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Search results: (715 matches)
Dutch Ligt het aan mij, of worden de deadlines steeds krapper? ik denk ook dat MT er iets mee te maken heeft Ik denk dat een steeds groter deel gewoon door een
MT wordt gegooid en dat je dan 5.000 tot 10.000
woorden op een dag kunt doen... dat is het 'nieuwe
normaal' in de vertaalwereld, het maak
Edward Vreeburg May 13, 2020
Being independent Your thoughts about a freelancing relationship with a client - are they trying to get rid of me? you're still a freelancer... (ok it sounds more like you have a 0 hour contract
and you need to jump in when they say jump)...
but still: you need to look for better clients....
you cannot simply sit behind your des
Edward Vreeburg May 13, 2020
Translation news The Slator 2020 Language Service Provider Index shows you exactly who is who who makes the most money, who are the bottom
feeders & who thinks translators are commodities
like toilet paper...
Edward Vreeburg Mar 18, 2020
Scams Bank Information Scammers Rosenov Zlatilov - new name - same tricks? 15 K words on EU agricultural reforms? Rosenov
Zlatilov via za 28 sep. 09:19 (2
dagen geleden) A user visited your profile and sent the following
Edward Vreeburg Sep 30, 2019
Dutch Onze toekomst? nieuwe inzichten? Tsja, ik denk dat er steeds meer MTPE bijkomt
omdat er een bepaalde markt voor is. Ook zullen
vertalers zelf steeds meer gebruik maken van MT,
naarmate de kwaliteit verbetert. Voor sommige
Edward Vreeburg May 13, 2019
Money matters Proofreading rates professional quality 0,04 - 0,06 euro / source word for proofing professional quality 0,04 - 0,06 euro / source
word for proofing depending on the content
(technical expert knowlegde required??) 1300
words should normally not take more than 1,5 - 2
Edward Vreeburg Apr 12, 2018
Subtitling Subtitling rates With Danish ?_ come on you should be at 6,50 or higher There are A LOT of bottom feeders in subtitling...
and you should be at 6.50 or higher for
Danish.. otherwise you are just stabbing your
colleagues in the back Ed
Edward Vreeburg Apr 12, 2018
Dutch Beginnend vertaler: hoe kan ik aan opdrachten komen? ...daar moet je dus nooit aan beginnen... [quote]Rekenwonder wrote: Beste, dat hangt
vooral van je tarieven af. Voor welk bedrag per
woord zou jij bijvoorbeeld teksten willen
vertalen? Ik heb namelijk een vertaalservice en
Edward Vreeburg Oct 19, 2017
Business issues Proofreading poorly translated texts I have to do everythig from scratch... in my book that means : I will charge MY normal
translation rate, possibly with a surplus for
good measure... Ed
Edward Vreeburg Jul 17, 2017
Money matters Payment issues, what can you do without losing the customer totally agree with adrejs 2 months delay already souds like they need the
client to pay before thay pay you... later
payment shows their clients are late, and when
they received money they first pay translator
Edward Vreeburg Jun 30, 2017
Business issues Contact the outsourcer by email - do they ever reply? in short - yes they reply if they need you urgently if their regular
translator is not available if your skills match
their needs if their budget matches your
quote - - OH and of course: Late Friday
Edward Vreeburg Jun 30, 2017
Dutch Postediting siemens schijnt intern een goede te hebben het programma is jarenlang intern getraind op de
eigen producten.... maar goed - -voor de rest
is post editing 99 van de 100 keer: blind door GT
gooien en vervolgens door tikgeiten met
Edward Vreeburg Jun 30, 2017
Money matters first time translating; cliente requesting 116 pages in 2 weeks if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, then
it is probbaly a duck. i.e. if you think this
is a scam (why should they choose you, how
come this came in via Linked ,why do they
Edward Vreeburg Jun 23, 2017
Dutch Marktvervuiling vechten tegen de bierkaai mogelijk drukt de concurrent de prijs om de klant
binnen te halen (zal wel niet - er zijn er genoeg
die voor dat soort tarieven werken) ...en het
verhaal van als je peanuts betaalt kri
Edward Vreeburg Jun 21, 2017
Money matters What rates should I charge? basically - what Sheileila said... In this world there are no "beginner translators"
i.e. your translation will be used (perhaps after
a sanity check by a local engineer), but not
reviewed by another translator / proofer.
Edward Vreeburg Jun 21, 2017
Translation news CSOFT - Stepes and mobile interpreting well you get the result you pay for... Rather than fighting against this "new
development" (assuming CSOFT has the power and
the resources to make this a success) I created an
account and had a look at the site, existing
Edward Vreeburg Jun 21, 2017
Interpreting Police needs help - what language do these burglars speak - what are they saying The Dutch police needs some help - - here is a
short clip - what language do these burglars speak
? What are they
Edward Vreeburg Jun 20, 2017
Translation news How a Chief Procurement Officer sees translation ...reduce the cost, at what price?? So anybody with half a mind can say"" If you
double your price and leave it all up to me, guess
how much money you'll save, if you don't have to
worry about the quality and dealing with ne
Edward Vreeburg May 29, 2017
Dutch Ik ben benieuwd hoe de nieuwe ProZ-initiatieven onder Nederlandstalige gebruikers vallen ...ook niet ... Maar wat ik nog veel verontrustender vind, is WAT
gaat Proz doen met die extra gevulde
oorlogskas???.... ( en automatische
verlengingen)... ..en de arrogantie staat me
ook al een b
Edward Vreeburg Feb 10, 2017
Getting established Question about a rate offered do you want fries with that? let's be honest 2000 words a day is pretty OK
for a translator 0,05 although not OK , seems
to be accepted by some translators, depending on
where they live or where that client is l
Edward Vreeburg Feb 4, 2017
French Me "reconvertir" en tant que traducteur indépendant OK I wil do this in English because My French is horiible... Hi Fabien, You seem to be a multi talented
person, but there are a few issues / tips (random
order) 1. Spanish-French and English-French (and
even worse French-Spanish and French-Eng
Edward Vreeburg Nov 29, 2016
Dutch Mogelijkheden voor freelance vertaler in België - Ervaring met Tentoo iets met "mieren"? als je niet wilt werken en geen goede tarieven
hebt, vraag dan lekker een uitkering aan en stop
met klooien - ga lekker filmpies maken op youtube
...msschien wordt je ontdekt bij
Edward Vreeburg Nov 28, 2016
Dutch Ligt het aan mij of is de boot vertrokken? en voila de reden waarom het dweilen met de kraan open is ... ..zolang er nog vertalers zijn die het voor minder
doen, blijven er bedrijven bestaan die NOG minder
bieden... voor gezellig kletspraat is er ook
vertalerskoffiehoek op Facebook, Gent v
Edward Vreeburg Nov 16, 2016
Dutch Onze toekomst? ach het komt voor ... ... het komt voor (zeker bij "eenvoudige" teksten)
dat het een niet-professional is (vrijwilliger,
starter of de (buur)vrouw van..) - als er naast
grammaticale problemen ook nog veel spelf
Edward Vreeburg Nov 16, 2016
Wordfast support WF Pro 3.4.8 Extremely slow what has changed...? ....And you will say nothing..... but there
might have been an update of your windows or OS
version, or the anti-virus or some other
connection software, dictionary software... or
Edward Vreeburg Jul 21, 2016
Money matters [OFF TOPIC] Old pre euro money? more info for German Marks (in
change_dm_euro.html I think most of the coins
have simply expired by now, b
Edward Vreeburg Jul 20, 2016
French Vos conseils pour passer à l'étape supérieure meme par quatre... 0,03 tsk tsk... quelle idee, a 0,09 vous etes
toujours dans les regiones basses
Edward Vreeburg Jul 20, 2016
Money matters [OFF TOPIC] Old pre euro money? It might be well worth looking into the cabinets
for envelopes an piggy banks of old holiday money
from all over Europe from trips you, your parents
or grandparents made in the 70'ties or
Edward Vreeburg Jul 20, 2016
Business issues Rates - Unrealistic Expectations? although rates state around 0,10... a small research by the best russian translator
shows that your colleagues here regularly offer
rates between 0,04 - 0,06 for any job posted on
Proz... So there are a lot of people do no
Edward Vreeburg Jun 20, 2016
Business issues Approaching direct clients - finding the right person in a company Direct clients exist - but what do you have to offer? And what do they need. Larger companies usually
need a lot of languages, so a single working from
home translator is probably not the right option
for them (especially if they have holi
Edward Vreeburg May 28, 2016
Business issues Survey about the translation business. Complete it and win an Amazon Gift Card @Jensen Just say what you want (what you really really
want)... - you are looking for partners you can
take over. I'm surprised you did not ask for
specialists fields and turn over volumes +
Edward Vreeburg May 28, 2016
Dutch Online leverancier zoekt veel Duits-> Nederlands Ik krijg deze week al 4 of 5 aanvragen van een
grote online leverancier voor
productbeschrijvingen van Duits en Engels naar het
Nederlands (jullie hebben hem ook gehad het lijkt
op iet
Edward Vreeburg May 27, 2016
Money matters Notice of late payment pull the plug and nail them to the wall if they are late in payment and they have spend an
enourmous amount of time creating this letter as
an anonymous matter-of-factly excuse for not being
able to pay ( no reserves, no creditc
Edward Vreeburg May 23, 2016
Business issues Who sets the rates? You set your rates, I set my rates the agency promises the client half my rate, and
deducts their own margin from what is left.... so
they cpme to me with 0,08 or less... ...which
means I take the day off and look for bette
Edward Vreeburg May 23, 2016
Business issues Don't these people have diaries? Of course it's urgent If I wanted it tomorrow, I would have contacted
you tomorrow... (and of course they want it ready
yesterday....) So I ask them if it's really
really urgent, and they I promise to do it a
Edward Vreeburg May 23, 2016
Dutch Kwaliteitskwestie probleem 2. Staat jouw naam bij de vertaling? Maak jij
reclame dat deze klant / een bepaalde website /
een brochure / handleiding etc, door jou is
vertaald ?? Zo ja : zelfpromotie weghalen ...
Edward Vreeburg May 17, 2016
Dutch Kwaliteitskwestie contact opnemen met de proofer? Het komt me idd bekend voor... je zou kunnen
proberen om contact op te nemen met de proofer. Ik
heb ook wel eens iets dergelijks aan de hand gehad
en na overleg met in mijn geval de vertal
Edward Vreeburg May 9, 2016
Business issues When Clients Ask for Discounts, Ask Them ... Why? ah well there are discounts... and there are discounts... ... you can tell them that they can pay full price
for this translation and they can have a discount
next time they have a job... (that is the *repeat
business* discount, which is usually
Edward Vreeburg May 9, 2016
Money matters How to evaluate the cost? if you're good.... time it takes to transcribe = 6 x the play time x
rate per hour..., translate (no subttitling,
since this takes a lot more time to spot and
shorten)... so 80 min x6 (or 7 or 8) = 8 h
Edward Vreeburg May 3, 2016
Phrase (formerly Memsource) support Do you accept Memsource jobs? yes, for higher rates as with anything that needs more time, (badly
written orignals, PDFs, etc.) I do charge more for
more labour intensive jobs.... (but the memoQ
option is a good tip!)) Ed
Edward Vreeburg May 3, 2016
Money matters How do you Pitch clients with low rates to Better rates ? indeed - you don't... it's their business model, and they have given it
a lot of though probably (or not)... the only
thing that works is stick to your guns on a Friday
afternoon with 2 hours to the deadline...
Edward Vreeburg Apr 22, 2016
Money matters This is an insult insult or not... I regularly see "offers"at half, 1/3 or even 1/4
of what I normally charge... If we ban all of
those posters I guess we might as well do away
with Proz... I'm sure that despite all compla
Edward Vreeburg Apr 22, 2016
Business issues How to pitch a low-paid project (Lesson No. 1) and more... -> it's a high profile client- - we do anything to
win it... (bend over backwards and find slave rate
translators to boot) -> it's good for your CV
(what, being known as a 0,04 ct tr
Edward Vreeburg Apr 21, 2016
Money matters Job prospects for translators in Australia/USA? finding work... ..your profile suggests you are currently in
Australia... and you might speak/write/understand
German already... So basically the whole world
is open to you! Being in a certain coun
Edward Vreeburg Apr 21, 2016
Getting established How should I organize my CV? you're not applying for a job - you're offering a service.. Eventhough you are hunting for "work", you are not
applying for jobs, so just highlight your
experience in the fields you want to work, even
if that is just "you traveled there", '"this
Edward Vreeburg Apr 18, 2016
Getting established Feasibility of Travel/Tourism Specialization? Tips for getting started? Tourism is low paid... but ranging from 0,04 (don't do it) at and
around 0,08 - 0,10 for tourism sites and hotel
descriptions (probably somewhere in between) -
cherry picking the easy ones and doing lots
Edward Vreeburg Apr 18, 2016
CAT Tools Technical Help software recommendation and the winner is ... there are two types of best software: 1) the
one you personally work best in 2) the one your
clients (agencies) use to send you work ...
Assuming we're talking about CAT tools here
Edward Vreeburg Apr 4, 2016 job systems Staff: Can you do something about the ubiquitous big recruitments for small jobs? ...if there is even a job.... ...and not just a ghost bid to get CV's and info
about possible clients.... I mean that's what a
lot of larger agencies do in times when they don't
have any actual jobs to begin with...
Edward Vreeburg Mar 31, 2016
Dutch Ik ben TRADOS aan het proberen, maar ik kom er niet uit. Trados / SDL-studio .. is zo'n pakket dat je haat of er van houdt...
het kan enorm veel, maar je moet er wel mee om
kunnen gaan.... en ... je moet er best veel tijd
aan besteden om het goed onder de knie te
Edward Vreeburg Mar 13, 2016
Money matters rush jobs, without rush rate.. another rush job - we need it today... I do get a lot of these as well, ...."we need it
today, even late in the evening your time"....
usually only 100-200 words, but you could say this
is a rush job too.... (as a business
Edward Vreeburg Jan 15, 2016

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