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Search results: (405 matches)
Trados support How to export *terms only* from Multiterm 8 data base to an Excel table Hi All, Here is what I am trying to do. I need
a simple Excel table with two columns, the left
column should contain the source term, the right
column - the target term. I have Studio v
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 3, 2011
Trados support Term Recognition problem in Studio 2009 SP3: window does not show source term and termbase name . Jerzy, thank you for your reply! Indeed, I have
also noticed that the problem occurs with longer
termbase entries or names, however, it is not
always practical to change the horizontal
Pavel Tsvetkov May 13, 2011
Trados support Term Recognition problem in Studio 2009 SP3: window does not show source term and termbase name Dear All, This is another of the 'vintage'
Trados problems, which seems to have been around
for an eternity, but for some reason SDL would not
touch it, maybe because it never occurs on
Pavel Tsvetkov May 13, 2011
Trados support Trados 2009 - no 100% match for already translated segments Paul has always been great help Paul from SDL has helped me out on several
occasions when help was urgently needed, so I do
not want to get into any arguments with him :),
but I have to say that I finished work on a
Pavel Tsvetkov May 13, 2011
Trados support Studio 2009: discrepancies in word count Old bug not fixed... Again, this is an old bug with Studio, probably
first reported an year and a half ago (or more),
but Studio programmers have never had the time or
motivation to look into it apparently. Th
Pavel Tsvetkov May 13, 2011
Trados support Fatal error in Java Runtime Environment causes SDL XLIFF Validation Error Dear All, I was working happily on a large (and
urgent) translation project for one of my clients
I would hate to disappoint, when suddenly Studio
2009 crashed, as a result of this
Pavel Tsvetkov May 12, 2011
Trados support Trados 2009 - no 100% match for already translated segments Same here... ... and this has been reported many times on this
forum. It is often the case that I know a segment
has been translated, but Trados simply cannot find
it until I do a manual search.
Pavel Tsvetkov May 9, 2011
Trados support Trados 2008 refuses to analyse Word file saying there are tracked changes, whereas there are none Same problem with Studio 2009, latest build This has happened to me even with the latest build
of Studio 2009 Freelance. SDL employees of
supporters always try to blame the client for
working with a 'badly formatted' Word file (has<
Pavel Tsvetkov Apr 28, 2011
Trados support Scanned PDF File - Do I have to copy this to Word? Spelling Errors Spelling mistakes should be corrected in the OCR
software manually by you - before exporting to
txt. FineReader walks you through the errors and
also magnifies the source for you to see th
Pavel Tsvetkov Apr 10, 2011
Trados support Scanned PDF File - Do I have to copy this to Word? Use FineReader and save target as *.txt The best OCR program on the market is called
FineReader, but never export the recognized text
as a *.doc, because it will be full of formatting
that Trados cannot handle. Instead, export a
Pavel Tsvetkov Apr 9, 2011
Trados support Studio 2009's 'Find and Replace' functionality has serious deficiencies Dear All, I own and have been using Studio 2009
for quite some time now and it is often the case
that I need to utilize the 'Find and Replace'
functionality to locate a phrase and edit
Pavel Tsvetkov Apr 7, 2011
Trados support Is SDL Trados really so good? Trados falls short of expectations I own more than 30 software titles, so I can say I
like software, I like buying it, playing around
with it, making it work for me, discovering the
new options that come with new versions.
Pavel Tsvetkov Apr 7, 2011
Trados support Nasty AutoSuggest Error: parsing "bSafe Operation and Self Assessment (basedb" - Not enough )'s. . Dear George, Thank you for sharing your
thoughts on this one. I have also sent a
complete project to them for examination and have
not heard anything since. AutoSuggest has been
Pavel Tsvetkov Apr 5, 2011
Trados support SDL MultiTerm SP4 (still) not displaying names of TBs properly Thank you, Tapsa! This problem has been around for a long time, and
it is also probably easy to fix from a
programmer's point of view. Hopefully, SDL will
take notice.
Pavel Tsvetkov Apr 1, 2011
Trados support Nasty AutoSuggest Error: parsing "bSafe Operation and Self Assessment (basedb" - Not enough )'s. . Thank you for sharing your opinion, Roy! It has
often been the case that when Trados problems with
Word files have been discussed on this forum,
SDL's apologists start explaining that t
Pavel Tsvetkov Apr 1, 2011
Trados support Aligning translations in Studio 2009 - time to improve this feature! Seconded. Your are absolutely right. Studio 2009 needs to
have its own feature to align translations, but
since it is not really a stand-alone tool (but
rather an upgrade of 2007), you have to use t
Pavel Tsvetkov Mar 31, 2011
Trados support SDL MultiTerm SP4 (still) not displaying names of TBs properly Hi All, I have SDL MultiTerm SP4 - 8.5.339.0
and Windows XP SP3 installed. It has long been
known that v8 of Multiterm has problems with
displaying the longer termbase names in the T
Pavel Tsvetkov Mar 31, 2011
Trados support Nasty AutoSuggest Error: parsing "bSafe Operation and Self Assessment (basedb" - Not enough )'s. Dear All, After successfully surviving
different types of Studio 2009 errors over the
period of the last 12 months, most of them
occurring at the worst time possible (getting word
Pavel Tsvetkov Mar 31, 2011
Trados support SDL Trados Studio 2009: Retaining the list of completed projects and the customer list Exact Directory Location By the way, the exact directory location
is: C:Documents and Settings[User]My
DocumentsSDL Trados StudioProjects where [User]
is the name of the current user in Windows.
Pavel Tsvetkov Feb 5, 2011
Trados support Importance of Context and Source descriptive fields in bilingual TBs for Studio 2009 Thank you! Hi, Roy! Thank you for your post - it has been
very helpful! I will try using the fields to find
out what would work best for me. Kind
regards, Pavel
Pavel Tsvetkov Feb 4, 2011
Trados support Progress On Reported SP3 Issues Standalone Studio 2009 installation should be targeted With multiple updates being released on a
continuous basis - and after 3 service packs -
Studio is gradually becoming more stable and
workable. However, its installation still depends
Pavel Tsvetkov Feb 4, 2011
Trados support Importance of Context and Source descriptive fields in bilingual TBs for Studio 2009 Dear All, I have never bothered to fill in the
different descriptive fields for TB entries in
Studio 2009 (for termbases created using the
bilingual template those are: Subject, Note,
Pavel Tsvetkov Feb 4, 2011
Trados support Are we expecting SDL Trados 2011? Not looking forward to a new version I cannot say I am looking forward to yet another
version of Trados. As usual it will be full of
bugs, unreliable and in need of at least 3 Service
Packs to become 90% stable (the current s
Pavel Tsvetkov Dec 29, 2010
Trados support SDL Trados Studio 2009: Retaining the list of completed projects and the customer list Thank you, Jerzy! I hope you can also provide answers to the
following queries: 1. Is there a file where
client details are kept (client names, emails,
etc.)? 2. May be it will be better to not
Pavel Tsvetkov Dec 29, 2010
Trados support SDL Trados Studio 2009: Retaining the list of completed projects and the customer list I have to reinstall Windows and Trados and I need
some advise as to the following: A. Is there a
way to retain the list of completed projects and
the customer list in the new
Pavel Tsvetkov Dec 27, 2010
Trados support MultiTerm Error: (-2147467261): (null) Alas... Almost three years after I originally started this
topic the problem seems to still exist and SDL
customers are still scratching their heads looking
for a simple solution :(
Pavel Tsvetkov Dec 27, 2010
Déjà Vu support DVX2 will be published soon! Soon... but when? The new version of Deja Vu is long overdue, and I
hope they could provide some more information
regarding the date of its release. It is just a
case of bad Public Relations of an otherw
Pavel Tsvetkov Dec 17, 2010
Trados support SDL XLIFF validation error at line 3634 offset 1635 Repair? Stanislav, Thank you for your prompt
reply. The source file is a Word document. What
exactly do you mean by "Open & Repair"? Where is
the Repair function situated - is it part of
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 29, 2010
Trados support SDL XLIFF validation error at line 3634 offset 1635 This is the full text of the error message: SDL
XLIFF validation error at line 3634 offset 1635:
The key sequence 221' in Keyref fails to refer to
some key. I cannot finalize the tra
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 29, 2010
Trados support Autosuggest dictionary: how to overcome the TM size limit . I tried MikeTrans's suggestion and it works. My
only question is this: how exactly is a 5xTM
statistically better than the TM itself? And if
5000 translation units is actually enough
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 24, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 SP3 reports absurd statistical data Well... While I do agree that this particular bug is not a
show stopper and after 3 Service Packs Studio has
more grave matters to take care of (for example, I
could not start work on my project b
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 23, 2010
Trados support Progress On Reported SP3 Issues Problems with SP3 that still need fixing Here is a short list of the problems I have come
across while working on a lengthy translation,
having installed all updates as of
22.11.2010: 1. While translating in Studio:
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 22, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 SP3 reports absurd statistical data Studio has had its share of problems with
statistical reporting of the translation progress
in the lower right corner of the Editor screen,
but some of them were fixed with the release of<
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 22, 2010
Trados support Term recognition does not work when AutoSuggest is enabled Problem solved! Acting on pure intuition I opened Multiterm and
checked for an update. I have SP3 installed, as
well as the subsequent cumulative update for
Studio, but I was surprised to find out that th
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 21, 2010
Trados support Term recognition does not work when AutoSuggest is enabled All this has been done... Walter, thank you for your suggestion. All this
has been done, of course. I have set up a project,
assigned all the necessary TMs and TBs and was
halfway through translating it (everyth
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 21, 2010
Trados support Term recognition does not work when AutoSuggest is enabled If I understand correctly... ... term recognition should still work even if
AutoSuggest is enabled (and by this I mean to work
separately, showing its own hits in the term
recognition window)? Currently it just say
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 21, 2010
Trados support Term recognition does not work when AutoSuggest is enabled I created my first AutoSuggest dictionary, but
when I started using it, I noticed that term
recognition window remains empty and there are no
red lines above the recognized terms in the so
Pavel Tsvetkov Nov 21, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues Actually, it is a 100% match @Tapsa Thank you for your comment. However,
it is a 100% match - the source segment and the
one found by concordence search are identical -
100% the same, word for word. The concorde
Pavel Tsvetkov Sep 1, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues Another example of [09] Studio does not automatically find/offer 100% TM matches Here is an example of Studio not being able to
find a 100% in the TM - and offering a suggestion
from Google Translate
instead: [url=
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 31, 2010
Trados support Error while converting to Word Document Thank you all! I ran the Tools > Verify [F8] function and found
several problems with tags. Those were not obvious
ones as no visible tags were present in the
segments, however the tag order supposedly h
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 31, 2010
Trados support Error while converting to Word Document SDL Trados Studio 2009 failed in converting the
sdlxliff file to the docx format of the original,
showing the above message. I am running out of
time with this project, so prompt help i
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 31, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues An example of [06] and [16] Dear hhl, I have tried to visualize the problem
as it happens on my machine. The situation is
as follows: the file is in review, I am trying to
add a term; I have highlighted the sou
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 30, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues [17] Floating term recognition window disappears The floating term recognition window tends to
disappear after the addition of a new file to an
already created project with one or more
translated files in it, and the opening of said
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 29, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues [16] Studio changes the location of the cursor in the target segment This, together with the deletion of bigger parts
of the text (not just the highlighted one), is
among the more annoying bugs. When I place the
cursor somewhere in the target text with t
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 29, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues Seconded [quote]prmueller wrote: When I select part of
sentence and then delete it (or simply start
typing), all of the paragraph (i. e. also the
non-selected parts) are deleted. Note: This
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 29, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues [15] Studio needs 2007 Suite Freelance in order to be installed or function Both the installation of the previous version
(2007 Suite Freelance in my case) and the new one
(2009 Studio Freelance Plus) take a long time and
often go wrong, and the fact that Studio c
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 29, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues [14] MultiTerm functionality available from inside Studio is too limited While this cannot probably be qualified as a
"bug", it is an "issue", because even the most
elementary of functions like "delete", "search",
etc. cannot be done from inside Studio and one
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 29, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues [13] Studio falsely informs that a term is already present in the TB while it is not When several TB are attached to a project, but
naturally only one of is set as default and
accepts new entries, and I would like to add a new
term to the default TB, a term that is already
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 29, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues [12] The Preview function is quite slow and unreliable Preview still leaves much to be desired in regards
to its speed and reliability.
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 29, 2010
Trados support 2009 SP2 - experienced issues [11] Studio exports the finished translation in the source language I have contacted SDL support about this, and they
recognized the problem but were not able to
explain or fix it. Sometimes Studio, when
instructed to "Finalize" or "Export the target
Pavel Tsvetkov Aug 29, 2010

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