Freelance translators » bosniaque vers anglais » Autre » Art, artisanat et peinture » Page 1

Below is a list of bosniaque vers anglais traducteurs indépendants spécialisés en Autre: Art, artisanat et peinture. Pour plus de champs de recherche, essayez une recherche avancée en cliquant sur le lien à droite

22 résultats (membres payants de )

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Slobodan Kozarčić
Slobodan Kozarčić
Native in serbe (Variant: Montenegrin ) Native in serbe, bosniaque Native in bosniaque
Еnglish-Serbian translation and subtitling, English, Serbian, Movie subtitling, Movie translation, Филмски преводилац енглески-српски, Преводи с енглеског на српски, Преводи са српског на енглески, Књижевни преводилац енглески-српски, Уметност, ...
Korana Lasić
Korana Lasić
Native in anglais (Variant: British) Native in anglais, serbo-croate/croato-serbe Native in serbo-croate/croato-serbe, serbe Native in serbe, bosniaque Native in bosniaque, croate Native in croate
english, bosnian, serbian, croatian, montenegrin translations, native english speaker, serbian to english, bosnian to english, croatian to english, montenegrin to english, ...
Native in anglais Native in anglais
Croatian to English translation, Bosnian to English translation, Serbian to English translation, Serbo-Croat to English translator, German to English Translation, Croatian to English translator, Bosnian to English translator, Serbian to English translator, German to English translator, ATA-certified, ...
Ashraf Al Saad
Ashraf Al Saad
Native in arabe Native in arabe
Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, ...
Elio Verbanac
Elio Verbanac
Native in croate Native in croate, serbo-croate/croato-serbe Native in serbo-croate/croato-serbe
tourism, travel, finances, business, marketing, transcreation, copy writing, law, social sciences, subtitling, ...
Maria Callebaut-Blagojevic
Maria Callebaut-Blagojevic
Native in français (Variants: Standard-France, Belgian) Native in français
ArrayCinéma, film, TV, théâtre, Publicité / relations publiques, Internet, commerce électronique, Marketing / recherche de marché, ...
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B
Native in serbe Native in serbe, croate Native in croate
technical translation, machinery manual, Croatian, French, German, English, Croatian translation, traduction croate, kroatisch Übersetzung, engineering, ...
Rebeka B. Božović
Rebeka B. Božović
Native in serbe (Variant: Montenegrin ) Native in serbe
english to serbian, serbian native, localization, technology, medical, legal, interpreting, translation, finnish, japanese, ...
Gordana Podvezanec
Gordana Podvezanec
Native in croate Native in croate, slovène Native in slovène
IT, Law, Business, Chemistry, General, Industry, Machines, Civil engineering, Building, Architecture, ...
Vesna Vircburger
Vesna Vircburger
Native in serbe (Variant: Montenegrin ) Native in serbe, serbo-croate/croato-serbe (Variants: Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin) Native in serbo-croate/croato-serbe
BCS, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, English, translation, literature, essay, biography, ...
Pavle Perencevic
Pavle Perencevic
Native in serbe Native in serbe
Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian, law, medicine, business, accounting, science, ...
Dragana Samardžijević
Dragana Samardžijević
Native in serbe Native in serbe, serbo-croate/croato-serbe Native in serbo-croate/croato-serbe
English-Serbian Translator, proofreading, proofreader, Bosnian, Croatian, prevodilac sa engleskog na srpski, prevodilac sa srpskog na engleski, mobile phones, Serbo-Croatian, computers, ...
Sanja Knezevic
Sanja Knezevic
Native in bosniaque Native in bosniaque, serbe Native in serbe
interpreter, translator, consecutive, simultaneous, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English, medical, clinical, ...
Nikola Bijelić, MD, PhD
Nikola Bijelić, MD, PhD
Native in croate Native in croate
Croatian, English, Serbian, Bosnian, translation, translation services, editing, proofreading, TEP, subject matter expert, ...
Native in bosniaque Native in bosniaque, croate Native in croate
medicine, Diabetes, health, cancer, telecom, Haematology, education, business reports, IT, software, ...
Snjezana Blagsic
Snjezana Blagsic
Native in croate Native in croate
croatian, croatia, freelancer, technical documents, translation, technical translation, fast, accurate, IT, computers, ...
Native in croate Native in croate, bosniaque Native in bosniaque
freelance translator, Engineer in Chemical Technology, native Croatian, native Bosnian, technics, Chemistry, IT, computers, software, localization, ...
Dalibor Lekic
Dalibor Lekic
Native in serbe (Variant: Montenegrin ) Native in serbe, bosniaque Native in bosniaque
serbian, bosnian, croatian, computers, technology, software, translation, subtitling, media, multimedia, ...
Madoc Skinner
Madoc Skinner
Native in anglais (Variants: UK, US) Native in anglais, allemand (Variants: Germany, Swiss, Austrian) Native in allemand
German-English, Russian-English, Serbo-Croat-English, Czech-English, legal, marketing, technical, telecommunications, financial, business, ...
Sandra Plavsic
Sandra Plavsic
Native in bosniaque Native in bosniaque, croate Native in croate, serbe Native in serbe
bosnian, serbian, croatian, subtitling, translator, translation, experience, professional, effective, english, ...

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Les traducteurs ainsi que les interprètes permettent la communication entre les cultures en traduisant une langue à une autre. Les traducteurs travaillent avec du texte écrit par opposition à la langue parlée.

La traduction implique plus qu'une simple conversion mot à mot d'une lanque à une autre. Les traducteurs doivent soigneusement comprendre le sujet de tout texte qu'ils traduisent ainsi que les cultures associées aux langues source et cible.

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