Powwow Report for Serbie - Belgrade (Oct 31 2009)

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Report from  Milan Djukić
Powwow 2009 in Belgrade, Serbia

The powwow started on Saturday, October 31st around 4 p.m, in Klub Univerziteta u Beogradu.

This fourth powwow in Belgrade gathered 15 translators, interpreters and other language professionals. The predominant language at the Powwow was Serbian, the usual language combination being SR<>EN. Also represented were Macedonian, French, Italian, etc.

The vast majority of colleagues at the powwow was from Belgrade with one participant from Novi Sad. We were also glad to have one of our Macedonian colleague, one from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of Srpska) and representatives of Continuum agency from Croatia (Belgrade branch) with us at the powwow.

Six identities were verified, attendance was checked for 15 people. Thanks to all who found valuable time to join, with hope that next time there will even more participants.

Some of the issues discussed during the powwow were networking of translators and language professionals, rates, taxes, translation standards, CAT tools, etc, but some of colleagues had a pleasant time talking about their collaboration and work in the past, when there were only printed dictionaries and very few other useful resources for translators and interpreters.

At about 8 p.m powwow ended.

Milan Djukić

Photos from  Milan Djukić

Photos from  Ljiljana Krstic

Photos from  Jasna Gonda

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Ljiljana Krstic
Bogdan Petrovic
Dragan Grbic
Dejan Škrebić
Ivana Mandic
Gabriela Nikolova
Danijela Pejcic
Miomira Brankovic
Dragan Novakovic
Milan Djukić
Jasna Gonda
Mila Djurovic

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Nov 5 '09  Dejan Škrebić: Било је лијепо
Како иначе познајем мали број колега који се заиста баве превођењем, ово је био изузетан догађај за мене. Толико људи са истим занимањима, сличним проблемима и различитим рјешењима. Заиста задовољан. Или: „и други пут“ :)
Nov 3 '09  Jasna Gonda: pleasant company
Since this was the first powwow I attended, I was pleasantly surprised contacts were made so readily. I heard about some interesting sites on the Internet and some weird experiences people are having with some software tools.To make the long story short, powwows are a very good practice and I encourage visting them. Fine company is always pleasant, and talking with people with the same preocupations makes the time pass quickly.
Jasna Gonda
Nov 2 '09  Ljiljana Krstic: effective and cozy
It was a nice shelter from freezing cold -winter has definitely come to Belgrade. Also a nice opportunity for a warm meeting with real people for most of us who spend solitary hours by the computer, especially in view of the ban on meetings that will probably be introduced soon due to the pandemia risks. And the eye-to-eye discussions are better and ore effective
Photoes submitted by Ljiljana Krstic, expecting others\'