The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

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السفور displaying the face, unveiling, unveiling the face
Entered by: Alaa Zeineldine
«النفحات» alms/charity
يَتَقاحَمونَ تَقَاحُمَ القِرَدة they charge (into the fire of Hell) like monkeys
يجزيه خير الجزاء Reward him greatly
وأتي كل ذي حق حقه to give everyone his due
واستقر حكمه its ruling has been settled
نشر الدعوة إلى الله Disseminate/Spread the message or word of/to Allah
نظم التأمينات الاجتماعية social insurance systems
Entered by: Mohamed Salaheldin
مكر الله بعباده بأنه استدراجهم بالنعم please see below
مقاصد الشريعة The purposes of Sharia\'
ما أسكر كثيره فقليله حرام Whatever intoxicates in large quantities, a small quantity of it is forbidden
مذهب School of thought
Entered by: Zeinab Asfour
آية المنافق ثلاث The Signs Of A Hypocrite Are Three..
أخذ في عولمتها it globalized/sought to globalize
أصحاب الخيرية the prominent ones
إذ يمنحه هذه الشهادة يوصيه بتقوي الله giving you this certificate, I advise you to have righteousness (Taqwa)
Entered by: Sarah Hamed
القيام بالواجبات الدينية والشعائر الاسلامية Performing (doing) religious duties and Islamic rites.
Entered by: Morano El-Kholy
اللفظي verbally/synonymsouly
الهيبيسين Hippies
المجلس الملى الإنجيلى Evangelical Confessional Council
التبرج improper dress, display of charm
Entered by: Alaa Zeineldine
التجربة Empiricism
Entered by: Abdelmonem Samir
اختلاف الليل والنهار The alternation of night and day
تلبيس الشيطان The Devil\'s Deception
دفقة الحيوية الإسلامية Islamic resurgence
رئيس إبراشية Head of diocese
"وشاورهم في الأمر" "and consult them in the matter"; advise them on the matter
"أمر بالمعروف و نهي عن منكر" enjoining the good and forbidding the evil
Ahlak Ethics
Akaid Doctrines / Beliefs
AL-ILAH AL-ILAH = “the god;” ALLAH = "God "
Allah Allah
Entered by: hassan zekry
an-nass ruling, edict / will
Bel Hannah wi Schiffa Have a nice meal / enjoy your meal
coran phrases It depends on what kind of phrases you have!
dharur mischief, harm, hurt, injure
Fikh Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh)
gharar ambiguity/uncertainty
Hadith Sayings of the Prophet
Imamat Leadership
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