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Search results: (34 matches)
Scams Is it legitimate for an agency to ask me for a copy of my passport or birth certificate? Scam? You can obtain an EU Tax Exemption Certificate from the HMRC instead They send it within 5 days following following a
phone call.They just need to know the name of the
company, how much it is and what the sum relates
to. I did this for an agency in Spain an
David Singer Feb 20, 2012
Trados support Trados Freelance 2007: latest translation does not appear as 100% match TM options Thanks Luisa Used translation units = Leave
unchanged Changed translation was Merge then
changed to Overwrite This improved matters i.e.
more green and less yellow but logically shoul
David Singer May 16, 2011
Trados support Trados Freelance 2007: latest translation does not appear as 100% match Using Workbench and Word 2007. I don't understand
why, after I have entered a translation into
segments in usual way, I reopen the saved file the
old rather than new translation is prompte
David Singer May 15, 2011
Money matters Spanish agency insists non payment is due to lack of PO I invoiced £2,500 or thereabouts to a Spanish
agency upon which they confirmed receiot of it at
the start of March. They now tell me today
(payment terms 60-90 days) that they cannot pay
David Singer Apr 12, 2011
Business issues WWYD: Disagree with failed translation test, for third-party client It's about trustworthy assessments at the end of the day Hi Samuel, I know from your discussions in the
past that you are none other than professional,
committed and aspire to the very best proven over
a considerable period of time. I hope
David Singer Mar 13, 2011
Trados support How to access "live ttx file" in 2007 and/or 2009 I have managed to get the file on HD! I used the ftp program you suggested and from
there opened file for editing and it was
automatically placed in an obscure folder within
in a temp folder. Thank you Jerzy! You are a
David Singer Feb 1, 2011
Trados support How to access "live ttx file" in 2007 and/or 2009 ttx file only opens in browser I can open folders of course but as soon as I get
to the file it opens in browser. I am therefore
unable to download. This is new to me. I guess cut
and paste is out of the question.
David Singer Feb 1, 2011
Trados support How to access "live ttx file" in 2007 and/or 2009 The TRADOS ttx file is on a ftp server but I am
unsure how to access it. Not used to live TMs. Any
advice would be gratefully received.
David Singer Feb 1, 2011
Internet for translators Google for words and expressions Not compatible with Wordfast Classic WF has to be disabled in order to use. David Singer Apr 6, 2010
Business issues Translation Workspace / Lionbridge CAT tool Lionbridge? No thanks I remember when a year ago they asked for a 3%
discount (!) and then changed payment terms from
30 to 60 to 90 days in a few months "because of
the recession". Uninspiring glimpse into the
David Singer Mar 8, 2010
Business issues How has the economic crisis influenced the translation market? Major agencies taking the pressure... One major agency asked me to accept a 3% reduction
recently and another has just announced that they
are going to change payment terms from 30 days to
60 days in two stages after demands f
David Singer Sep 15, 2009
General technical issues Browser gets stuck need to restart Windows Vista Starting in Safe Mode did the trick [quote]Shai Nave wrote: Hi David, Have you
tried loading FF in its safe mode? Have you tried
to clean all temporary internet files
(cache)? What version of FF are you using? Did
David Singer Aug 17, 2009
General technical issues Browser gets stuck need to restart Windows Vista My Firefox freezes more and more too... My laptop is one year old (Vista). About a month
ago I noticed Firefox started to freeze (7 times a
day, before never). I've performed all the usual
functions and still in the same place.
David Singer Aug 13, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? Self-regulatory peer support is to be encouraged My recent experience as Kuduz asker, answerer and
observer in Swedish to English suggests that all
participants are a responsible, professional bunch
who seek peer support that is largely
David Singer Jul 30, 2009
Wordfast support Wordfast + WordFinder + Compatability You are right, Ulf! After all that, it seems that you have to close
the translation in Wordfast before you can use an
external dictionary anyway! Shame they didn't say
that earlier rather than well into the s
David Singer Jul 2, 2009
Wordfast support Wordfast + WordFinder + Compatability Perhaps it's a case of needing to learn about keys in wordfast Thanks for comments so far.... I have now
discovered that the file when accessed from Add
Dictionary function in Wordfast is actually called
something different to what is listed when y
David Singer Jul 2, 2009
Wordfast support Wordfast + WordFinder + Compatability I am using trial version of WordFinder 10 with
Nordstedts's Swedish to English dictionary.
However, I can't link to WordFinder via Wordfast
when attempting to selecting it as dictionary. I
David Singer Jul 2, 2009
Translator resources Clean file and TM help needed It's their mistake or problem You made an agreement to take on the job as agreed
i.e. using 'Mark Changes', that's it. They might
have simply made a mistake. If not, refer back to
the original agreement and don't budge
David Singer Mar 25, 2008
Business issues Quality Assurance I meant how did you start building team Thanks for your comment. I was wondering how you
started setting up the team. People on PROZ? Known
colleagues? No need to apologise for English.
Your English is great.
David Singer Feb 15, 2008
Business issues Quality Assurance Thanks. Tatty I appreciate your comments. I could not agree
more regarding second paragraph. I acknowledge my
contribution to the problem and am now aware of
how to avoid problem recurring. An uncomf
David Singer Feb 15, 2008
Business issues Quality Assurance Virtual teams Thanks for sharing your experiences. It is clearly
very important to have the right people who are
fully on board. I was thinking of a couple of
committed people who are motivated initiall
David Singer Feb 14, 2008
Business issues Quality Assurance I really appreciate your support... ...I really appreciate it. I have not yet received
a reply but will let you know what happens
next. Jenny, regarding all these urgent jobs
and the reasons for this, I am certain that th
David Singer Feb 14, 2008
Business issues Quality Assurance Thank you I appreciate your feedback. I spoke wirh a friend
of mine tonight with 20 years experience of
dealing with complaints at a corporation level. He
informed me that we should have been clear
David Singer Feb 14, 2008
Business issues Quality Assurance I was recently rather overzealous. My workload has
in recent months increased quite a bit and I took
on a large translation within a short deadline
that would have stretched the best in th
David Singer Feb 13, 2008
Business issues Confidentiality vs. Privacy Obviously thay have been burned before... it seems anyway. There is no problem with
transmitting ID really although admittedly not
desirable. They have their reasons but do share
your concerns given your obvious professional
David Singer Feb 13, 2008
Language Industry Events & Announcements The London Stammtisch - call for ideas Combination of 30 min presentation & 6 rapid-fire presentations? I am afraid I was one of those people who was a
mile away from last pow-wow but was unable to
attend (I was in middle of crucial business
discussion). However, I strive to attend on a
David Singer Feb 12, 2008
Business issues Proofreading job issues Could not agree more Yvette's reply sums up my own views too. If they
are going down that shakey road of cutting costs
by paying in a cheaper currency and going for
'lower rate' suppliers then allow them to go
David Singer Feb 5, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Writers get writer's block; do you ever get "translator's block"? Same for me Aside from tiredness of course and too many days
in a row without a break. For single word blocks,
I treat the problem like a difficult cryptic
crossword, I allow the problem to incubate a
David Singer Jan 17, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: To how many professional translator associations do you belong? I was looking at this issue two hours ago! It is good to hear how people have benefited from
membership of such organisations yet don't feel
compelled to do so or hindered by not doing so. My
priority is to join PROZ this month as
David Singer Jan 17, 2008
Money matters Bookkeeping and Invoicing Software - UK Bookeeping and Invoicing Software - UK Thank you all for your comments. Very much
appreciated. I will c heck out TO3000 and will
then come back with feedback. Many thanks.
David Singer Jan 16, 2008
Money matters Bookkeeping and Invoicing Software - UK Can anyone recommend a software programme that
allows me to create invoices with logo, convert to
PDF and also includes a simple bookkeeping

[Subject edited by staff or
David Singer Jan 15, 2008
Money matters Payment by Bank Transfer - how to provide information Not as safe as you might think
David Singer Jan 15, 2008 job systems Low-priced jobs posted on In my language combination I am somewhat surprised
by the number of low-paid jobs promoted on PROZ.
Should I be in a position to contract out work I
would certainly be offering twice the r
David Singer Jan 10, 2008
Voiceover URGENT: Need advice on voice-over My novice experience I was asked about a year ago by a translation
agency in Sweden to do a 10 minute company
presentation voice over for DVD and online in
English. I too have a classic British English
David Singer Jan 2, 2008

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