View more
Das Lexikon der Erde
Arislejdy Stolzenberger-Ramirez |
GeoDZ ist das umfassende Referenzwerk rund um unsere Erde. Es verfolgt ein integriertes Konzept und umfasst sämtliche Disziplinen der Geowissenschaften: Geologie, Geografie, Geodäsie, Geophysik, etc. Wir möchten GeoDZ sowohl als Lexikon als auch als Studienführer verstanden wissen. Geo DZ is the profound knowledge ressource for earth ... View more
Около 2000 терминов и акронимов.
Construction deterioration & building durability glossary
by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services |
Issues in materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Article & glossary hosted by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services Environmental loads and construction degradation Please click here to enter the construction deterioration article. Construction deterioration & building durability glossary: Term... View more
materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Issues in materials and construction deterioration: commentary and glossary Article & glossary hosted by A. Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services Environmental loads and construction degradatio... View more
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary is ideal for both medical professionals and anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today's medical news. By avoiding jargon, the dictionary offers concise and easily accessible information for users searching for descriptions of over-the-counter or prescripti... View more
English glossary of terms used in Microfluidics
Searchable glossary of English terms used in Biochemical and Genetic research.
Alphabetical search for meaning of English terms commonly used in Medical Research (I'm not a member, but have noticed a shortage of this type of glossary on the ProZ website). Hope its' ok to submit them.
Dictionnaire Commercial
Académie des Sciences Commerciales | http://www.dictionnaire-commercial....
Commercial Dictionary - DE ENG IT FR SPA
This dictionary aims to provide a one-stop source of information about all medical and scientific terms. It contains terms relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. This dictionary includes acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, pro... View more
The homepage contains several dictionaries related to engineering, economics, linguistic and natural science. All bilingual dictionaries are either in English and Slovenian or German and Slovenian. Other languages are not provided. The Dictionaries on are published as Portable Document Format (pdf) files. To open and... View more
Mycology Glossary
University of Sydney School of Biological Sciences |
Monolingual glossary of terms relating to fungal biology
Periwork Political Science English-French Glossary
Biorom, based on an original idea by P. Hutchinson |
Version 3.0 of the Periwork Political Science Glossary dates from 2001 (with some later additions) and contains a searchable database of about 1900 terms. Can also be consulted thematically. Click on "glossary database" on the left side.
Glossary of Textile Terms
American & Efird |
Multiple glossaries: textile terms, embroidery terms, thread terms, stitch terms, thread science and much more.
UNESCO Thesaurus
(C) UNESCO & University of London Computer Centre |
The UNESCO Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary developed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation which includes subject terms for the following areas of knowledge: education, science, culture, social and human sciences, information and communication, and politics, law and economics. It also includes the names of cou... View more
Life Science Glossary |
In this resource a large amount of biology related information is readily available. It is a glossary of over 3,700 definitions and it is still growing.
Terminología del análisis lítico en Arqueología
Dra. Giovanna Winchkler |
The archaeological object is an observable one, which the archaeologist had to learn how to observe. This observation requires an adequate and precise knowledge of those terms and expressions that constitute such object. I consider in this research that the knowledge of the science is built through the language and the particular ways in which i... View more
MonAKO Glossary
University of Helsinki |
Definitions of central concepts in Translation Studies and possible translations in Finnish, Swedish, German and French.
Can also be downloaded as an .rtf file.
Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology
IF Research Group, University of Montreal |
An English-French dictionary published by IF Research Group (director: Prof. Colin H. Davidson; collaborators: Michel Jullien, Pierre Garneau, and Jean-Jacques Chailloux). Electronic version designed and installed by Dana J. Vanier and Chenhao Chi.) English related terms and expressions glossary of Construction Science and Technology area.
TermSciences - Terminologie scientifique
INIST en association avec le LORIA et l'ATILF |
Termsciences, portail terminologique développé par l’INIST en association avec le LORIA et l’ATILF a pour but de valoriser et de mutualiser les ressources terminologiques (lexiques, dictionnaires, thesaurus) des organismes publics de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur pour aboutir à la constitution d’un référentiel terminologique commun.
Humanitarian and Veterinary Medicine Acronym Dictionary
Marie-Lise Antoun Shams |
cronyms for global information and data resources in health, medical, and veterinary sciences. Linked acronyms point to selected related Web sites. The acronyms and their expansions appear in the languages of origin. This document is frequently updated
Computer science glossary
Dominique Fournier |
computer science glossary
ライフサイエンス辞書プロジェクト/京都大学学術情報メディアセンター |
Extremely useful for E to J and J to E search on medical and (bio)chemistry terms.