Translation Glossaries from the Web

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Greek and Roman Mythology Glossary

anglais (Monolingual)

An illustrated glossary of symbols relating to religion, magick, mysticism, mythology and the occult. Hundreds of symbols, glyphs, signs and emblems illustrated and defined.

anglais (Monolingual)

An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology

Elizabeth Wallis Kraemer, Assistant Professor (Library at Oakland University, Rochester, MI) |

anglais (Monolingual)

Turkish monolingual source on Greek mythology; consist of 2 sections, one with summaries of mythological stories, the other a genealogy of deities with links to relevant stories. Useful source for transliteration problems in this field, as well.

turc (Monolingual)

Info on all major Western art movements; search feature by artist, artwork, location; links to art sites and websites of museums worldwide; plus 3 glossaries: fine arts terms, greek and roman mythology, christian saints. Handy for getting to quick info & facts on artists and art history.

anglais (Monolingual)
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