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Search results: (11 matches)
Trados support Excel files with macros are not recognized by Trados Dear support and colleagues, I have a great of
xls and xlsx files with several tabs and macros.
When adding those files to SDL 2011 they are
recognized as reference files (scan error). I
Oleg Semerikov Jun 6, 2018
Translation news London's second languages mapped by tube stop Do you know why we can't find Russian as the second speaking language on this map? Do you know why we can't find Russian as the
second speaking language on this map, even though
it is considered that a lot of Russian speaking
immigrants reside in London? It is because<
Oleg Semerikov Nov 13, 2014
Translation news The next big thing you missed: Why eBay, not Google, could save automated translation Before you start following Ebay’s example This is a new attempt to promote machine
translators. Before you start following Ebay’s
example and using machine translation for your
website or marketing documents read our article
Oleg Semerikov Apr 30, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the best investment you have ever made for your business? Project Management application My best investment was to develop our own project
management online system for our team of
translators. It was a rather pricey development,
however now it saves us a lot of time from job
Oleg Semerikov Feb 21, 2014
Trados support How to clean up Trados 2011 files created on another computer We have a lot of xml files, which should be
quickly translated by several translators of our
team in Trados 2011 (translators create sdlxliff
on their own using our setting file). The
Oleg Semerikov Dec 3, 2013
Trados support please help to lock tags in XML in Trados Hello, I have a batch of XML files xliff
version="1.2". I've tried all means to open them
in both Trados 2007 and Studio 2011, so to have
all tags locked. I have created an ini file to
Oleg Semerikov Aug 20, 2013
Russian проверка орфографии в нескольких файлах одновременно смысл есть когда ошибки только в 5
файлах из 100, то легче по
отчету посмотреть в каких
именно файлах и уже их
Oleg Semerikov Jun 18, 2008
Russian проверка орфографии в нескольких файлах одновременно Уважаемые
коллеги, подскажите,
пожалуйста, каким софтом
можно проверять
правописание в нескольких
Oleg Semerikov Jun 18, 2008
Powwows Powwow: Kharkov - Ukraine Oleg Semerikov Большое СПАСИБО
организатору Олегу Р. за
прекрасно организованную
встречу. Было интересно!
Oleg Semerikov May 28, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Kharkov - Ukraine и еще вопрос Уже есть какие-то
конкретные решения по
месту проведения деловой
части и распития пива/кофе?
Может в
Oleg Semerikov May 20, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Kharkov - Ukraine какие вопросы назрели у нас... Список проблем для
обсуждения вроде как уже
утвержден, но хотелось бы
предложить внести на
Oleg Semerikov May 20, 2007

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