The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

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1000区切カンマ 1000s separator, thousands place separator
3系助教 Assistant Professor, Group 3
基安化発 Labour Standards Bureau, Industrial Safety and Health Department, Chemical Hazards Control Division
原価外費用 expense excluding cost
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
垂直立ち上げ Full production (can be achieved)...
お悩み解消グッズ troubleshooting goods for parenting
そこでは、地球温暖化を人為的に加速させている亜酸化窒素をはじめとする各種の温室効果ガスの排出削減に向 for the purpose to achieve reduction of emissions of nitrous oxide and other green house gases, whic
そうなるべくして得られた (physically) natural/conceivable consequences
とりあえず for the time being
Entered by: Yuko Fujita
どーっと (suddenly) in a burst
ふっくら soft
ご案内とともに (when you receive the notification)
博老師 "Bo Laoshi" (or less frequently, "Master Bo")
右打席から左打席 From the right to left batter\'s box
同増減なし No increase or decrease from last year/
合わせ建て付けの品質 Quality of joints/fittings
多分割測光 multi-segment metering
外板に施す applied/performed on/for the outer plates
妥当評価率 degree of accuracy
嫡出子 legitimate child
Entered by: seika
実現が得られる (formulas) are realised
実現を持つ to have realization, realization
容難 ease
安心 (安心して) secure
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
対空見張 antiaircraft watching
Entered by: cinefil
小括 summary
上秋(地名) Kandake
Entered by: cinefil
上故銅 \"Quality or first grade\" scrap copper
不死化ヒト肝細胞 Immortal Human Hepatocyte Cell Line
両性 both sexes
中間領域に位置する (which) fall somewhere in between
一升びん Large Japanese Sake bottle (Isshou-bin)
一定配慮して (to give) some consideration to
一般の社員 non managerial staff
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
一般口 common dividend paid at end of the term
一橋大学大学院国際戦略研究科大和証券企業戦略創造講座教授 Daiwa Securities Group Chaired Professor at graduate school of international corporate strategy
一段掘り下げたところ that underlies ...
平均値士標準誤差 Mean plus/minus standard deviation (standard error)
乳幼児期 infancy, childhood
Entered by: Vladyslav Golovaty
年齢的に働き盛り in the prime of one\'s working life
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